Daily Joke: 2 Friends Were Playing Golf When They Saw a Funeral Procession
Today's funny story is about two friends who went out golfing. The friends were having a good time when they noticed a funeral procession passing along their golf course.
One morning, two friends decided to go out golfing. As the first friend got ready to begin the game, he looked up and saw a funeral procession moving along the golf course.

Photo: AmoMama
As he noticed the ceremony, he quit what he was doing, dropped his golf club, and took off his hat. He assumed a solemn position and started praying. After the procession passed, he stopped the prayer.
Putting his hat back on, he picked up his club and resumed the game proceedings. The second friend who had been observing the whole show appreciated his friend's touching gesture.
He went on to note that it was nice to see him take time to say a prayer for the deceased the way he did. Hearing this, the man replied to his friend saying, "Well, it's the least I can do. After all, we were married for 35 years."

A photo of two friends out golfing | Photo: Shutterstock
Another joke is about 75-year-old Arthur who had played golf every day since his retirement about 15 years ago. However, one day he walked into his home looking dispirited.
As he entered, he declared to his wife that he would no longer play golf. The older man explained that his eyesight had become so bad that whenever he hits a ball, he could not tell where it went.
Hearing this, his wife felt sorry for her husband and made him a cup of tea. As he settled for his tea, his wife told him to give the game one more try. She persuaded him to take her brother along the next time he was going golfing.
But, the man disagreed and said that her brother was 85, and he wasn't sure he could be much of a helping hand. Still, his wife persisted. She mentioned that her brother had good eyesight.
Arthur finally agreed, and the following day he went to the golf course with his 85-year-old brother-in-law. As they set for the game, Arthur took a mega swing at his ball and asked his in-law if he saw the ball rolling.
The other man boasted about his eyesight and stated that he definitely saw the ball. Arthur then asked him where the ball was, and his in-law replied, "I don't remember."