Daily Joke: Man Warns On How He Became a Victim of a Scam
A regular shopper at Home Depot undergoes a somewhat queer experience. He becomes victim to a clever scam and decides to warn other people to be careful and spread the word amongst their family and friends.
The man recalls that while shopping at Home Depot over the last few months, he was scammed not just once or twice but multiple times and that it was high time he shared his experience with everyone else.

The good-looking girls volunteer to wipe the car's windshield with a rag and Windex. | Photo: Shutterstock
Discussing the scam details further, he reveals that the last couple of months have been very trying for him. Taking a trip down to Home Depot for fetching supplies and other essential items has been nothing less than a trauma.
Thinking back to how he first fell prey to the game, he asked people not to be naïve because if it could happen to him, it can most certainly happen to anyone. So, it's best to know the facts and take precautionary measures.
The scam works rather mysteriously and involves two extremely gorgeous young girls between the ages of 20 and 21 who approach the shoppers while they are busy packing their shopping items and placing them in the car's trunk.
Next, the good-looking girls begin wiping the car's windshield with a rag and Windex, and with their heavy bosoms nearly bulging out of their skimpy T-shirts, it's impossible to keep from looking away.

The girls are so gorgeous that it's impossible not to look at them or refuse them a ride. | Photo: Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio
Finally, when you thank them and proceed to offer a tip, they politely refuse and instead ask you to give them a ride to another Home Depot. They leave you no choice but to agree, and in no time, they are sitting in the backseat of your vehicle.
While you're driving, you'll notice them undressing, and then slowly, one of the girls will climb over from the back seat and crawl all over you, scrutinizing you for a long while, during which the other girl will tactfully steal your wallet and money.
The man recalled the exact dates when his wallet was stolen, starting with June 4, 9, 10, and then twice on the 15th, 20th, and 29th. He was again scammed on July 1, 4, twice on the 8th and 23rd, thrice last Saturday, and would very likely become victimized again on the coming weekend.
Concluding the scam story, the man, once again, repeated his initial warning and asked people to tell their friends and family to be careful. One last piece of advice from the scammed man: Wal-Mart has a sale on wallets, and they are only $2.99.
Indeed, the man warns other people, but he could not help getting scammed himself, and that, too, multiple times!
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Source: Reddit