A soldier in an airport | Source: Getty Images
A soldier in an airport | Source: Getty Images

Crying Soldier Is Late for Flight, Staff Tenses as Voice Says, ‘Don’t Let Him Get on the Plane!’ – Story of the Day

Rita Kumar
May 24, 2022
04:30 P.M.

When the staff in an airport spotted Army Captain Tyler Parker seated in the lounge, they approached to inform him that his flight had already arrived. They saw him staring at his phone in tears and then heard someone shout, "DON'T LET HIM GET ON THE PLANE!" Tension brewed, and they immediately called the security.


"Er, I'm sorry, Captain, but I don't think I can permit you to take leave in the middle of a serious conflict," Major Morrison told Captain Tyler Parker. "You are in charge of this base, and we cannot find a replacement so soon."

Tyler could tell that Major Morrison was serious about it. But he kept pestering him to grant him just two days off to visit his pregnant wife, Brittany, who was scheduled for delivery that week. But after being constantly turned down, Tyler began to regret joining the military…

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

Tyler grew up with a passion for the armed forces. When he was a little boy, he often dressed up as a military man for fancy dress competitions, mimicking some of the honorary historical figures. Unsurprisingly, his hunger to join the field was in his blood as his father, Jonathan Parker, was a military retiree.


It was evident why Tyler was impatient to get into one of those camos and serve his nation. His dream came true when his dad enrolled him at the Fork Union Military Academy on his 17th birthday.

"You know, dad…this is my best birthday gift ever!" Tyler exclaimed while Jonathan helped him pack his bags.

"I'm happy for you, son!" his dad proudly said before giving him a teary-eyed goodbye hug at the airport.

For the next several years, Tyler only dreamed of a life on the war field. After graduating, he got into service and was at the peak of his career when he met Brittany…

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

Tyler had gone with his fellow buddies on a field trip, where he met Brittany, who was serving at an orphanage. Her simplicity and broad mind for caring for the needy attracted him, and he instantly knew she was the one.


"Oh, it's unbelievable! Even I love to watch the sunset at the beach. Do you love birdwatching?" Britanny asked Tyler on their first date at a café. Although they started as friends, it was visible to everyone around that they were deeply in love.

One day, Tyler decided to pop the question. He met Britanny during one of his vacations and took her out for dinner. While she took her last sip of wine, she felt a weird object clank in the glass. She blushed when she saw it was a diamond ring!

"Will you marry me?" Tyler dramatically asked Britanny, who enthusiastically said, "Yes!"

They tied the knot with only close family members and friends at a destination wedding. Life was good after that, but they were in the middle of their dreamy life when Tyler got a call to return to service. He was commissioned in a war zone in a different country and had to leave.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash


"I have to go, darling…I know it would take longer, but I promise to return as soon as this is over," Tyler said as he bade goodbye to his wife. "I love you and will miss you more than anything."

That was the last time Britanny ever felt his breath on her skin. Although he was scheduled to return home in a month, there were constant delays due to ongoing conflicts in the warzone he was commissioned. Luckily, his only hope was his cellphone that kept them connected.

One day, he picked up his phone and saw as many as 30 missed calls from Brittany. He began to panic and hoped she was alright. But deep inside, he was worried because Brittany had never called him so many times before.

"Honey, is everything alright? I was on the field…the network here is pretty bad due to dust storm," Tyler explained. "Hon-honey, what's wrong? Why are you not saying anything?"

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


After a brief silence, Britanny revealed that she was pregnant. "I did the test and confirmed it at the hospital today! You're going to be a dad, honey!" Brittany shouted in joy.

Tyler couldn't believe his ears. He was flooded by mixed emotions and wanted to catch the immediate flight home. But he knew it would be impossible to leave in the middle of a critical mission, so he promised Brittany that he would make it before the baby's birth, and he looked forward to it.

"I promise I'll be there with you when our little Miley arrives… I PROMISE!" he assured and kissed her several times on the phone.

Several months passed with Tyler mostly worrying about Brittany and their soon-to-arrive baby. When the month scheduled for the delivery had finally arrived, he was left with no choice but to request a leave.

"You know it's crucial for me…I promised her that I would be there when our child is born," Tyler constantly pleaded with the officer. "I don't want to miss the beautiful moment of seeing my baby for the first time…please, Major."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash


Major Morrison didn't like the idea of letting him go in the middle of a critical mission and constantly refused. But since he had two children in his home country, he could relate to Tyler's pain. So when Brittany went into early labor, and Tyler returned to him to request a leave, he decided to help him. After speaking to his superiors, he permitted Tyler to take just three days off and booked an immediate flight for him.

"Yes, honey, I'm coming! I told you, didn't I? I'm a man of my word…." Tyler told Brittany, who was thrilled to learn he was arriving. "I get it…I get it…please don't worry, hon, I'll be there in another five hours."

Although Brittany was excited, she was worried about last-minute delays and if he would make it on time. But Tyler sounded confident and assured her that he would be there to witness their child's arrival. Little did he know that fate had other plans after a flight staff at the airport approached him.

"I understand, sir. But we can't do anything because the weather was reportedly terrible, so your direct flight has been delayed by six hours," the staff informed. Tyler was shocked because this flight was his only hope of reaching the hospital in time. The next direct flight was 24 hours away, and Brittany would have given birth by then.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash

"Why don't you get it??? I can't miss this flight because I'm on my way to a life-changing event… I must get there!" Tyler fumed at the staff. "Do something, will you???"

The employee excused herself for a while and returned with a piece of relieving news. "Sir, I can book you on another flight, but it's not a straight flight. You will be taking a connecting flight to your final destination.

Tyler sighed some relief and waited impatiently for the announcement of the flight, which was due to arrive in 30 minutes. After half an hour, he boarded the first transit flight to another city. From there, he had to take another connecting flight home.

But there was a problem again after his connecting flight reported an unpredicted delay. At this point, Brittany's labor had already progressed. A nurse helped her call Tyler to inform him that he would unlikely make it on time as his wife was bound to deliver their baby soon.


"Hon-honey, I don't think you can make it," Brittany cried. "You've got four more hours to reach here, and I've already started…."

Tyler couldn't hold back his tears. He noticed a couple of flights landing at the airstrip and wished that one of them would be his transit flight. He rushed to the reception to check but was sent back to the lounge with the same bad news about the unavoidable delay in his flight. Just then, he got a video call from Brittany's number.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash

"Hello, Mr.Parker!" one of the doctors attending to Brittany greeted. "Brit told us about your promise…we hope this would, in some way, help you be a part of this important moment."

Tyler couldn't believe his eyes. Tears gushed down his cheeks as he sat, pressed against the wall in the airport. He stared at his phone screen as his wife began to bawl on the other end.


"I…I'm so sorry, darling…I couldn't keep my promise," Tyler inconsolably cried.

Passersby in the busy airport that evening couldn't help but stare at him and pause to find out what was wrong. For the next couple of hours, he gazed at his phone. Meanwhile, the transit flight he was scheduled for had already arrived and was on the verge of taking off…

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

The airport staff noticed him still sitting in the lounge and rushed to inform him about his connecting flight. "Sir, you'll miss this flight if you don't board it in another five minutes…please hurry this way."

Then they heard someone scream on Tyler's phone: "NO, DON'T LET HIM GET ON THE PLANE! PLEASE STOP! DON'T DO IT!"


The airport personnel was shocked and suspicious, so they immediately called security. "NO, PLEASE, STOP! DON'T TAKE HIM!" they heard someone scream again.

Although the security officers tried to grab Tyler's phone, he didn't give in. He clutched onto it, tears streaming down his face. He fixed his eyes on the screen, watching carefully as his baby arrived into the world.

The airport staff peeped into the phone and became teary-eyed when the doctor lifted the baby and announced, "It's a girl! Congrats, Mr. Parker!"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash

The officers who were there to take Tyler for questioning apologized and got emotional when they realized what was happening. "I knew I couldn't make it on time there, so I didn't want to miss the only chance I had of watching my baby arrive into the world," Tyler explained.


His words touched the personnel, and they patted him on his shoulder and informed him that his scheduled transit flight had already taken off. Moments later, they gave him a free ticket to the next flight to his hometown as a token of apology and to make up for the delay.

A couple of hours later, Tyler happily boarded his flight. He couldn't wait to see his wife and daughter. Tears still gushed down his eyes as he imagined holding his baby in his arms…

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash

After arriving at his destination, Tyler took a taxi to the hospital and rushed to meet Brittany and Miley. He burst into tears like never before after seeing them.

"OH, HONEY! WH-WHERE IS MY BABY? AWWWW, COME HERE, COME TO DADDY!" he shouted in joy after kissing Brittany on her forehead.


Tyler couldn't stop crying as he lifted little Miley. Tears filled his eyes as he kissed her and ran his hand on her delicate cheeks. "She has your nose and my eyes!" he exclaimed.

A couple of days later, Tyler got a call from Major Morrison. He sighed, thinking how quickly time flew by, and answered the phone. He knew it was about his return flight and was prepared for it. But Mr. Morrison had something else to share with him...

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash

"Congratulations, Mr. Parker! I called to inform you that I'd spoken to the Lieutenant Colonel, and he'd like to extend your leave by two weeks!" the officer spoke. "Your return ticket is exactly two weeks from now. Enjoy the rest of your vacation with your family!"


"Th-thank you, sir!" Tyler replied in joy and hugged Brittany and Miley in tears. He was looking forward to making the most of his extended leave to create beautiful memories of his family that he would take back with him.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash

For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash

What can we learn from this story?

  • Everything happens for a reason. Tyler was impatient to meet Brittany, but his flights were delayed due to unavoidable reasons. He was almost arrested, but he got a free flight back home when the staff learned his story. In the end, Tyler was able to watch his baby's arrival, make it home, and also get an extended leave to spend more time with his family.
  • Sometimes, first impressions can be wrong: When the airport personnel heard someone on Tyler's phone shout not to let him board the plane, they called security on him, suspecting him of wrongdoing. However, it turned out that the doctors didn't want him to miss the critical moment of his baby's birth by boarding the flight.
  • Even the littlest help can mean a lot to a person in need. Although Tyler was tied to an important mission in his army base, his Major granted him a break to be there with Brittany during childbirth.

If you liked reading this story, here's one about a single dad who finds a safety pin in his newborn daughter's crib and recalls not seeing it there the previous night.

This account is inspired by our reader's story and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Please share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you want to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.

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