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No One Gives Up Seat For Pregnant Lady in Bus, at Next Stop Everyone Gets Kicked Out But Her – Story of the Day

Rita Kumar
Jul 27, 2022
05:30 A.M.

When nobody got up and gave up their seat for a pregnant woman on a crowded bus, a furious driver stopped the bus midway and kicked out everyone onboard except her. The next day, he was called to the bus depot with a life-changing piece of news.


Can you imagine being pregnant and on public transport with passengers who refuse to give up their seats for you? Well, it happened to Emily Robson during her third trimester on a bus ride to her office.

When the 29-year-old Milwaukee native boarded a busy bus, she heaved a sigh of relief as she spotted an empty seat. But here came the twist: a young man pushed his way to that seat, claiming it was his and already taken.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash

For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash

"Never mind," Emily sighed under her breath, wishing someone would get off the next stop so she could take a seat. But two stops later, nobody had gotten off still, and she was still standing.

"That's enough... Everybody, get out of the bus!" the driver yelled. "All of you, get out right now... Lady, that doesn't apply to you!"


Emily's car was at the garage for service, so she had to take this bus to attend an important meeting a little further away from the city. Although she was on maternal leave, she had to be there for the event to submit an important presentation and couldn't afford to miss it.

Poor Emily, who was already carrying a bag, struggled to keep her balance. The bus was overwhelmingly crowded, and she would bump into passengers as the bus moved.

"I-I'm sorry," she apologized whenever an angry passenger stared at her after she brushed them by mistake.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash

Exhausted and protective of her baby, Emily looked around to see if anybody was willing to let her sit in their seat. But passengers simply avoided her or pretended they never even noticed. One could tell that the poor woman hated the bus journey that day. But she was left with no choice.


A little over ten minutes later, the driver suddenly slowed down a bit to give way to a vehicle approaching from the opposite side. The bus jolted to a stop, so Emily's bag slightly brushed onto the man who claimed the seat near her.

"Watch it, lady!" he yelled. "Don't break my head with that bag of yours!"

"I-I'm sorry," Emily said. She removed her bag from her shoulder to switch it to the other. But the bus suddenly moved, and her bag accidentally hit the man's head again.

At this point, the man lost it and looked up at Emily with an unkind stare. "Why don't you just stay home instead of hitting me with your bag?" he shouted. "Back off and give me some air to breathe. I'm suffocating!"

Emily was stunned and embarrassed. She looked around but no one came to her defense. Instead, they grinned and even laughed at the incident.

Suddenly, the bus slowed down to a complete halt on the roadside, much to everyone's shock.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


"What's going on there?" asked the driver, Rubin McKenzie, directing his attention to the man who insulted Emily. "I heard you yell at the poor pregnant lady. Didn't your mother teach you some respect?"

The man was furious. He looked around and couldn't digest the fact that several strangers were staring at him now.

"It would be great if somebody let the poor lady sit," Rubin said. "I see you're sitting on a "priority" seat. Why don't you get up and let her sit?" he told the rude man.

At this point, the man lost it. He walked up to the driver and shouted at him. "Mind your own business, driver, and don't tell me what to do. Just mind the wheel, alright? Why don't you let her sit on your seat if you're so bothered by it?"

More people suddenly spoke up and teamed up with the rude man against the driver and Emily. "If she's pregnant, why did she take a cramped bus?" retorted another man.

"Yeah, dude. Even I work, and giving up my seat would mean I'd have to stand for nearly 4 kilometers. No way!" added another.

Rubin was disappointed. He looked at how exhausted and worried Emily was, but he could do nothing to convince the passengers to let her sit. Then he thought of an idea.


He turned on the ignition and started driving. The passengers onboard sighed when the bus finally moved again, ignoring poor Emily altogether.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

Around five minutes later, the bus slowed down and pulled over at the next stop. Rubin turned back and saw that nobody was getting down. The passengers looked at him, waiting for him to restart the bus. But instead of doing that, Rubin turned off the ignition and got down from the bus, much to their shock.

"That's enough...Everybody, get out of the bus!" the driver yelled. "All of you, get out right now...Lady, that doesn't apply to you!"

"What you mean get out?" the passengers fumed. "We paid for the tickets."


"This bus isn't going further. Get out. I'm not driving until all of you step out," Rubin yelled. "You can board the next bus."

"Next bus? You will be fired for doing this to us!" the rude man shouted.

"I don't care. My mom taught me manners and to be kind to people," Rubin retorted. "She also taught me to put people in their place...So get out, or I'll grab you by your shirt and throw you out."

For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash

For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash

Left with no choice, the passengers got down one by one, except Emily. She stayed behind, waiting for what Rubin would do next. "Miss, please hold on," the driver waved at her. "I'll be right back. Please sit down."

Around five minutes later, Rubin returned with a bouquet in his hand. "Here, these are for you. I'm sorry for all the trouble you had to endure. Please tell me your destination, and I'll drop you there. The bus is all yours."


Emily was astonished. She couldn't believe the kind driver would risk his job supporting her. For the next hour, she enjoyed her ride peacefully, talking and laughing with the driver.

While Rubin was pleased with what he did, he was called to the bus depot the next day. He anticipated having to give up his uniform and walk out, but then something else happened that moved the kind driver to tears.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"Mr. McKenzie, did you drop passengers midway to take a stand for a pregnant woman?" the regional head of the concerned bus depot asked the driver. "What made you risk your job for a stranger?"

"Well, yes, I did. I couldn't stand them ignoring that pregnant woman. On top of that, they were rude to her. So I had to step up," Rubin said.


"Do you know that could get you fired?"

"I know, but it could've been anyone instead of her. It could've been my wife, sister, or even daughter. And I cannot stand them being insulted or ridiculed in public," Rubin added. Then he heard loud claps from behind.

The driver turned and saw Emily with her husband and a few others. It turned out that Emily's husband, Edward Robson, was a newly appointed regional head of the bus depot. After Emily narrated the incident, he wanted to meet the driver and thank him.

To add to Rubin's surprise, he was given a bonus and two weeks off for a paid vacation to Cape Town with his family. "You deserve this, brother!" Emily said, patting a teary-eyed Rubin on his shoulder.

From that day on, every bus that belonged to that depot had seats explicitly marked for pregnant women. A slogan "Be kind to pregnant women & respect them" was added above the seat to help passengers realize the importance of respect and kindness to pregnant passengers.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash

For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash


What can we learn from this story?

  • Respect pregnant women and treat them with kindness. The bus driver taught passengers that important lesson when he stood up for Emily against them.
  • When you know something is unjust, take a stand. Do what is right, and it will reward you in surprising ways. When driver Rubin saw how poorly Emily was treated onboard, he stopped the bus and ousted all the passengers except her. He knew it would cost him his job, but he still took a stand for the pregnant woman. In the end, his kind gesture rewarded him pleasantly.

Annoyed by his passenger's crying baby, a rude taxi driver kicked the mom and child out of his car. Later that day, the woman showed up at his doorstep, claiming to be his sister he never knew about. Click here to read the full story.

This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.

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