
Man Cancelled Niece's College Fund Upon Discovering The Notes She's Been Writing For Him

Salwa Nadeem
Sep 20, 2021
04:00 A.M.

How would you react if you spotted a note on your car's windshield while on your way to work? You would be surprised, right? A Redditor revealed that he found a note with an unexpected message and later found out his niece did that. The man canceled her college fee after what she did because the text on the note was unacceptable.


Infertility is a fairly common problem in married couples in the United States. Out of all infertile married couples, 33% can't have babies because the man is infertile, and another 33% can't have children because the woman is infertile. The remaining couples are facing unknown problems that are not allowing them to have children.

When a couple finds out that they can't have children, it shatters their dreams and makes them feel bad about it. Some couples go for surrogacy while others go for adoption. A few of the couples find joy in taking care of their sibling's children like their own. They bond with them, buy them gifts, and even pay for the expenses with their parent's permission.

Worried husband and wife sitting on a bed | Source: Pexels

Worried husband and wife sitting on a bed | Source: Pexels

Children love it when other people buy them gifts, especially when it's their uncle or aunt. They develop a close relationship with them and treat them like friends, which can sometimes be disastrous. Children tend to come up with jokes and pranks that can be offensive to adults. A Reddit user shared a similar story where his niece wrote a message that made him super angry.


Niece's Prank Gone Wrong

A Redditor, Throwra324467, asked the online community if he should cancel his niece's college fund. He mentioned that he and his wife tried to have a child, but they couldn't. He further added that his 16-year-old niece is like a daughter to him, so he decided to pay for his college fee, and his brother and her wife are both pleased about it. However, he lost his cool after discovering that his niece was doing something unacceptable behind his back.

The Redditor continued telling about what had been happening with him recently. He was receiving text messages from someone pretending to be his wife and saying that she's pregnant. He even found some notes on his windshield with the same message.


The person behind these messages was none other than his daughter-like niece, and he found out about it when he visited his brother's house. He found a sign on his car saying "I'm pregnant," and it felt strange to him because no one in his brother's neighborhood knew him.

Note on car's windshield | Source: Pexels

Note on car's windshield | Source: Pexels

It wasn't until his niece's stepmother pointed out that the handwriting looks similar to the girl's writing style. The man's brother called his daughter outside and asked her if she left the sign on her uncle's car. He continued:

"She denied but got nervous and admitted leaving the sign on my windshield as well as sending/leaving letters and texts pretending to be my wife. But didn't have ill intent just did it for laughs."


The man couldn't believe that his niece could joke about such a sensitive topic. He got angry, scolded her, and told her parents that he wouldn't pay her college tuition fee anymore. His brother tried telling him how his decision would affect the girl's future, but the man was adamant about canceling the college fund.

Worried man sitting on sofa | Source: Pexels

Worried man sitting on sofa | Source: Pexels

Other users said it was okay for him to cancel the fund because what she did was wrong. Some Redditors jokingly said that the man could text his niece anonymously saying that she won a scholarship and then tell her that it was a joke to make her feel the same. What do you think about this? Did the man do the right thing?

They Tried To Steal His Dog

Another Redditor asked the online community if it was OK for him to revoke his niece's college fund that has $60,000 in it. He explained how he got to this decision. It started when he was feeding his dog, Jupiter, while his sister and niece visited him.


His niece was watching him feed Jupiter, so she came close and noticed that the bag of dog food said it was vegan. His sister also joined in and started inquiring why he was feeding vegan food to Jupiter. As he had already talked to the vet and the dog's nutritionist, he knew it was OK to feed vegan food to his dog. However, his sister and niece thought it was unethical to make his dog eat vegan food.

Man feeding pet dog | Source: Pexels

Man feeding pet dog | Source: Pexels


When the man went inside the house, he saw that his sister took Jupiter outside the gate. He quickly rushed to stop her from driving away with his dog. His niece and sister both started screaming that he didn't "deserve" to have a dog.

This incident made the man think about his niece's college fund. He realized that he shouldn't pay for her college fee because she and her mother tried to steal his beloved pet. When he told his sister about his decision, she threatened to sue him.

Other Redditors supported the man's decision. They told him that he did the right thing and he could use all that money for his retirement plan. There was no need to feel guilty about what he did. While some users supported the original poster, others bashed him for keeping his dog on a vegan diet. A debate on whether dogs are omnivores or carnivores began in the comments section.

Nephew Invaded His Wife's Privacy

Another Reddit user posted online if he should cancel his older nephew's college fund since he posted a picture of his wife on Instagram. The man mentioned that he and his wife started a college fund for their nephews when they were kids, and that is probably the only money they will get for college from their family.


He was offended when he saw his wife crying after work because of an Instagram post. Upon inquiry, he found out that his nephew had body-shamed his wife by posting her pictures on his Instagram account. He told his brother about his nephew's Instagram post and considered canceling his college fund. On the other hand, the wife said she would feel guilty to do that to a child.

Upset woman looking away | Source: Pexels

Upset woman looking away | Source: Pexels


The Redditor asked other users if it was OK to cancel the college fund since his nephew was invading his wife's privacy. They said it was his money, so he doesn't have to feel bad about it even if he cancels the college fund. Doing so will teach the young boy a lesson that he will remember for the rest of his life.

What do you think about it? Will the man do the right thing by canceling his nephew's college fund? Let us know what's your take on this topic. We'd love to read about your opinion. If you liked this article, you'd also like to read about a girl whose mom thinks she's ugly.

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