Flickr / Lars Plougmann
Flickr / Lars Plougmann

Boy Keeps Leaving Bike outside of Home – Father Teaches Him a Lesson by Pretending It Was Stolen

Salwa Nadeem
Apr 29, 2022
06:40 A.M.

When a 9-year-old boy kept leaving his bike outside his house despite his parents telling him to park it in the garage, his father decided to teach him a lesson. He hid the bike and told him someone had stolen it.


The little boy was shattered to know someone had stolen his prized possession. He called his father, crying, and told him that he couldn't find his bike.

On the other hand, his mother had no idea what was going on. When the man told his wife about it, she reacted unexpectedly.

The boy always left his bike outside the house. | Source: Unsplash

The boy always left his bike outside the house. | Source: Unsplash

Redditor stolenbikeaita wrote a detailed post in the "AITA" forum on Reddit about his 9-year-old son who never parked his bike in the garage as instructed after playing with his friends.

The man and his wife always told his son not to leave his bike outside because they feared someone might steal it and they wouldn't be able to trace it.


They also warned the boy that they wouldn't buy him a new bike if he lost this one. He would have to earn his new bike by putting in effort in the form of extra house chores. They told him he would have to regain their trust.

One morning, while the man was leaving for work, he noticed that his son had left the bike outside again. This time, he decided to teach him a lesson.

When his wife discovered that he had hidden the bike, she was furious.

The man saw the bike outside again as he was leaving for work. | Source: Unsplash

The man saw the bike outside again as he was leaving for work. | Source: Unsplash

He picked up the bike, put it in the bottom of his car's trunk, and drove to work with it. He wanted to show his son that his warnings were accurate.

A few hours later, he received a call from his son. He was panicking because he didn't find his bike outside the house. He asked his father if he had seen it when he left for work.


The man lied that the bike was not there in the morning when he left. The boy cried, believing someone had stolen it.

Meanwhile, the man calmed him down and told him they would talk about it once he returned home. However, when he reached home, he brought the bike with him and told his son that he had found it in the nearby park.

He received a call from his son while he was at work. | Source: Unsplash

He received a call from his son while he was at work. | Source: Unsplash

"We got lucky this time, but this won't happen again," the man told his son. The boy was delighted to see his bike and promised his parents that he wouldn't leave it outside again.

"Later that night, my wife was telling me that it was super lucky that I happened to find the bike, and I told her that I had it the whole time and ran through what happened with her," the man revealed.


When his wife discovered that he had hidden the bike, she was furious. She believed he didn't have to make their son suffer to teach him a lesson.

He told his son he found the bike in a nearby park. | Source: Unsplash

He told his son he found the bike in a nearby park. | Source: Unsplash

"Why would you put our son through that? And why wouldn't you at least tell me this dumb plan so I could stop you?" she asked.

He told her it wasn't planned and only decided on the spot, adding he didn't get the chance to tell her because she was sleeping.

He wrote a detailed post on Reddit, asking other users if he was at fault as his wife thought, but itsjustanothergirl believed he didn't do anything wrong.

His wife felt he should have asked her before hiding the bike. | Source: Unsplash

His wife felt he should have asked her before hiding the bike. | Source: Unsplash


"You didn't trash the bike, you didn't throw or give away the bike, you just let your son see the consequences of his actions," she stated.

"An expensive lesson hopefully learned," Redditor Ruarc20 wrote. Meanwhile, vampiratemirajah pointed out that such lessons are essential in life because they make the person more careful.

She believed "awful" things only happen to people once in their life because they learn a lesson from it and stay vigilant. She confessed she feels anxious whenever she thinks about such experiences from her past.

OP posted his story on Reddit to ask other users if he was at fault. | Source: Pexels

OP posted his story on Reddit to ask other users if he was at fault. | Source: Pexels

"I had my bike stolen from the bike rack under the stairs in my small gated complex," Redditor basilobs recalled and he never parked his bike there again. He parked it in front of his apartment's gate on the third floor.


While some Redditors supported the man, others felt he could have done something else to teach his son a lesson. They thought he was too cruel to his 9-year-old boy.

Other Redditors shared their opinions in the comments section. | Source: Pexels

Other Redditors shared their opinions in the comments section. | Source: Pexels

Questions to Ponder:

Do you think the child's mother was right?

The mother thought her husband was cruel to their son because he lied to him and pretended that his bike was stolen. Some Redditors suggested the man should have informed his wife too before hiding it in the trunk, Do you think the man chose the right path to teach his son a lesson? Or do you think his wife was right?

Do you think such eye-opening experiences are crucial in life?


The child immediately learned how important it was to park his bike in the garage after he experienced how it felt to lose it. Most people go through similar experiences when they lose their phone, money, or other precious belongings and realize how important it is to be vigilant. Perhaps, some bad experiences teach us life lessons that we wouldn't learn otherwise. Do you agree?

If you enjoyed reading this story, you might like this one about a man who checked the footage from his hidden camera after realizing someone had stolen his engagement ring from his bedroom.

All images are for illustration purposes only. Would you mind sharing your story with us? It might inspire & change someone's life. If you'd like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.

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