
5-Year-Old Boy Breaks His Piggy Bank to Pay For Grandma’s Treatment, Gets $140K Check Next Day – Story of the Day

Rita Kumar
Aug 16, 2022
03:20 P.M.

A little boy kissed his beloved piggy bank before smashing it to pay for his sick grandma's treatment. The next day, he ran to his parents, holding a $140K check in his hand, and moved them to tears when a heartwarming revelation followed.


Clink! Clink! Little Ronnie chirped with laughter on hearing the coins rattling in his piggy bank. He sighed, awaiting the day it would be filled with enough money to buy his dream Justice League toys.

"Mama, you told me you would give me $1 if I threw the garbage in the bin outside," he told his mother, Linda. "I even cleaned the pots on the steps," said the 5-year-old, extending his soiled hands for the money.

But Linda was upset and could not wait for her husband to return with a cab. "Ron, you know grandma is not well, right? Please do not bother mama now," she said.

Ronnie was disappointed and walked to his room with his piggy bank tucked under his arms...

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pixabay

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pixabay


"Mama said granny will return home in a few days. But it's been a week, and she's not yet home," he mumbled.

"Oh my God! $140,000? Who gave this to you?" shrieked Linda. She and Jacob looked around, thinking it was some prank.

"Here you go...I promise to fill you up with more coins soon." Ronnie kissed his piggy bank and ran outside, only to witness his mother in tears.

"...I'll be there in ten minutes. I'll bring our son," Linda said on the phone, looking around for Ronnie.

Before Ronnie could understand what was going on, he was driven to the hospital to meet his granny, Doris. He pressed his nose on the glass and looked at his unconscious grandmother in the intensive care ward.

"When are you coming home, grandma?" he sighed and could not understand why his granny had to spend such a long time in the hospital.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pixabay

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pixabay


Doris had suffered a cardiac arrest a week ago. After examining her, doctors concluded that she would need immediate surgery.

Linda and her husband, Jacob, had spent all their savings on Doris' treatment. They did everything to arrange for the money and even sold their old car to afford her cure. Sadly, they still needed a lot more to pay for the surgery, and time was running out.

"Doctor, please give us some time," cried Linda. "We will find the money somehow within this week."

Ronnie had never seen his mother so depressed. He overheard her pleading with the doctor and immediately recalled his savings in the piggy bank.

"I cannot see mama and papa sad. I will save granny's life," he thought. "I have money for her treatment."

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


After returning home that afternoon, Ronnie raced to his room, then slowed down, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Charlie," he called out to his piggy bank. "I'm sorry, but I'll have to break you now. I love you and will miss you," he said, smashing the ceramicware, and coins rattled on the floor.

Ronnie gathered the coins, tying them in a little cloth. "Grandma, you will be home soon, I promise," he said and hurried downstairs to discard the broken pieces.

That evening, the boy went to the hospital with his parents and again overheard his mother talking to the doctor.

"We will try our best, Mrs. Cooper. But time is running out. Your mother's condition cannot improve without the surgery. Please arrange for the money quickly."

Unable to hold back anymore, Ronnie barged into the office, much to his parents' shock.

"Ron, honey? What are you doing here? I told you to sit outside grandma's room," exclaimed Linda.

Ronnie turned a deaf ear and busily dug into his backpack. He took out the little bundle of coins and marched to the doctor, smiling confidently.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pixabay

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pixabay

"Here, doctor. Take this money I saved for my Justice League toys to treat my grandma. I heard mama talking to you," he said. "Will this be enough for grandma's operation?"

The doctor was astonished and took the bundle of coins from the boy's hands. It was even more impressive when he unwrapped it and saw how many coins were there.

"Son, this money is enough! Your grandma will return home soon, I promise!" said the doctor, brushing Ronnie's hair as Linda and Jacob watched in disbelief. At first, they thought the doctor was just joking, but they were in for a big surprise the next day.

"Mom! Dad!" they heard Ronnie running to them. "Look what I got," he said, showing a check signed for $140,000.


"Oh my God! $140,000? Who gave this to you?" shrieked Linda. She and Jacob looked around, thinking it was some prank. Soon, they witnessed the real power of compassion when the doctor approached them with heartwarming news.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pixabay

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pixabay

"Like I said yesterday, little Ronnie, your grandma will be home soon!" revealed the doctor. "Mr. and Mrs. Cooper, you don't have to worry about the money. It's been taken care of!"

"Taken care of???" Linda shrieked in shock. "B—But doctor, who would give us so much money? We did not ask anyone to..."

The doctor smiled and looked at Ronnie. "You should be really proud of your son, Mrs. Cooper. What he did yesterday touched my heart. So a few of my colleagues and I discussed it and contributed money for the treatment.


"...And Ronnie, this is for you...Go ahead, open it, son!" urged the doctor, handing out a gift-wrapped box to the little boy.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

Ronnie quickly opened the box and was delighted to find his dream Justice League toy collection in it. It took Linda and Jacob quite some time to snap to reality because they hadn't expected such a twist and unexpected favor from the kind doctor.

"Thank you, doctor. Words are not enough to thank you," cried Linda, hugging her son.

"Well, your son made me do it! He proved to me that nothing is more important than family. I planned to take a few days off to visit my old mother in the city. I should thank your son for helping me realize the true meaning of love and compassion!" he said before hurrying to the next ward with his stethoscope.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


What can we learn from this story?

  • A selfless deed can return a mind-blowing reward. Ronnie sacrificed his savings to afford his grandma's treatment. Although the money was insufficient, his deed touched the doctor's heart, and he managed to find a way to cover the expenses for the grandma's surgery and gifted Ronnie his dream toy.
  • Children must learn to be compassionate. Despite knowing he was giving away the money he had saved for his dream toy, Ronnie did it to save his grandmother. He could not bear seeing his parents worried and wanted his grandma to return home safe and sound. He was only 5 but fostered the true meaning of compassion.

A thoughtless son spends his widowed mother's savings and discovers later that she desperately needs the money for a life-saving surgery. Click here to read the full story.

This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.

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