Abandoned & hurt Golden Retriever freezing on the roadside meets a kind lady | YouTube/PawMeow
Abandoned & hurt Golden Retriever freezing on the roadside meets a kind lady | YouTube/PawMeow

Abandoned by Owner, Golden Retriever Was Shivering in Ice and Snow, Later Met a Kind Couple

Rita Kumar
Feb 04, 2022
01:00 A.M.

While heading towards the grocery store on a snowy night, a couple spots a helpless dog on the roadside, buried in snow and shivering in pain.


Looking down from their home atop the mountainous and snowy terrain in Bulgaria, Stoyan pitied the stray animals stranded out in the cold. And just as he made his way to the nearest grocery store, he saw a shivering little dog blanketed in snow.

He immediately hurried home to grab a warm blanket and call his wife Dessy for help. But when he returned, the sight literally made him teary-eyed.

Helpless & freezing dog is stranded in the snow | Source: YouTube/PawMeow

Helpless & freezing dog is stranded in the snow | Source: YouTube/PawMeow

The poor dog limped down the snowy path with every bit of strength he could. He looked scared, helpless, and abandoned.

It was snowing mercilessly, and everything as far as the eyes could see was capped in white. The dog was restless and let out a painful bark when Stoyan tried to touch him.


The couple realized the dog could’ve hurt his back leg and carefully tried to wrap him in the blanket again. But the frightened dog refused to allow them to grab him.

The frightened dog refused to allow Stoyan to touch him | Source: YouTube/PawMeow

The frightened dog refused to allow Stoyan to touch him | Source: YouTube/PawMeow

Stoyan gently tossed the blanket over the dog and scooped him up. Their car was buried in snow, so he carried the little ball of fur home.

After reaching home, he gently placed the dog on the floor and lifted the blanket to check on him. The snow on his fur had melted, and he was drenched while shivering in front of the room heater.

They could see the emotional scars in his eyes.

Dessy plugged in her hairdryer and blow-dried the dog’s fur while patting him gently so that he didn’t freak out. Due to his painful past, the dog was too exhausted to get up and even look at humanity again.

Dessy blow-dried the dog's wet fur | Source: YouTube/PawMeow

Dessy blow-dried the dog's wet fur | Source: YouTube/PawMeow

Moments later, the pup felt comforted and reassured he was now in safe hands. Dessy tried feeding him some immune stimulant, but the dog refused to eat any.

He looked hungry but wouldn’t eat anything until Dessy tried treating him with sausages. Surprisingly, he seemed to love them and snacked the treat. Dessy thought the dog realized they meant him no harm.

Every time the dog stared at the couple, his eyes were filled with hope and made it evident how he yearned for love and family. But before deciding on what to do with him next, Stoyan and Dessy had another important mission ahead of them—arranging an appointment with their vet.

The couple decided to take the dog to the vet | Source: YouTube/PawMeow

The couple decided to take the dog to the vet | Source: YouTube/PawMeow


After the weather cleared up a bit, the couple took the dog to the vet and back home again. Dessy decided to call him “Koki” and was more than willing to offer him shelter.

Dessy would often lure Koki out in the backyard using chunks of sausages until he found the precise spot to do his business.

Stoyan and Dessy found out that the dog’s previous owners mistreated and abandoned him. They could see the emotional scars in his eyes. After much thought, the couple decided to find someone who’d love him forever.

Stoyan & Dessy could see the pain in the dog's eyes | Source: YouTube/PawMeow

Stoyan & Dessy could see the pain in the dog's eyes | Source: YouTube/PawMeow

With over 14M views on YouTube, Stoyan and Dessy’s video amassed overwhelming responses from commenters, with some of them saying the footage made them cry. YouTuber Shaun wrote:


“This made me cry. Some people are cruel, but then there are people like you who are amazing.”

“Oh, my goodness, as a dog lover, I can’t thank you guys enough for taking this little pup in! So many people just don’t care and will leave them. Much love, much respect, may God bless you! ❤️,” stated TheHemiGuy.

The incredible responses they amassed online urged the couple to update curious people on Koki’s most-awaited future.

Stoyan and Dessy claimed Koki needn’t worry anymore about being mistreated again as they’d found a very kind woman who offered to adopt and take good care of him. They stated that they were thankful to Koki for teaching them how to be better people.

“We should never pass by an animal in need…as we may be his last chance to survive,” they captioned in the viral video.


Stoyan and Dessy call themselves “an ordinary” couple from Bulgaria, but the million hearts they’ve won believe they’re a twosome of some bigger dreams and newer hopes towards humanity.

Check out the incredible progress Koki has shown after being rescued by the kind couple!

If you liked this story, here’s a touching story of a selfless dog who saves her mom’s life & refuses to leave the hospital bed while doctors fight for the woman’s life.

Would you mind sharing your story with us? It might change someone’s life. If you’d like to share your story, please mail it to info@amomama.com.


news.AmoMama.com does not support or promote any kind of violence, self-harm, or abusive behavior. We raise awareness about these issues to help potential victims seek professional counseling and prevent anyone from getting hurt. news.AmoMama.com speaks out against the above mentioned and news.AmoMama.com advocates for a healthy discussion about the instances of violence, abuse, sexual misconduct, animal cruelty, abuse etc. that benefits the victims. We also encourage everyone to report any crime incident they witness as soon as possible.

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