
After Suffering from Rough Plane Landing, Injured Passenger Finds Out His Mom Is Disinheriting Him

Rita Kumar
Apr 23, 2022
08:40 A.M.

The man suffered a rough plane landing and had been bedridden for several days when he got a surprise call from his mother. She told him she was cutting him off her will and gave a disturbing reason that drove a wedge in the family.


A grandmother amassed widespread criticism for calling her bedridden son, who always did his best to care for her, to share a piece of news. Did she call him to check how he was doing? Or was it to encourage him to get better?

Well, she had called him to tell him that she was disinheriting him. The man's daughter, Redditor spaghatta111, was left fuming by the unexpected revelation, so she turned to Reddit's "JUST NO FAMILY" sub to explain why her grandma decided to do this.

Source: Flickr / Michelle Lee

Source: Flickr / Michelle Lee

The Original Poster (OP) and her sister didn't always have positive memories of their grandma. OP's grandma was affluent and spent a lot of money on her grandchildren, but at the end of the day, she would call them "fat spoiled brats" who needed to lose weight.


OP and her sister often flew to their grandma's place for a couple of weeks every summer as kids. But instead of appreciating their company, their granny constantly complained about their weight and ridiculed them for bizarre reasons. Her approach made OP think that she was a negative person.

She explained her reasons, then left everyone speechless by revealing the sole heir of her estate.

However, OP's parents let it slide and often reminded her that her granny only wished the best for them and that she needed to be grateful for everything she gave them. Although it made sense, things took a different turn when OP's grandma developed a strange fondness for her distant relatives.

OP & her sister didn't always have lovely times with their grandma. | Source: Pexels

OP & her sister didn't always have lovely times with their grandma. | Source: Pexels


OP's family included several distant cousins and relatives she barely met, and she noticed her grandma preferred those who were furthest from her. Although OP's dad was very close to her grandma, she ignored him and constantly bragged about her distant relatives, most specifically her other son.

For decades, OP's uncle left her grandma unsupervised and on her own accord. Though he called her and often visited her, he never took any extra effort to live near her or look into her issues.

In OP's grandma's opinion, her uncle's family was the most accomplished, though she barely knew them personally. And whenever she talked to them, she never had a good word about OP's dad and his family.

With such things prevailing, the biggest blow arrived when OP's dad moved to the states to take care of her in person.

OP's dad moved to the states to care for his mom. | Source: Pexels

OP's dad moved to the states to care for his mom. | Source: Pexels


OP's grandma was 75, and since old age took a toll on her well-being, OP's dad decided it was best to be closer to her and tend to her needs. The family moved in and were overly involved with the grandma. However, none of their efforts were appreciated.

For instance, when OP visited her after she'd undergone surgery, she grumbled about how OP's sister would lose her husband because of her obesity.

The grandma's attitude never changed a bit but only worsened with time. She often got into altercations with OP's dad for no apparent reason and stirred drama in front of guests attending family gatherings. However, OP's dad kept calm, assuming things would get sorted. To his disbelief, the worst scenarios surfaced while one incident outdid everything.

The grandma developed health issues at 75, prompting OP's dad to provide in-depth care. | Source: Unsplash

The grandma developed health issues at 75, prompting OP's dad to provide in-depth care. | Source: Unsplash


A year later, the grandma developed severe health issues and wanted to move to a care facility, so OP's dad took it upon him to find the best facility for his mom. He did all the legwork and made sure she was comfortable where she relocated. Since she wanted to keep her former home, he handled it for her.

OP's dad honored all of his mom's perspectives and wishes. He never turned his back on her and always had his best foot forward to help her. But months later, a bit of a turbulent time befell him while on a plane that had a rough landing.

Although he survived the impact, he was left with severe chest rashes and an illness that made him bedridden for several days. OP's grandma was fully clued up about the incident and her son's condition, but she decided to double up his agony.

One day, she called him, and instead of encouraging him to good health, she told him she was disinheriting him from her will. She explained her reasons, then left everyone speechless by revealing the sole heir of her estate.

The impact from the plane's rough landing left OP's dad bedridden for several days. | Source: Pexels

The impact from the plane's rough landing left OP's dad bedridden for several days. | Source: Pexels


The grandma condemned OP's dad, saying he'd "always been a bad son" who never cared about her. She then revealed that she was in the process of transferring her assets to his brother, who she claimed was her "better" son. She complained about his childhood and then dragged OP and her sister into it.

She accused OP's sister of being greedy and only reaching out when she wanted her to spend money on her kids. In reality, OP's sister had sent the grandma birthday invites for her children because she wanted her to be a part of her kids' lives.

Meanwhile, the grandma ridiculed OP for ordering the most expensive things on the menu, like the wagyu steak OP ordered at a dinner. OP's dad kept calm over his mom's allegations through all this.

Several months into their ongoing friction with the grandma, OP's family reached out to her to greet her on her birthday. But she never returned any of their calls and voicemails.

While OP's family tried everything to save their relationship with the grandma, she burned bridges by moving closer to OP's uncle without informing them.

OP's grandma ignored all their calls & voicemails. | Source: Pexels

OP's grandma ignored all their calls & voicemails. | Source: Pexels


Around the same time, OP's late grandpa's 100th birthday had arrived. OP's dad called his brother, and after prolonged ignorance, he checked his social media and found he'd blocked him. OP's family never heard back from the uncle. Eventually, it turned out that he disapproved of them and was convinced that they ill-treated his mother.

OP surmised that her uncle had despised them though they endured his mother's antics for decades. She felt clueless about why he even expected them to maintain a relationship with the grandma who basically cut them out of her life.

After reading her post, people felt bad for OP's family and flocked to share their thoughts. Unsurprisingly, some speculated a twist of fate where the granny would come to regret her mistakes.

OP's uncle condemned her dad & the rest of the family for ignoring the grandma. | Source: Pexels

OP's uncle condemned her dad & the rest of the family for ignoring the grandma. | Source: Pexels


"I may get some flak for this, but the saddest thing in your story is that your grandmother didn't die before disinheriting your father, so in the end, you guys had to deal with all that [expletive] for free," stated Redditor HeberMonteiro.

The person added that the granny might have a fallout with OP's uncle someday and would disinherit him or give OP's family what they deserved. User pureimaginatrix shared a similar experience with their grandmother, who left her estate to an uncle who had never played a significant role in her life.

"Before she died, my father did everything for her, took her grocery shopping, took care of her house, you name it, even though he had a brother who also lived nearby," the person said, adding:

"When she died, where did everything go? My uncle, who lived out of state, never visited, never had anything to do with her...And I mean EVERYTHING. Nothing for the grandkids, her 3 other sons, no one. Just that uncle."

A person on Reddit shared how their grandma disinherited their dad from her will. | Source: Unsplash

A person on Reddit shared how their grandma disinherited their dad from her will. | Source: Unsplash


OP claimed that the family was distraught not because they were cut off from her granny's will but because she revealed it for no apparent reason. "She had no reason to tell my father (or anyone) that he was being disinherited. She could have literally taken it to her grave and just let everyone find out later," OP explained.

"It's crazy to think that, only in the last couple of years has everyone else finally verbalized exactly what I was thinking for years," she asserted, assuming her family had finally got an accurate picture of her grandma's intentions. However, only time will tell how OP and her family steered through the dilemma her grandma put them in.

The grandma's untimely declaration of her will shattered OP & her family. | Source: Pexels

The grandma's untimely declaration of her will shattered OP & her family. | Source: Pexels

Questions to Ponder:


Do you think OP's granny should've kept the contents of her will a secret instead of declaring it to the family?

OP claimed that her granny could've kept the identity of her estate's sole beneficiary under wraps until after she passed away. She felt her granny's untimely revelation drove a wedge between the family, causing irreversible damage to their relationship. What are your thoughts on grandparents disclosing the contents of their will to the family before they die?

After what the grandmother did to OP's family concerning their inheritance (or lack thereof), do you think OP's family should rethink their relationship with her?

OP's dad always had his best foot forward to tend to his mom's needs. And when she told him that she was cutting him off her will, he didn't react negatively to her decision. If you were in his shoes, would you still care for your parent even after being cut off from the will after everything you've done for them?

If you liked reading this story, here's one about how a woman who pawned a family heirloom, assuming it was the least expensive in her mom's jewelry collection, ran to retrieve it after learning its story.

All images are for illustration purposes only. Would you mind sharing your story with us? It might inspire & change someone's life. If you'd like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.

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