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Single Mom-Of-3 Thinks She'll Be Alone Forever, Hears 'I Love You and I Love Your Kids' One Day

Ayesha Muhammad
Jun 29, 2022
05:30 P.M.

A woman sat on the bathroom floor with tears rolling down her face. She thought her life was over, and nobody would ever love her or her three children. But she didn't know at the time that the universe was rewriting her family's story.


In the darkest times, hope and faith give people the strength to keep going. Life is full of surprises, and every moment holds the possibility of something new and exciting. However, staying hopeful for better times, especially when facing hardships, is easier said than done.

Everyone's story is different. We all have distinct timelines, and that's why sometimes, we might have to wait a little longer to become the best possible version of ourselves and meet people who value and love us for who we are. Today's story champions love, hope, faith, renewal, and family.



Carly Beth Webber's life turned out to be completely different from what she had pictured as a 30-year-old. She had had a miscarriage and learned that some of her kids had a variety of special needs. But that wasn't all, and what she found out next pierced her heart.

Carly said she learned her then-husband had been involved in an extra-marital affair for almost a year. The discovery was so sudden that it ambushed her, and she couldn't hold back her emotions.



Carly sat on her bathroom floor, crying her heart out as she tried to absorb the words. A part of her thought it wasn't real, while the other part was in excruciating pain. She had never contemplated divorce, and the mere thought sent shivers down her spine. She recalled:

"The emotional pain of the rejection and the fear of what it meant for my future and the future of my kids was a weight heavier than my broken heart could bear."

Days went by, but Carly's pain only intensified. Some days, she thought the hurt would end her existence, while other days, the betrayal and rejection shattered her heart. As a mother of three kids, she feared for her children's survival and didn't know how to provide them with a safe future.


While she sat down to review her life, Carly said her mind was only flooded with one thought. She recounted:

"I was convinced there was no way anyone would want a divorced, thirty-year-old, single mother of three children and I would be alone forever."



Moreover, Carly felt her life was over and nothing good or worthwhile would ever come her way. She said she had reached a point where she couldn't see beyond the heartache and trauma, and she felt hopeless and lost.

After some time, she managed to pull herself together and moved into a one-bedroom apartment with her children. When she showed her kids around, they asked her where was the rest of the apartment, and all she could say was, "Sorry guys, that's it."

Carly said she started helping other women experiencing similar circumstances by sharing her story and supporting them.



Carly said she had to take two of her children for therapy during the day. Gradually, she began acclimating as a single mother and a special needs mom simultaneously. But she said it wasn't an easy adjustment for her or her kids.

Amidst it all, Carly learned that her ex-husband's mistress had been engaged. The mom-of-three noted how that man helped her and her children and cared for them, even though he didn't owe them anything. She recollected:

"He showed up with groceries. He showed up with moving boxes. He showed up with ice cream. And he showed up with his very own broken heart."



Carly shared that, like her, the man had also lost everything close to his heart. After things went south with his fiancée, he also lost his place in a house fire and was back to rebuilding himself and his new life.

The man continued to show up every day, but one day, he showed up with a pomegranate; Carly said that was her favorite day. She recollected:

"Along with the pomegranate and the chocolate, he brought an entire camping trip. Yes, a camping trip, right there in the living room of my little apartment. A little bit of fun to take the sting out of what was such a painful moment for me and my little broken family."



Carly noted that after setting up the tent and stocking her fridge with the chocolate bars and pomegranates, the man let her and her kids have fun and stepped away. At that moment, she said his humility deeply touched her, and what happened next wasn't hard to guess.

The same woman, who said she had never thought her life could be pleasant or worth living, fell in love with the man who never forgot to show up for her and her children. Six months after giving her the pomegranate, Carly said he gave her a ring, and she couldn't have been happier.



The man was Dustin Webber, who went on to become Carly's husband and the father of her three children. While proposing to her, he went down on one knee and said:

"I love you, and I love your kids. I want to spend the rest of my life with you guys."


For their wedding, Carly's eldest son walked her down the aisle while her youngest son accompanied Dustin on his walk to his lovely bride. Her daughter held the basket filled with rose petals and ecstatically threw them at the couple.


The Webbers expanded their lovely family and welcomed a baby girl into their hearts and home. Meanwhile, Carly mentioned that Dustin stayed beside her and looked after her and her children like a loving husband and father.


Carly said she started helping other women experiencing similar circumstances by sharing her story and supporting them. The Great Falls, Montana, resident shared that despite everything she endured, she witnessed God's greatest blessing after a period of pain and grief.


Talking further about her beautiful relationship, Carly said that she and her husband often joked that he saved her life and she saved his soul, but in reality, God saved them both by bringing them together. She also added:

"Just when all hope seemed lost was actually when we both were being found and I will never again see a pomegranate and not be grateful for the unbelievable story God had written for me. And I am certain, he’s writing one for you too."



Carly and Dustin will be celebrating their ninth wedding anniversary in August 2022. We wish this lovely couple all the love their hearts can take. Indeed, every cloud has a silver lining, and when you think your life is over, fate might send you someone who fills your life with joy and love.

What are your thoughts on this story? Do you think it is difficult for a divorced woman with kids to find a man who would love and accept her, or are there a lot of dignified men around?

Please share this story with those who have gone through something similar or simply enjoy happy endings after more challenging periods.

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