How Does Jared Leto Look So Young for His Age? Fans Can't Stop Commenting about His Looks
Fans can't stop commenting about actor and musician Jared Leto's youthful looks for one who has turned 50, and the interest in his appearance has not gone unnoticed.
Jared Leto has joined the league of celebrities who do not seem to age. The actor, who grew up living a nomadic lifestyle, could pass for half his age, and fans have noticed.
As fans gush about his youthful looks, it is no surprise that people want to know Jared Leto's secret. Let's take a peek into the actor's life.

Jared Leto at the special fan screening of "Morbius" on March 30, 2022 | Source: Getty Images
In 2021, Leto turned 50, and fans are amazed he looks as young as he does. One fan took to Twitter to tweet that Leto's appearance hardly changed over at least 30 years, while another fan believes that it is creepy for him to look so young.
While some fans keep wondering how he achieved this feat, another in admiration said, "Look at him; this guy is 50! And still looks and feels like a young guy! Awesome!"
The actor has always been aware that people talked about his appearance. The talks have been going on for several years. He said:
"As you get older, people start saying, 'Ah, you're still young.' And then there's this age where they go, 'Really?'"
Leto is pleased with the attention his looks have gotten, and he does not mind all the talking. However, he believes that what's on the inside counts more than what's on the outside.
Unfortunately for the actor, he revealed that despite the chatter about his looks, he's not getting movie roles where he could play a rather young-looking older man. Leto feels as though he's not taking advantage of his looks enough but said:
"You can be 30 years old and live an amazingly exciting, interesting, fulfilling life, or you can be 60 and having a crisis."
When asked about the secret of his great look, the actor has his secrets, but he is not going to share them with other people. He is sure that what suits him may not work for other people.
Leto knows that whatever he says will influence fans, and he is careful with that. However, he revealed that genetics plays a significant role because his mother always looked youthful and healthy.
In the end, the actor wants to keep everybody guessing and believes that it does not matter as he would instead people work on their insides and not their appearance.
However, fans can look at Leto's habits to conclude what makes him look so young when he steps out. For example, one media noticed that the star loved large brim hats, which help protect his skin from the sun, which prematurely ages the skin.
Another theory about his youthfulness lies in his facial expressions or lack thereof. While he is a great actor who plays well, Leto is a very calm person who rarely shows his emotions during casual conversations—a habit that can prevent wrinkles.
In addition, Leto once admitted that he is a 'cheagan,' a term he coined for a cheating vegan, but he would never eat meat. So maybe his eating habits have contributed significantly to his looks.
He is also on a stringent, plant-based diet and does a lot of intermittent fasting. However, he loves everything Italian, including pasta and pizza. Leto also has a very active life that involves yoga, climbing, hiking, cycling, and regular gym workouts.
Leto has perfected the art of transforming himself for any role. When he played Joker in "Suicide Squad," he had to gain some weight.
He succeeded in gaining over 60 pounds by eating every couple of hours. However, it was not the first time Leto had to change his weight for a role.
For "Dallas Buyers Club," he lost over 30 pounds to portray a transgender woman living with AIDS in the 1980s. In "Chapter 27," he had to gain 67 pounds even though he later said he was not sure it was a wise choice.