
Boy Waters Late Grandma’s Flowers Daily, One Day He Hears Her Voice in the Garden — Story of the Day

Preeti Pillai
Aug 17, 2022
12:40 P.M.

For his birthday, all Simon wanted was to feel his late grandmother's presence. But he didn't expect to hear his grandmother greeting him herself.


'Dear Grandma…'

Simon would write a note in his diary every night. He couldn't visit her anymore; he couldn't hear her sweet voice. He was happy that she was in a better place now, but it still hurt that she wasn't with him anymore.

Writing a note every night felt like he was having a conversation with her. But tonight, it didn't feel real. He couldn't visualize being in her lap on a summer afternoon, admiring the flowers and shrubs in the garden of her home.

Tonight, he felt lonely.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Getty Images

'Dear Grandma,

'It is my birthday tomorrow. I haven't invited any friends, and I do not feel like going to the movies as dad suggested. I just feel like being with you. I miss you, grandma. Too much!'


As he wrote these words, he broke down and cried.

Hearing their little son sob, Mike and Sandra switched off the television and rushed in to console him. Even without asking him, they knew he was missing his grandmother. They knew she had practically raised him while both were busy working hard to secure their child's future.

Sandra had barely recovered from the depths of her grief of losing her mother, but she couldn't bear to see her son heartbroken over the loss.

"Mom, dad, can I please spend my birthday visiting grandma's house?"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Getty Images

Mike and Sandra had made other plans for their son's big day, but they looked at each other, knowing they had to follow their son's heart.


They grabbed a few necessary things, got into the car, and started the four-hour-long drive to sweet old Heather's beautiful home.

As the skies grew darker and lighter, Simon went down memory lane. He was excited to see the garden that Heather loved so much. She and Simon would spend every summer afternoon there, reading, talking, laughing, and falling asleep.

You can live forever through the love and kindness you leave behind.

Simon was the only grandchild who patiently listened as she began repeating the same stories forgetfully with age.

'Maybe it will feel like she is home again!' Simon thought as he drifted into a peaceful sleep.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Getty Images


"Good morning, sweetie! Look where we are!" Sandra kissed him on his forehead and woke him up.

The little boy rushed out of the car and ran straight into the garden. Even though Heather had passed away two years ago, her beloved garden was as lush and beautiful as ever, thanks to her grandson. Sandra also ensured that Simon looked after the plants every day throughout his summer vacation.

In the garden, the little boy met each plant like he was meeting an old friend. Or perhaps like he was meeting his grandmother. He felt like she was around as he touched the leaves and barks.

Simon could hear her in his head wishing him, 'Happy Birthday, Simon!'

"Happy Birthday, Simon!" This time, Simon wasn't just hearing it in his head.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Getty Images


He turned around and saw her face, smiling at him. On a phone screen that an unknown man was holding up, Simon saw his grandmother sitting at the table, applying her famous orange marmalade on a slice of bread.

The man holding the phone paused the video and said, "Hello, Simon. Happy Birthday!"

Mike and Sandra came out of the house to see who the stranger was.

"I was aunt Heather's lawyer. She has a message for you."

Saying this, the man resumed the video.

"Simon, my little garden prince, I love you! I know you miss me dearly, and wherever I am, I miss you, too. You've been my angel - the soul sent into my lonely life to teach me joy again."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Getty Images


"I've enjoyed every day, every meal, every laugh with you. And I know you will grow up to be a kind, strong human being.

"I may not be around forever. But my garden will be here for a while. And even when it withers and dries, there will be two beautiful people to teach you joy in your life - your mama and papa.

"They only want what's best for you, and so do I."

"So, my dear Sandra…."

Sandra was surprised to hear her name. She wiped her tears and prepared to hang on to every word she was about to hear.

"My sweet daughter, I want you to know I am proud of you. I want you to know that you and the love of your life have been wonderful parents to my little Simon. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Getty Images


"All your dreams of sending your bright boy to a prestigious school and college will come true. And I'm happy to play a small part in making that happen. This way, I am always with you."

Mike held his wife and son close and tried to console them.

"Simon, darling, under the lemon tree, you will find a little gift I've left for your birthday. Show it to your parents, and trust them to use it in the best way for your future.

"And remember, I'm always with you."

Simon ran to the tree and found an envelope under a bouquet of beautiful hydrangeas. It was a cheque for $200,000. That meant everything to Mike and Sandra, who embraced Simon and broke into tears.

"Thank you, grandma!" Simon looked at the skies and cried.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Getty Images

For illustration purposes only | Source: Getty Images


What can we learn from this story?

  • Cherish every last moment you have with your loved ones. Simon did not have his grandmother around for his adult years, but he had a lifetime's worth of memories to cherish.
  • You can live forever through the love and kindness you leave behind. Heather passed away, but not before helping her daughter's family turn their lives around.

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This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone’s life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.

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