Little boy yelling | Source: Shuttershock
Little boy yelling | Source: Shuttershock

Spoiled Rich Boy Mocks Blind Customer at Store, Learns the Man Is His Dad’s Boss – Karma Story

Gabangaye Shongwe
Dec 16, 2022
01:45 P.M.

Chuck was a top manager at his company and this often made him pretty arrogant. His bravado even became something his son looked up to and imitated. However, after an incident with a blind man at a cafe, Chuck will learn that arrogance is not the answer.


In his disparity to get over his divorce, he engulfed himself in his work and made sure his son understood what he perceived as true value. Chuck was making good money, and he emphasized the value of material things throughout his life, even in his fatherhood.

Chuck wasn't the favorite in the office, but he had a way with words, and it worked to his advantage. Simply put, he was a charmer and knew how to charm the owner of his company. He had a deceptive way with everyone he came across.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Getty Images

But his son looked up to him all the more with all he did. He idolized his dad and thought he was the pivot of life itself. Chuck was often rude at his son's football games, making comments comments like:


"Get the ball, you idiot!! You'd swear you were a hired mishap!" he screamed to the referee.

And these were his kinder words in general. Chuck was no friendly neighbor or anything. In fact, his neighbors used to complain about his behavior throughout their suburb.

Unfortunately, his son, Jake, idolized his father in every way. After his parents broke up, he became his icon. Jake idolized everything his dad did. His mother was barely in the picture, and it was pretty much Jake and his father most of the time.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Getty Images

Chuck tried to be the best father he could be to Jake. He loved him dearly, but unfortunately, his love translated more towards his work character than his personal character than he would like.


Whether he was his true self at work or at home was unknown, but his heart yearned to do the right thing with his child. However, that didn't happen.

Chuck used to be a heavy worker, committed to the office. This meant that Jake spent most of his time at home alone, trying to appease his father, becoming more and more like him, in an effort to gain his attention and care.

Jake's school life was a reflection of his home life. The boy was pretty arrogant and quite the bully at school. Most of his peers feared him, but his popularity made him someone you'd hope to hang with.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source Getty Images

Jake instinctively picked up on his father's overall attitude, making him quite the force to be reckoned with at school. Unfortunately, not in a good way. He always acted like he was better than others and looked down on those less fortunate.


One day, while bragging about his prosperity in the cafeteria, he accidentally dropped his house keys. Later that day, as Jake was leaving campus, a young girl named Lucy ran up to him with his keys.

"You dropped these earlier," Lucy said, smiling.

"Oh... Thank you," Jake responded, gazing into her eyes. There was something that caught Jake's attention about Lucy.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Getty Images

From that day, Jake took an instant liking to Lucy. They would often hang out during lunch. This was out of Jake's character as Lucy wasn't part of the popular crowd. She was humble and wasn't as showy as most of the popular kids were.

Jake enjoyed Lucy's company, and hoped they could be a couple at some point. Eventually, Jake asked Lucy out on a date at their local ice cream cafe. Jake was overecstatic.


"Could you please shut up!!"

Later that day, they arrived at the ice cream store, and sparks were flying instantly. Lucy had originally liked Jake, so their meeting was favorable on both parts.

As they were enjoying their ice cream, a blind man came into the store. He started arguing with the cashier because of a misunderstanding.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Getty Images

"I'm sorry, I honestly didn't know or literally see! I'm blind!" the blind man proclaimed.

Jake was finally in the same room with the girl of his dreams. As the blind man continued, Jake became more annoyed. As the date continued, Jake was nearing the end of his tolerance for the blind man's pleading. He finally snapped, approaching the blind man.


"Could you please shut up!!" Jake snapped.

"Shut up? Child, I'm three generations older than you!" the older man responded.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Getty Images

"Please, Jake, stop it!" Lucy chimed in.

"No! This old man is full of it!" Jake barked, shoving Lucy away.

"Who raised you?" the blind man asked.

"What the— Do you know who my father is?"

"No, I don't. But judging from your behavior, he didn't raise you right. Actually, let's call him," the blind man remarked with a cheeky smile.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Getty Images

Jake instantly called his father, furious. He told him everything that had happened, and his father shared his sentiment, equally irked. Chuck insisted he switch on the loudspeaker, ready to tear the blind man's head off.

"Listen, old man! Apologize to my son and never raise your voice against him again, you understand? You have no idea where I work and what my position is," Chuck said.

"Wow, Chuck! That's a surprise. I know where you work, and I know your position! But I have some bad news for you. You don't work there anymore!" the blind man responded.

Chuck arrived ten minutes later, begging the blind man for his job back. It turned out that the blind man was a director at Chuck's company.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Getty Images

The blind man thanked Lucy for her kindness and decency. He drove her home with his driver, mentored and assisted Lucy's family financially, and thanked her parents for raising their daughter this way.

What can we learn from this story?

  • You reap what you sow. Lucy reaped kindness and favor in the blind man's sight as opposed to Jake, who reaped heartache because of his actions.
  • Set a good example for those that look up to you. Jake only passed on what he had been taught by his father. He might have taken a different route if he had been taught better.

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This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.

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