
Spoiled Rich Boy Mocks Poor Butler, Dad Teaches Him a Lesson – Story of the Day

Comfort Omovre
Aug 26, 2021
07:00 A.M.

A rich man had a son who was unappreciative and felt entitled to everything. He treated his butler with contempt until one day, his father had enough of his rudeness.


When John and Brookes welcomed their tiny son some summers ago, the couple had no idea he would grow to become an entitled and rude teen who had no appreciation for anything he had.

The little boy, Jordan, was born to a wealthy real estate mogul who had little time to spend with his son. For John, ensuring his son had all he needed was the best he could do as a parent.

Jordan was born to a wealthy real estate mogul | Source: Shutterstock

Jordan was born to a wealthy real estate mogul | Source: Shutterstock

While Jordan was still a toddler, his mom, Brookes, died in an accident, leaving him with no one to watch over him except for the many servants in the house.

Jordan barely saw his father. By the time his dad got home from work, he was fast asleep. Before he would wake up the next day, his father would have left the house.


As his only son, John tried to make life comfortable for his son. On his 5th birthday, he bought him a mini-mansion alongside other toys that other kids his age would only dream of.

John felt guilty that he had little time for his son. | Source: Pexels

John felt guilty that he had little time for his son. | Source: Pexels

John felt guilty that he had little time for his son, so to compensate for the guilt, he ensured he gave Jordan the best money he could afford. The little boy was made to do no chores or contribute in any way. Instead, he got whatever he wanted.

As Jordan grew, he became more selfish and arrogant, especially to the help at home. He did not care if his actions caused hurt to those around him; all he cared about was getting enough satisfaction and fun.

When he was 8, he rode on the back of his butler like a horse. Even after the butler, Steven, complained that his back ached from the game, Jordan rudely said, “Horses don’t talk.”

Jordan ordered the cook to make another sandwich immediately. | Source: Pexels

Jordan ordered the cook to make another sandwich immediately. | Source: Pexels

As he grew older, he became more unappreciative; he was never grateful for those who helped make life easier for him. For example, one morning during breakfast, the cook had served him sandwiches, but Jordan claimed it was bad and ordered the cook to make another one immediately.

The cook tried to apologize, but Jordan sharply said, “I need a sandwich, not your apology.” There was no one to correct him and no one to show him how to behave appropriately and courteously.

On his 18th birthday, John got him a brand new sports car, hoping it would excite his young son. That morning, he also had the servant decorate the house, as he planned to thrill his young adult.

Then, he took Jordan outside and pointed to the blue sports car in the garage. Handing him the keys with a smile, John said, “Happy birthday son. Take these keys, this unique car is yours.”

John got his son a brand new sports car on his 18th birthday | Source: Unsplash

John got his son a brand new sports car on his 18th birthday | Source: Unsplash

“Dad I think they sold you a defective car,” Jordan said with a tone of ingratitude. Then, handing his father back the keys, he added, “You can buy me the same car but this time make it green.”

John felt disappointed, but he made no big deal out of it until one day, during breakfast, Jordan made another scene with the butler. In the presence of his father, he berated the butler without any thought that he was just another human deserving respect and kindness.

His father had had enough of his rudeness, so he asked to be left alone with his son. He informed Jordan that he was cutting him off from his financial support until he understood the importance of hard work.

John finally had enough of his son's rudeness | Source: Pexels

John finally had enough of his son's rudeness | Source: Pexels


He told Jordan to bring him a vase he made with his hands, but rather than do this, his arrogant son decided to pay a master artisan to make a vase which he would present to his father.

When he gave the vase to his father, after a close examination, he asked, “Did you make this vase yourself?”

His arrogant son replied with a smile and a tone that mirrored his rudeness, “Sure!”

John dropped the vase, and after it smashed on the floor, he complained that it was not good enough. Disappointed, Jordan returned to the master craftsman and ordered a remake.

Jordan decided to pay a master artisan to make a vase for him | Source: Pexels

Jordan decided to pay a master artisan to make a vase for him | Source: Pexels

Afterward, he took the new vase to his dad and showed it off as his work. Again, his father looked at it carefully and smashed it on the ground. His dad said, “Sorry son, you must try again.”


Jordan was furious at the vase maker. He wondered why his father did not like any of his works. Angry, the craftsman said, “Maybe you should try doing it yourself.” He offered to teach Jordan for free.

For the first time in his life, Jordan was serious about learning the craft. This was the first thing he ever took so seriously. His first try was as expected; it was below par, but he kept doing his best.

Jordan became serious about learning a craft for the first time | Source: Pexels

Jordan became serious about learning a craft for the first time | Source: Pexels

He worked at it all day long until he got something presentable. Finally, he approached his father with his vase, and after a careful look, his father asked him to try again, but as he threw the vase on the floor, Jordan dived after it and caught it.

He said to his father, “No! I spent so much time on this. Do you know how hard it was to make it?


Surprisingly, his father said, “Son, this is the vase I was looking for. “ He dropped it in the cabinet where he kept his awards. He explained that he had been looking for a special vase to teach his son the value of labor.

After that day, Jordan was transformed. Rather than being arrogant, he became helpful and appreciative of all who helped him. He began to treat his servants with respect, and in return, they loved him.

Jordan learned to become appreciative of people and to treat them with respect | Photo: Pexels

Jordan learned to become appreciative of people and to treat them with respect | Photo: Pexels

What lessons can be learned from this story?

  • The value of work. People tend to take things for granted when they did not work for them. Like Jordan, when people invest their time and effort in a task, they become more appreciative and less critical of others.
  • Spending time with family. Jordan would have remained a spoiled brat if his dad had not found the time to observe and mentor him. It is important to create time for family and help them develop.

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This account is inspired by our reader's story but written by a professional writer. All names have been changed to protect identities and ensure privacy. Share your story with us, maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.

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