
Teacher Goes under the Knife So Her Pupil Won't Become an Orphan — Story of the Day

Sonali Pandey
Sep 28, 2021
08:00 P.M.

A teacher went beyond the norm and went under the knife to save her student from becoming an orphan. Not long after, she was blessed with an unexpected gift.


Nancy Carter was a 28-year-old kindergarten teacher. She was diligent and hardworking and had a sweet disposition. All of her students adored her, and there was not a single kid who refused what Nancy told them. However, her fate had never been kind to her.

God had taken away her husband in a car accident two years after their marriage, and their first child was stillborn. Nancy adored children, but after losing her first child, the doctor told her she would never be able to conceive.

When Nancy received the tragic news, she almost slipped into depression. Later, she decided that she would adopt a child and love that kid as her own, but none of the orphanages accepted her request due to her financial situation.

Nancy became a donor to save her student from becoming an orphan | Photo: Shutterstock

Nancy became a donor to save her student from becoming an orphan | Photo: Shutterstock


Thanks to Nancy’s friend Gina who supported her through the difficult times, she gave her the idea of becoming a kindergarten teacher. Nancy loved the idea and began applying for jobs.

Not long after, she found one, and from that day on, Nancy was much better emotionally. She became sentimental at times when she saw mothers picking up their children from school, but for the most part, she was content to be around children and look after them.

One day, when all the other kids were busy playing, Nancy noticed that one of her students, Eric, seemed very upset. As far as Nancy could remember, Eric had always been a bubbly and happy boy. At first, she thought he was alone because he had fought with his friends. But as time went on, Eric became increasingly agitated.

Worried, one day after the class, Nancy approached him. “Hi, Eric. Is something bothering you? I see you don’t interact with other kids these days.”

Nancy noticed that Eric seemed very upset lately | Photo: Pexels

Nancy noticed that Eric seemed very upset lately | Photo: Pexels


“Nothing like that, miss,” Eric said quietly. “I’m worried about my dad.”

“What happened to your dad, Eric?” Nancy asked, concerned. “Does he need any help?”

“He’s in the hospital. And everyone says he will die.” Eric almost burst into tears. “I don’t want to lose my dad. He is the only one I have.”

“Don’t worry, Eric. Nothing will happen to your dad,” Nancy said, wiping the boy’s tears. “By the way, what about that lady who picks you up from school, Eric? Who is she?”

“She’s Emma,” Eric answered. “She makes food for us and picks me up from school. My mom went to God two years ago, so dad hired her for help. I’m scared my dad will leave me too, and I will be alone.”

Nancy consoled Eric | Photo: Pexels

Nancy consoled Eric | Photo: Pexels


Nancy’s eyes welled up at the boy’s remarks. “It’s okay, Eric. Don’t worry. Nothing will happen to your dad.”

Nancy accompanied Eric home from school that day and discovered that his father, Mr. Wilson, had been in the hospital for a week already.

Emma informed Nancy that Mr. Wilson had nephropathy and renal failure, and he needed a kidney transplant. Sadly, they had been looking for donors for a long time, but they were unable to find one.

Nancy felt terrible for the poor boy, and she couldn’t sleep a wink that night. Even when she went to school the next day, she was concerned about Eric and his dad.

Nancy was worried about Eric and his dad | Photo: Pexels

Nancy was worried about Eric and his dad | Photo: Pexels

“Are you okay, Nancy? You seem a bit disturbed today,” Savannah asked her. She was Nancy’s colleague, and she noticed that Nancy seemed upset.


“Ahh,” Nancy sighed. “I’m worried about this kid named Eric, Savannah. His dad needs an urgent transplant, and they have not been able to find donors. Sadly, the poor kid lost his mother two years ago, and God forbid, if he loses his dad, he’ll be an orphan. He doesn’t have anyone to look after him.”

“That’s really sad,” Savannah said. “But you know what, a few years ago, one of my friends went through something similar. Unfortunately, none of her relatives’ kidneys matched. I couldn’t bear seeing the family in such pain, so I stepped in and donated my kidney. Thankfully, mine was a match.”

After listening to Savannah that day, Nancy got an idea. She decided she’d help Eric out, but she had no idea that decision would change her entire life.

Nancy donated her kidney to Mr. Wilson | Photo: Pexels

Nancy donated her kidney to Mr. Wilson | Photo: Pexels


Nancy went straight to the hospital after school and accomplished all the tests she needed for the transplant. Surprisingly, when the reports came, Nancy turned out to be a perfect match! Soon after, she applied for leave in school, and the transplant was carried out. But that wasn’t the end of it.

After Mr. Wilson was discharged from the hospital, Nancy often visited his home after school and looked after him and Eric. Soon after, she also began to see them on weekends and spent the entire day with them.

As time went on, Nancy no longer felt like she didn’t have a family. She started liking them and wishing she could be a part of their family. Then one day, she was taken aback by what she saw when she arrived at their home.

The whole house was decked out, and the dinner table was exquisitely set. What’s more, Mr. Wilson was standing at the door, holding a bouquet of her favorite flowers in his hands.

Mr. Wilson proposed to Nancy | Photo: Pexels

Mr. Wilson proposed to Nancy | Photo: Pexels


“What’s all of this, Mr. Wilson?” Nancy asked, puzzled.

“Well, it’s just a token of appreciation for everything you’ve done for us so far. I wanted to do something special for you, but I'm sorry I am not so good when it comes to surprises.”

Nancy blushed. “Oh no, Mr. Wilson, it’s okay. Thank you for being so kind. But honestly, I love spending time with Eric and you. I lost my husband a few years ago and have been living alone since then. But I’m very happy now that I’ve met Eric and you.”

“So, would you like to devote all your time to us?” Mr. Wilson said. “Will you continue to look after us and care for us in this manner? Will you MARRY ME?”

Nancy and Mr. Wilson got married and started a family | Photo: Pexels

Nancy and Mr. Wilson got married and started a family | Photo: Pexels


Nancy was shocked. She had started liking Mr. Wilson too, but she was scared to approach him. She was frightened he’d think she was meddling too much in their private lives. But when Mr. Wilson proposed to her, she was so happy that she couldn’t contain her tears. “I don’t know...I mean...”

“Oh, I’m sorry if I made things awkward for you. I thought...” Mr. Wilson began speaking, but Nancy interrupted him.

“No, Mr. Wilson, you didn’t. I like you and Eric too, and I would love to be a part of this family.”

Two months later, Nancy and Mr. Wilson got married, and Eric started calling her mom. Grateful, Nancy thanked God for blessing her with a lovely family, and she and Mr. Wilson adopted a baby girl a year later.

What do you learn from this story?

  • There’s always a reason for everything that happens. Nancy lost her husband and child and ended up as a kindergarten teacher because she was destined to meet Eric and Mr. Wilson and have a family later on.
  • Good deeds are always repaid with goodness. Nancy helped Eric and his dad without expecting anything in return, and later God blessed her with a beautiful family.

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This account is inspired by our reader’s story but written by a professional writer. All names have been changed to protect identities and ensure privacy. Share your story with us, maybe it will change someone’s life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.

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