
Humpbacked Man Desperately Falls in Love with Rich Beauty and Proposes to Her — Story of the Day

Sonali Pandey
Oct 07, 2021
05:30 A.M.

Emily refused to marry Dave because he was hunchbacked, and everyone mocked him for his appearance. However, while walking to her room one night, Emily overheard Dave talking about her, and his words changed her mind.


Emily was always beautiful. She was this pretty girl in kindergarten who drew the attention of all the mothers who came to pick up their children from school, and as she grew older, her beauty enhanced even more. However, after growing up, Emily’s beauty became a source of her problems too.

Unfortunately, when she enrolled in college, there had been several incidents where these obsessive lovers had tried to stalk her and follow her everywhere she went. And some of them just crossed the line once and had tried to abduct her just because she turned down a party invite. So, out of concern, George had appointed a bodyguard for his beloved daughter.

Emily's bodyguard proposed to her | Photo: Shutterstock

Emily's bodyguard proposed to her | Photo: Shutterstock

Emily’s bodyguard Dave was a sweet and generous man. However, he had a hump on his back, and that’s the reason why people always pushed him away. Some even mocked Emily for being beautiful and still having an ugly bodyguard around her, but Emily always defended Dave.


As time went on, Dave developed feelings for Emily, and soon those feelings converted to love. Dave gathered courage and confessed his feelings to Emily, but Emily said she couldn’t accept the proposal. Dave was perplexed.

“But what’s wrong, Emily? I know you like me too!” Dave panicked.

“I do, Dave. I never said I didn't like you, but...”

“But what, Emily? Did someone say something, or did I hurt you unintentionally? What’s the matter?” Dave asked.

Emily rejected Dave | Photo: Pexels

Emily rejected Dave | Photo: Pexels

“You didn’t do anything, Dave. It’s not your fault. It’s just that … I mean, I don’t know how to put it across, but we can’t be together.”


“But why? Is it...” Before Dave could say anything, Emily interrupted him.

“See, Dave. I’ll be honest with you. I know you love me and care for me, but I have to think about my entire life. I can’t go around defending you when people look down upon you for your looks. Plus, I know that when they compare me to you, you feel bad. So, I believe it is best for us if we never discuss it again.”

Dave was heartbroken. He was well aware that his hunchback was the source of ridicule, but he had not expected Emily to reject him because of his appearance. Unfortunately, that’s not where Dave’s problems ended.

George almost lashed out at Dave | Photo: Pexels

George almost lashed out at Dave | Photo: Pexels

That evening, George almost lashed out at Dave for proposing to his daughter. “How dare you, Dave? How did you even dare to propose to Emily?”


“I love her, sir,” Dave declared emphatically, “and I don’t see anything wrong with that.”

“LOVE?” George burst out laughing. “Dave, that sounds good between people of the same caliber. You are neither rich nor good-looking. What makes you think my daughter will marry you?”

“She likes me too, sir,” Dave replied quietly. “But she’s afraid people will judge her because of my appearance.”

“Well, there’s nothing wrong with the way she thinks! Everyone knows you’re not quite appealing to look at,” George mocked him.

Dave felt terrible when he was mocked for his appearance | Photo: Pexels

Dave felt terrible when he was mocked for his appearance | Photo: Pexels

“I don’t give a damn what other people think, sir. All I care about is Emily. It’s fine if she doesn’t want to marry me because of my appearance. I respect her decisions because I love her, and I hope she understands that. In any case, I’ll be there for her whenever she needs me,” Dave said.


“Well, that you’ll have to,” George smirked. “You are, after all, paid to be her bodyguard.”

Emily was right outside the room while they were having this conversation. She overheard Dave expressing his support for her decision, despite the fact that she had turned him down due to his appearance. When Dave said he’d do anything for her, her eyes welled up. And that evening, Emily realized how wrong she had been.

“I’m sorry for hurting you, Dave,” she said the next day as they drove back from her college. “I was thinking about us, and while I’m not sure I’m ready for marriage, I don’t mind dating you. How about we go out for dinner tonight?”

Emily indirectly proposed to Dave | Photo: Pexels

Emily indirectly proposed to Dave | Photo: Pexels

Dave was stunned. “What? Are you serious?”


“Yes, Dave!” Emily smiled. “But if you ever make me cry again, you’re so dead! You know I heard you talking to dad yesterday, and I couldn’t stop sobbing when I came to my room.”

“But Emily, are you sure? What about your parents? I don’t want you to make any decisions in haste. Take your time.”

“I’m not making any decision in haste, Dave. And I know my parents, so don’t worry,” Emily assured him. “Anyway, see you for dinner tonight!”

Dave and Emily started dating | Photo: Pexels

Dave and Emily started dating | Photo: Pexels

From that day on, Emily and Dave started dating. And with time, she realized that Dave was the best partner she could have chosen for herself.

He was loving, caring, and most importantly, he always supported her and never left her side. When George lashed out at Emily after discovering she was dating Dave, he told Emily he’d back out of the relationship if it was too much trouble for her. But Emily supported him and said she’d be by his side forever too.


Soon after, Emily graduated from college and married Dave. Initially, her parents objected to their relationship, but they finally accepted it when they saw how Dave looked after her. Soon, Dave joined Emily’s dad in his business after much reluctance and an almost chaotic scene at their house where Gorge lashed out at him because Dave didn’t want to take any favors from him.

However, in the end, everything worked out, and a year after their wedding, Dave and Emily welcomed a beautiful baby girl.

What can we learn from this story?

  • Stop relying on what others say about a person. Emily listened to what others had to say about Dave and, for a brief moment, she, too, looked down on him due to his hunchback.
  • The beauty of a person isn’t just about appearance. Dave is a brilliant example of this.

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This account is inspired by our reader’s story and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone’s life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com

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