
Boy Is Abandoned by Single Father Due to Hand Defect, Pays for His Costly Surgery 26 Years Later — Story of the Day

Sonali Pandey
Sep 11, 2022
10:50 A.M.

A heartless father abandoned his son because he didn't want to raise a kid with a hand defect. But 26 years later, his fate humbled him when he needed costly surgery, and nobody but his son could help him.


"Daddy, will you come to meet me? You love me, right?" 7-year-old Max asked his father, William, in tears. But William didn't utter a single word in response. He remained silent like he had multiple times in his life, pretending everything was okay. Sadly, it was the day William abandoned Max.

William didn't want to raise Max because the little boy was born with a hand defect. In his eyes, Max was not normal, and William didn't want to have anything to do with an abnormal child.

William's wife had died during childbirth, and when he held Max for the first time, he felt awful when he found out his son had an underdeveloped hand. His wife was gone, and his son was born disabled. To put it mildly, William hated his life.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


For seven years, William was suffering on the inside and just wanted Max out of his sight. The boy's lovely giggles and blue eyes, which bore a striking resemblance to his late wife, didn't seem adorable to William, and he hated it when Max called him dad.

In fact, William was never there for Max. He wasn't a part of his birthdays, and he never spent time with him. He hardly ever spoke lovingly to his boy. Then one day, he made up his mind. He could no longer handle being a parent to a disabled child.

"Why would you do that? Why would you care for a man who left you 26 years ago?" William asked in tears.

And so, William abandoned little Max. His heart never ached, and he never turned to look at his kid as he was taken away by the social workers. William believed Max deserved it after ruining his life. Because of him, he had lost his wife, and that too to a disabled child. He deserved that hate. Every bit of it. That's what William thought.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


But while William was dying on the inside from the agony of losing his wife to his disabled son, little Max had no idea why his dad never returned. His new family loved him, but they were not daddy William.

"Max," his foster dad, Ronald, told him gently one day during breakfast. "It's not a compulsion, but I'd love to be called dad. What do you think?"

"Dad?" snapped Max. "I won't! I only have one daddy! And he will come and take me home!"

His foster parents exchanged worried glances. "You know this is your new home, honey," said his foster mom, Claire. "We're your new family, Max. We love you. And you are our lovely son."

"Liar!" he shouted. "You're lying to me! I know daddy will come one day and take me home. He loves me! He…He just doesn't talk to me much! You all know nothing!" he cried and ran to his room.

Little did Max know his daddy was not coming back for him. Ever.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


Several years passed and Max accepted this reality with a sorrowful heart. He knew his father had abandoned him as a child due to his disability, and he now resented all the times he wished William was there. Deep down, he wished he could give that pain to William.

But revenge isn't the way to go, as Max would soon discover...

After graduating high school, Max decided he wanted to be a rehabilitation doctor and help people with musculoskeletal disorders. He loved science at school and gave it his all when he took the medical entrance exams. But he failed.

He was very depressed at the time. Not being able to achieve his dreams hurt him a lot. At the time, Ronald proposed that Max join his business, but Max wanted to make a name for himself. He decided to give the medical exams one more try and got in touch with a professor online for help.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


The professor offered to tutor Max, and with his help, Max made it to a good university with a scholarship. Because he loved what he was doing, he was one of the best in his department, and after graduation, he was absorbed by a good hospital.

One day, he was reviewing a patient's report when he shuddered. The patient's name on the report was William Benson -- his estranged father.

"Dad?" Max's eyes welled as his dad entered the room in a wheelchair. He was diagnosed with a spinal injury after falling off the stairs and he needed costly treatment.

William turned pale to see his son standing in front of him. He would never fail to recognize his child. The child he had hated all his life.

"Max? Is that you?" William looked at him with tears. "I…I didn't know it would be you."

"I'd prefer if you call me doctor," Max said sharply. "We no longer have a father-son bond. I hope you didn't forget."

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


"Oh, I haven't," said William sadly. "Probably that's why I'm suffering. I lived alone all my life. And...I have no money for the treatment. Is there any way I could avoid the surgery?" he asked, embarrassed.

Seeing his father in that state, Max was heartbroken. He despised him from the bottom of his heart, but when he looked at him through the eyes of a doctor, he saw him as a helpless patient. For once, he set his anger aside to help him.

"As I can see from the report, you've been delaying the procedure for quite some time. I'll take care of it," he said. "You don't have to pay."

William was shocked, and he started to cry. "Why would you do that? Why would you care for a man who left you 26 years ago?"

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Unsplash

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Unsplash


"I suppose we could schedule surgery next week," Max answered as if he hadn't heard what his father said. "Until then, don't stress yourself..."

A week later, William went under the knife, and Max made sure the surgery was successful. He took out a loan to pay for his father's treatment.

When William gained consciousness after the operation, Max was right by his bedside. "Are you feeling okay? Do you feel any sort of discomfort?" he asked.

William didn't utter a word. He was in tears. "HATE," he whispered eventually. "I hate myself…I was a terrible father. Please forgive me. I don't deserve your kindness, son."

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


Max looked at him sadly. "Well," he said. "I forgave you long ago. It's just that I won't be able to see you as a father ever again, Mr. Benson. Take care. And I wish you a speedy recovery."

Max left the ward without looking back, but he peered into William's ward through the round glass in the door as soon as he left. He saw the man crying, and it pained him to see his father that way.

"I forgave you from the bottom of my heart, dad. As a son, I can't hate you no matter how hard I try," he told himself and walked away.

What can we learn from this story?

  • It's not easy to forgive, but a strong heart can and should. William suffered a lot in his life after abandoning his son, and he eventually regretted that. A grown-up Max understood that and forgave his estranged father.
  • The bond between a parent and child is that of love. William's cold decision to abandon Max left a wound in Max's heart that even time couldn't heal. While he forgave William and moved on, he still resented the moments he was foolishly waiting for William to embrace and love him.

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If you enjoyed this story, you might like this one about a girl who was abandoned by her parents because of her unusual silver eyes.

This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.

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