Flickr/Michael Neel
Flickr/Michael Neel

Dad & Stepdad Come to School on Father’s Day, Quarrel until They Learn Kids Mock Their Son – Story of the Day

Sonali Pandey
Jun 28, 2022
04:00 A.M.

On Father's Day, a dad and stepdad visited their son's school and were shocked to learn their kid was being mocked by his classmates. They decided to do something about it but ended up in a tough spot.


Carl lived with his mother, Catherine, and stepfather, Jim, after Catherine divorced his father, Alex, a year ago. Carl adored Jim and Alex and enjoyed spending time with them, but the two men never got along. They fought all the time and never stopped criticizing each other.

Fed up with their constant squabbles, Carl devised a plan to bring them together. On Father's Day, he invited them to his school, hoping they would reconcile, but the two men were unaware that invitations had been sent to both of them.

Carl invited Alex and Jim to his school on Father's Day, hoping they would reconcile. | Source: Pexels

Carl invited Alex and Jim to his school on Father's Day, hoping they would reconcile. | Source: Pexels

On the morning of Father's Day, when Jim and Alex saw each other at Carl's school, they started fighting again.

"How shameless are you, Jim?" Alex mocked him. "Did you come here uninvited? I feel so sorry for you! Though live under the same roof as Carl, he loves me more!" he bragged and showed his invitation card.


Jim flashed him a wicked smile. "I admire your confidence, Alex, but I believe Carl disagrees with you..." He showed his invitation card and Alex frowned.

"I swear, Alex, I love this look on your face!" Jim added, laughing. "Have a good time. I'll go find Carl. I don't want to waste my valuable time arguing with you!"

"YOU WISH, JIM! Let's see who gets to see him first…." With that, both dashed to Carl's classroom but stopped in their tracks when they saw Carl being pinned against the classroom wall by two burly boys. The other kids around them were laughing at Carl.

Alex and Jim started fighting once they spotted each other at Carl's school. | Source: Pexels

Alex and Jim started fighting once they spotted each other at Carl's school. | Source: Pexels

"You're a loser, Carl!" exclaimed the first of the boys who had pinned him against the wall. "How about you go back home and hide under your bed?"


"Please leave me alone!" Carl begged them, teary-eyed. "Why do you guys always gang up against me?"

"That's because you're a coward and a loser just like your dads!" the second boy said. "You've got two dads, but they're freaks just like you, Carl! I saw them a while ago and they were fighting like animals!"


As Jim and Alex heard that, they exchanged an embarrassed glance. "Hey, boys! Leave him!" they shouted in unison and the children dashed out of the classroom. Carl sank to the floor, crying.

When Jim and Alex asked him why the kids were making fun of him, Carl revealed that the two boys holding him up against the wall were his class bullies, John and Peter, who teased him for fun. There was very little he could do about it as they'd warned him that if he complained about them to anyone, they'd tease him more.

Carl's classmates were bullying him for fun. | Source: Pexels

Carl's classmates were bullying him for fun. | Source: Pexels


"Look at these brats!" Alex was enraged. "I'm not going to let them get away with it! I'm going to see their parents right now!"

"You're not going alone, Alex! I'm joining you! Let's show them the power of two dads!" Jim yelled confidently. However, when they saw that John and Peter's dads were muscular men, they were a little terrified.

"Ugh, well, this wasn't something I was expecting!" Jim sighed.

"I know, I know!" Alex spoke up in a whisper. "But we can't back off."

"You're right. I have an idea…."

So Alex and Jim challenged Peter and John's dads to a two-on-two tug of war. The school had arranged a variety of games for the dads and kids to participate in, including tug of war.

Jim and Alex challenged Peter and John's dads to a round of tug of war. | Source: Pexels

Jim and Alex challenged Peter and John's dads to a round of tug of war. | Source: Pexels


As the game began, Jim and Alex were nervous. But Carl cheering for them gave them confidence. "Come on, dads! You have to win this for me! PLEASE!!!"

"Hey Jim," Alex said quietly. "I hate you more than anything, but I need you right now. We have to win this for Carl."

"The feeling's mutual, Alex," Jim said, tightening his grasp on the rope. "I'll hate you even more if we lose this because of you. Let's hope that doesn't happen! Let's do this!"

So the two dads decided to give their best for Carl. "FOR OUR SON!" Alex shouted. "HE'S NOT A LOSER! WE'RE NOT LOSERS!!" And they yanked the rope so hard towards them that the two muscular guys were bewildered.

Finally, Alex and Jim won the match, much to the delight of Alex, leaving the other children and their parents hooting and applauding for them. But that wasn't the end of it.

As they were leaving, Alex and Jim approached the two muscular men and said, "Don't think your kids can do whatever they want with our son and we'll simply let them get away with it! HE'S GOT NOT ONE BUT TWO DADS, ALRIGHT? So next time, tell your kids to watch what they say, okay?"

Carl was proud of Jim and Alex. | Source: Pexels

Carl was proud of Jim and Alex. | Source: Pexels


After the school event, Carl, Jim, and Alex went to a nearby restaurant to celebrate their victory. Carl wouldn't stop talking about how happy he was as he devoured his favorite burger and milkshake.

"You both were so cool today!" he said with a mouthful of food. "I love you both!"

"I had to do this for you, Carl," Jim replied. "After all, you're my son."

"YOU had to do this?" Alex intervened. "WE did it, Jim!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever... as if you'd win without me…."

With that, Alex and Jim began arguing about who put forth the most effort to win. Carl sighed, shaking his head. He did not interrupt them this time or tell them to stop fighting. Instead, he took his lunch, moved to a new table, and enjoyed his food while his dads "enjoyed" their quarrel.

What can we learn from this story?

  • Unfortunately, some people never change. Even after uniting to defend Carl from his bullies, Alex and Jim didn't forget to fight about who put more effort into helping Carl.
  • A true parent would go to any length for their children. While Alex and Jim still have their differences, they love Carl equally and would go above and beyond for him. They are parents to him in the real sense.

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This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone’s life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.

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