
Family of 11 Sleep Peacefully at Night until an 'Angel' Shows up to Save Them from a Fire

Brittany Chalmers
Jul 26, 2022
11:40 A.M.

Heroes walk amongst us, and often, we are only made aware of their bravery when tragedy strikes. One woman didn't hesitate to help when she saw something off in a stranger's house.


Do you live a life for others, always looking for ways to help fellow citizens in need? Many people walk through the world with tunnel vision, only focused on themselves.

However, once in a while, someone comes along and sets a shining example of how we should navigate life. Read one woman's story and discover why she became emotional after realizing what she had done.

Haily Strong. | Source: youtube.com/WLWT

Haily Strong. | Source: youtube.com/WLWT


A woman from Fairfield, Ohio, enjoyed the Fourth of July celebrations in 2022 and had no idea that the next day would bring something unexpected.

Strong could feel the heat on her arms and face as she struggled to breathe in the thick smoke. However, nothing kept her from knocking.


At around 1 a.m, Haily Strong, 23, saw lots of smoke, and instead of ignoring it, she decided to investigate and see if everything was okay. Strong got into her car and drove toward the area concerning her.

She shared: "It was super dark. I could barely see a bit of black smoke above the trees. I honestly thought it was just a rogue firework or something at first."

Haily Strong. | Source: youtube.com/WLWT

Haily Strong. | Source: youtube.com/WLWT


Strong revealed that she wouldn't have been able to sleep if she did not at least drive to see where the smoke was coming from. She didn't know who lived in the home, but when she realized it was on fire, she knew she needed to help.


She started praying and asked God to help her save anyone who might be inside the abode. Strong approached the front door and started banging loudly. The flames were growing, and Strong was worried about the possible occupants inside.

The home's Ring doorbell camera captured Strong frantically knocking on the door as she shouted:

"You guys' garage is on fire!"

Haily Strong. | Source: youtube.com/WLWT

Haily Strong. | Source: youtube.com/WLWT


Fire detectors didn't go off, and Josh Ellis and Brittany Downing were oblivious to the danger around them. Strong could feel the heat on her arms and face as she struggled to breathe in the thick smoke. However, nothing kept her from knocking.


The couple was watching television and only started to smell smoke when they heard Strong at the door. She shared:

"At the time, I was mostly just praying that the garage would stop exploding - there was multiple small explosions going off - and praying that I could get the family to wake up (sic)."

Josh Ellis and Brittany Downing. | Source: youtube.com/WLWT

Josh Ellis and Brittany Downing. | Source: youtube.com/WLWT


The young woman was relieved when the family came to the door after two minutes of her knocking. They were shocked by the fire and quickly started making their way outside and across the street. Strong was left emotional by what she saw next.

As each person escaped the house, Strong started to understand the impact of her actions. There were 11 residents in the home! Josh and Brittany, along with their nine kids. The young woman expressed:


"It wasn’t until I saw a photo of all 11 of them together on Facebook that night that it really sank in for me how many I actually saved that night. It was really intense, honestly."

Haily Strong. | Source: youtube.com/WLWT

Haily Strong. | Source: youtube.com/WLWT


Strong proved that not all heroes wear capes, and dad Josh was immensely grateful that she went out of her way to alert them. She showed the kind of compassion the world needs. The mother of the family was also teary, and she added:

"All the other outcomes that could have happened if she wouldn’t have stopped and knocked on the door, I don’t know if me and him would be here today for them kids (sic)."

Haily Strong hugs Brittany Downing. | Source: youtube.com/WLWT

Haily Strong hugs Brittany Downing. | Source: youtube.com/WLWT



Josh said there was no doubt Strong saved their lives. Nobody was injured during the ordeal, and they walked away from the incident as a whole family. Josh shared:

"That’s an angel. She saved our family, no exaggeration about that. She stayed and she saved our family. I mean, the house was ablaze."

The cause of the fire is unclear, but there is one thing that needs no explanation—the power of kindness and selflessness. Strong saved a family from possible tragedy, and they will never forget her.

What do you think about the young woman's actions, and would you react similarly if you saw smoke coming from a house?

If you enjoyed this beautiful story, you might like this one about another everyday hero. A bus driver realized her vehicle was on fire, and she did something brave.

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