Landlord Complains about Spotless Apartment, Says It's 'Filthy' and Wants to Deduct Fees
A landlord was attacked from all directions online when a tenant shared a video that exposed her for her seemingly distasteful and possibly illegal activity.
On Twitter, an individual going by the name Hani or @voteforhani shared a clip of her landlord seemingly inspecting her flat. She acted as though hani, the tenant's flat, was dirty.
Walking around with her phone in the kitchen, the landlord pointed at different kitchen areas, asking the Twitter user to take pictures of what she deemed filthy spaces in the flat. Of course, @voteforhani was not impressed.

A landlord inspecting a flat. | Source: twitter.com/voteforhani
Replying, the tenant said that instead of taking pictures, she would use the video option on her phone and zoom in on anything that the landlord refers or points to. Writing in her Tweet, Hani expressed:
"I hate landlords. Please watch as mine pretends our absolutely spotless flat is filthy."
The landlord gestured to the basin when speaking about supposedly dirty items in the kitchen. She also asked the tenant to clean what looked to be pristine surfaces.
The Twitter user also shared a follow-up video and remarks in her original clip's comment section; the video showed a clean apartment. The tenant complained that the landlord was planning to subtract fees due to the flat being allegedly dirty.
This [no-return policy] was due to one pea in the refrigerator and a piece of paper on the carpet.
However, Hani wrote in a different comment that the landlord had previously commended her and her roommate's cleanliness. The tenant said that the landlord had asked them to remain occupants due to this.
Many empathized with the original poster's anger, with a number of them sharing similar stories. Some provided @voteforhani with guidance; Richard Bond-hart advised that they should make a legal claim:
"Small claims court if they try and withhold money/deposit...I put in a claim with all my proof and won!"
Another landlord, nikosakii, commented that they would never do this to their tenants. The post has gone viral, accumulating around 5,000 retweets and just under 41,000 likes.
Landlords continue making a bad name for themselves as grievances pile up online. Matilda and her altercation with her landlord recently went viral after she leaked the story on TikTok.
She revealed that her landlord did not return the deposit sum amounting to £210 (almost $300) to her and her flatmates at the end of their tenancy. This was due to one pea in the refrigerator and a piece of paper on the carpet, among other minor issues.
A lot of individuals in the comment section also encouraged the TikToker to claim against the landlord. It appears that, with the advent of social media, allegedly crooked landlords may have nowhere to hide.