
Mom Yells at Son for Spilling Milkshake in Cafe, Everyone Ignores Them except One Wise Girl — Story of the Day

Monica Otayza
Jun 23, 2022
08:00 A.M.

A mom decided to punish her son after spilling his milkshake while they were at a cafe. She tried to pour hot sauce on his tongue and everybody ignored them except a teenage girl who stood up for the child.


Lillian was a single mother who raised her 10-year-old son Kyle alone. They didn't have a close relationship with one another, as Kyle was afraid of his mother, and she was always in a bad mood.

One day, Lillian took Kyle out to eat at a cafe, so she didn't have to cook dinner. She was exhausted from work and simply wanted to relax.

Lillian took her son Kyle out to eat. | Source: Pexels

Lillian took her son Kyle out to eat. | Source: Pexels

However, while eating her food, Lilian noticed that Kyle wasn't paying attention to his meal and was just playing with his phone. This angered her, and she began to scold him for it.

"Hurry up and eat! I'm going to confiscate your phone if you don't stop playing," she told him. Upon hearing this, Kyle shut his phone down and started to eat.


While he was eating, he accidentally spilled some of his milkshake on his shirt. Lillian, who had grown impatient by that point, yelled at him. "What is wrong with you?! You're like a pig! Go stand in the corner," she ordered. Kyle sighed and walked to the corner of the restaurant, where he faced the wall.

Kyle spilled some milkshake on his shirt, which angered Lillian. | Source: Pexels

Kyle spilled some milkshake on his shirt, which angered Lillian. | Source: Pexels

The entire time, a teenage girl named Evelyn was sitting at another table with her friend, Jenny. She had been listening to Lillian's conversation with her son and was upset at how the mother was treating her own child.

"I really want to intervene," she admitted to Jenny. "I don't think that's any way to treat your child. I feel awful for him."

"It's none of your business, Evelyn. Stay out of it!" Jenny advised.


Even though Jenny told her not to intervene, Evelyn couldn't help it. When Lillian went to the comfort room, Evelyn approached the boy, who was still standing at the corner of the restaurant.

Evelyn couldn't help but listen in on the conversation between Lillian and Kyle. | Source: Pexels

Evelyn couldn't help but listen in on the conversation between Lillian and Kyle. | Source: Pexels

"Are you alright young man? You must be tired. Come sit at our table for a while," she invited. "We have some extra French fries we can share with you."

Kyle looked at Evelyn, and his eyes filled with tears. "My mom might get angry at me if I leave the corner," he whispered.

Evelyn shook her head. "Don't worry. I won't let her do anything to you," Evelyn assured him. With that, Kyle hesitantly walked towards the table, where he breathed a sigh of relief as soon as he sat down.


"Thank you," he told Evelyn. She offered him a plate of French fries, which he started to devour.

Evelyn offered Kyle some French fries while Lillian was in the comfort room. | Source: Pexels

Evelyn offered Kyle some French fries while Lillian was in the comfort room. | Source: Pexels

After a couple of minutes, Lillian came out of the comfort room and was surprised to see Kyle no longer standing in the corner. Her eyes darted around the room and saw him sitting with Evelyn and Jenny.

She held Kyle by the wrist without saying a word and pulled him back to their table. "What is wrong with you?! Didn't I tell you to face the wall?" she yelled, sitting him back down.

"I'm sorry..." Kyle sobbed. "I was tired, and a kind woman offered to have me sit with them while you were at the toilet," he explained.


"I don't care! I told you to stand in the corner. How dare you disobey me? Who taught you to talk to strangers?!" Lillian yelled again, furious. By this point, people inside the restaurant were staring at them. However, no one dared to intervene.

Lillian was furious at Kyle for leaving the corner where she left him. | Source: Pexels

Lillian was furious at Kyle for leaving the corner where she left him. | Source: Pexels

When Kyle didn't answer and continued to cry, Lillian searched the table for something to punish him with. She saw a bottle of hot sauce and started to open the cap.

"If you don't speak now, I'm dropping hot sauce on your tongue!" she threatened him. "Speak, or open your mouth!"

Evelyn couldn't stand what she was seeing and snatched the bottle from Lillian's hand. "That is absolutely NO WAY to treat your child!" she reprimanded Lillian.

Lillian grabbed a bottle of hot sauce from the table while scolding Kyle. | Source: Pexels

Lillian grabbed a bottle of hot sauce from the table while scolding Kyle. | Source: Pexels

Lillian was taken aback by Evelyn's confrontation, as she was so used to people turning a blind eye whenever she tried to reprimand Kyle in public. So when Evelyn threatened to call the cops if she continued treating Kyle poorly, the scared mom apologized. She realized she had gone too far with Kyle and was filled with regret.

"I'm sorry," Lillian told Evelyn. "I've been having the worst year. My husband recently left me to care for our son and my sick mother. I'm exhausted, and I guess I've been taking it out on Kyle," she explained.

"I'm not the one you should apologize to," Evelyn said, gesturing toward Kyle.

Evelyn asked Lillian to apologize to Kyle. | Source: Pexels

Evelyn asked Lillian to apologize to Kyle. | Source: Pexels


Lillian couldn't help but cry after seeing the fear in her son's eyes. She had pushed him away and made him fearful of her. What had become of her? She used to be a loving and nurturing mom. "I'm really sorry, Kyle. I promise I'll be a better mom. I'm sorry for hurting you," she sobbed.

Evelyn felt bad for both Kyle and Lillian's situation. She promised to help Lillian out by visiting Kyle after school, to help him with his homework. She also offered to cook meals for him, which they would eat together.

This relieved Lillian of some of the pressure on her shoulders, and she had more time to rest, allowing her to take better care of Kyle and her bedridden mom, and she was grateful to Evelyn for helping her.

Lillian promised to be a better mom to Kyle. | Source: Pexels

Lillian promised to be a better mom to Kyle. | Source: Pexels


One day, Lillian's mother called Evelyn to approach her bed. She slowly reached out to grab something from under her pillow and tucked it into Evelyn's hands. "I want you to have this," she said.

Evelyn opened the box and saw a pair of gold-plated diamond earrings. She immediately closed the box and shook her head. "I can't take this, ma'am," she said, trying to return the box.

But Lillian's mom once again tucked the box into Evelyn's hands. "Please, keep it. I want you to sell it and get yourself a good education. You are a kind, selfless woman. Make something out of yourself and make your parents proud, okay?" she said.

Lillian's grandmother gave Evelyn gold and diamond earrings. | Source: Pexels

Lillian's grandmother gave Evelyn gold and diamond earrings. | Source: Pexels

"But what about Kyle?" Evelyn asked. "He needs the money just as much as me."


"Don't worry about Kyle. I had an education fund set out for him since he was born. His mom doesn't know because I'm afraid she'd withdraw it. Thank you for helping Kyle and for knocking some sense into my daughter. We will forever be grateful," the old lady revealed.

"It's no problem. We are all humans trying to get through life. We should help each other and look out for each other," Evelyn replied.

What can we learn from this story?

  • We should look out for other people whenever we can. Evelyn made sure to look out for Kyle when it seemed like his own mom was mistreating him. In the end, she was able to help Kyle with his studies and allowed Lillian to have time for herself.
  • You never know what a person is going through behind closed doors. Only when Evelyn reprimanded Lillian did she learn that she was a single mother raising Kyle on top of taking care of her ailing mother. This made her want to help Lillian so she could get back on her feet and have time for herself.

Share this story with your loved ones. It might inspire them and make their day.

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This account is inspired by our reader's story and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.

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