Sheriff Stops Cunning Lawyer Who Tries to Outsmart Him - Daily Joke
A lawyer on vacation in Texas was driving down a secluded road and ignored a stop sign. He didn't think his disobedience was a big deal until he got pulled over by a sheriff.
Being a renowned lawyer in New York, he believed he was too smart to be arrested by an ordinary Texan sheriff. As the lawyer parked, the uniformed officer demanded his license and registration.

The Sheriff kept asking the lawyer to submit his license. | Photo: Shutterstock
Using his ability to twist situations, the lawyer asked the sheriff why he needed the documents. Already disgusted by the lawyer's stubbornness, the sheriff impatiently explained that he failed to come to a complete stop at the stop sign.
But the lawyer claimed that he slowed down when he saw the sign and no vehicle was behind him. Still, the sheriff argued that he didn't completely stop. He stretched his hands, demanding his license and registration.
However, the intelligent lawyer made a proposal. He told the sheriff that he would release his license and registration and collect his ticket if he could tell him the legal difference between "slow down" and "stop." If he can't, he should be allowed to leave without a ticket.

The lawyer was sure he would outsmart the sheriff. | Photo: Shutterstock
The sheriff agreed that his proposal was fair and asked the lawyer to step out of his car so he could show him the proof he demanded.
And when the lawyer came down, the sheriff pounced on him and continuously hit him with a stick. As the strokes landed on the lawyer's bottom, the sheriff said:
"Do you want me to stop or just slow down?"
A farmer lived in a peaceful rural area. Things went smoothly on his farm, and he was most proud of his chickens, which grew big and healthy. The chickens were his primary source of income.
But a road had been constructed circling his area and soon, the once isolated route became highly busy. As a result, the farmer's chickens were getting killed.
The death rate of the farmer's birds increased daily, and the farmer started becoming concerned. He went to the area's sheriff to lay his complaints, desperate for a fast solution.

The farmer's chickens kept getting killed. | Photo: Shutterstock
When the sheriff heard his explanation, he came up with a solution. He wrote "Slow Down: School Crossing" on a board and instructed some junior officers to mount it in front of the farmer's land.
Sadly, the sign did not work, and more of his chickens met their death. So the sheriff wrote another sign that read: "Slow Down: Children at Play" hoping that the drivers would slow down this time, but the problem persisted.
When the farmer realized that the sheriff couldn't help, he decided to take action into his own hands. Luckily, the farmer's plan worked, and the fast-moving vehicles slowed down at the new sign.
The farmer was excited about his success and called the sheriff to brag. The officer was surprised so he visited the farm to see what the farmer wrote. To his bewilderment, he saw, "Slow Down: Nudist Colony."