Parents Adopt 'Orphan' but When She Learns to Speak English They Discover She Was Abducted
American parents who yearned to contribute their quota to the world by adopting an orphan ended up exposing a child-trafficking ring following a shocking discovery.
For Jessica and Adam Davis, adoption was more than adding one more child to their brood. It was a way of making the world a better place, at least for one helpless child.
Hence, they felt their world almost shatter when they learned the shocking truth behind their adopted daughter, Namata, almost two years after joining the family.

A picture of Jessica and Adam Davis with their family | Photo: twitter.com/CNN
After welcoming four children, the kind-hearted couple decided it was time to make that difference in the world. Hence, they resolved to open their home to an orphan, to give her a new life.
After much consideration, the pair concluded international adoption would better suit their goal, as some of the poorest countries in the world had the highest number of orphans lacking basic necessities. Jessica explained:
“For us, adopting was about sharing our abundance, our family, love, and home, with a child who lacked these basic necessities.”
Their search led them to Uganda, in Africa. After several formalities, months of documentations, and expelling thousands of dollars, they finally met six-year-old Namata. The two gladly welcomed her into the family, with their four other kids glad to have a new sister.
One challenge the family faced at first was the language barrier. However, the youngster was able to grasp the English language in no time, becoming able to communicate with her new family better. But with the new milestone came millions of untold secrets.
Namata began disclosing things to her new parents that were different from the information provided by the adoption agency. Jessica and Adam were horrified to learn that the little girl, who had been with them for over a year by then, was no orphan.
In fact, she had a real family who loved and cared for her. Upon investigating further, the couple realized Namata’s mom was tricked into giving her up for adoption.
It was discovered that the agency approached the girl’s mom, saying an overseas family wanted to take Namata abroad and sponsor her education.
The unsuspecting woman believed the family would only educate her child and return her in a few years as part of a relief program. Little did she know she was signing away her parental rights, only for her daughter to be sold for $21,000 to an unsuspecting family. Jessica divulged:
“It has been heartbreaking for me to realize that so beautiful and pure an act can be tainted with such evil.”
Jessica and her husband immediately began the process to reunite Namata with her mom in Uganda. They convinced the four other kids to maintain smiling faces as they bid the girl their final farewells to make the ordeal more bearable for her.
Adam made the miles-long trip with the little girl, capturing every step of the journey in a touching video so his wife could witness the process.
Upon seeing her daughter again, Namata’s mom was overwhelmed with joy as she scooped the girl up in a deep embrace.
The joy radiating from the mother-daughter duo left Jessica convinced she had done the right thing. Since the experience, the couple has embraced a cause to fight for families being torn apart by such injustice.

A woman filling out adoption forms | Pexels
Owing to their unrelenting efforts, the United States government has clamped down on a handful of adoption agencies suspected of engaging in this structured child trafficking in the guise of international adoption.