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Man Sweeping The Pavement Outside A Store. | Source: Flickr / Carl Campbell (CC BY-SA 2.0)
Man Sweeping The Pavement Outside A Store. | Source: Flickr / Carl Campbell (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Rich Boy Leaves Pregnant Girlfriend, She Spots Him Working as Janitor Later – Story of the Day

Sonali Pandey
Feb 05, 2023
05:00 P.M.

A woman who was dumped by her rich ex when she was pregnant is taken aback when she sees him working as a janitor. What will their fate hold when they cross paths again in an unknown city?


Lana slammed on the brakes at the red light, replaying the morning scene at her boss's house in her head. It had been another great day. Andrew was happy, as were Mr. and Mrs. Gibson.

Lana had no idea her life would take such a turn six months ago. She never thought she'd find a job, rent an apartment, and make a decent living. But it was Mr. and Mrs. Gibson who changed her life.

The couple was extremely generous in hiring her as a babysitter for their son, Andrew. They'd also recommended her to their friends, which helped her make a good living. My life is finally getting back on track, Lana thought as she waited for the signal light to go green.

She looked out the car window, a smile on her lips. Even the weather was beautiful that morning! But as Lana's gaze shifted to the curb, she couldn't believe her eyes. The signal light turned green, and the cars behind her began honking nonstop, deafening her. Lana was lost in her thoughts…

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


"Are you freakin' out of your mind? That's the sole reason women shouldn't drive!" yelled a man at her as he overtook her car and sped away. Lana didn't give a damn about him. She couldn't believe that in front of her eyes was her ex, working as a janitor. He was cleaning the pavement outside an establishment that appeared to be a small grocery.

What happened to him? Lana wondered. Why is Neil working as a janitor?

Neil's father owned a million-dollar restaurant business. Neil was a manager for one of his father's restaurant companies when he and Lina split up. Actually, it was Neil who'd said he didn't want to be with her any longer.

Your karma will catch up with you sooner or later.

Back then, Lana used to work in the same restaurant as Neil. Everything had been so perfect. Then, all of a sudden, everything fell apart, and she could do nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Neil was spoiled rotten and self-centered. He was a womanizer, and Lana didn't realize it until she was pregnant with his child. After spending a passionate night in his apartment after their third date night, he'd held her hands and gently said, "I love you, Lana. I've never looked at any woman the way I see you! You're special."

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

It didn't take long for Lana to realize that every other woman who'd come into Neil's life was special until they ended up in his bed. She could never forget the day the realization had dawned on her that the very basis of her relationship was flawed.

Lana had been feeling nauseous for several mornings and had taken a pregnancy test just to be sure. When it showed two lines, she was both excited and nervous.

"Oh my God, I can't believe it!" she had cried. "I'm pregnant!"

Was she prepared for it? Were Neil and she ready to start a family? Lana didn't know the answers to those questions, but she'd given Neil the good news in the most adorable way possible.


She'd made a gift box with pink socks and tucked the pregnancy test stick inside. She was expecting to see a smile on Neil's face, but instead, he was enraged. He'd tossed the box on the floor and laughed wickedly.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

"Oh, babe, you're so stupid! Were you serious? You thought I'd father your child?"

Lana was shocked and in tears. "What's wrong, babe? I thought you loved kids!"

"In your dreams, Lana! I'm not going to raise that filthy child! You'll have to get rid of that baby if you want to keep me in your life!"

"Neil!" she cried. "What's wrong with you? It's OUR baby! How can you just ask me to terminate the pregnancy?"


"If you can't do what I say, get out of my life!" he yelled, staring right into her eyes. "Starting today, we don't know each other. You should pray to God that our paths don't cross again! And, yeah, if Dad finds out about any of this, I'll make your life a living hell!"

He pushed her out of the way as he walked away, and Lana didn't know what to do. When she arrived at the restaurant the following day, she was fired. Her supervisor told her the missing money from the restaurant's cash register was discovered in her bag in her locker.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Lana said nothing and left the restaurant, knowing it was Neil's doing. He wanted to get rid of her, and he succeeded. In fact, soon, rumors were spread around the city about how she was kicked out for being a thief, so she had to struggle to make a living.


Nobody wanted to hire Lana back then because of her past until she met... the Gibsons. She'd relocated to a new city to rebuild her life, and the pair was very gracious to her. Now that she saw Neil sweeping the sidewalk, she wondered how his life had taken such a drastic turn. She parked near the curb and got out of her car.

"Neil? Is that you?" she asked as she approached him, and he turned around at her voice. He looked so frail and so weak, Lana thought.

"Oh God, Lana! What—What a surprise!"

"I wasn't expecting to see you here either," she said. "Didn't know our paths would cross like this."

"I know… you must be shocked to see me like this, right?" he said with a nervous smile. "Well, don't you think I kind of deserved it? I've done some wrong things in the past."

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


"I'm not here to judge you, Neil," Lana said frankly. "However, I do want—"

"Hey, I can't. I mean..." He looked back at the shop, then at her. "You know, this place…I mean, I work here, and my boss is gonna be sick mad if he sees me talking to you here. He might as well fire me. How about the cafe down the street? It's called Red Brooks. I'll see you there, well, if you'd like to… You know, like if you'd want to catch up."

Lana looked at her wristwatch. "I've got work after 2. If you can make time before that, it'll be great."

"Oh yeah, cool!" he said brightly. "Perfect, I mean, yeah. That… that's fine. See you in around 20 mins?"

"Yeah, alright. See you."

Lana returned to her car and drove to the cafe. When Neil joined her, she ordered two cups of coffee, and he insisted on paying, but she said it was OK.

"So, how did you end up here? I thought you were working for your Dad's restaurant," Lana said as she took a sip of the coffee.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


Neil sighed. "It closed down."

"Closed down? But the company was doing well, wasn't it?"

"Until you were there," he said, looking down into his cup. "I… I messed up with the rules and regulations… I made deals I shouldn't have, and Dad found out. He tried to save the restaurant, but it was too late. He took away my car, credit cards, and all sorts of privileges."

"Is that why you're working as a janitor here?"

Neil nodded. "Yes," he said. "Yes. That's the very reason. But that's just, you know, a part of how badly I screwed up everything.

"I was not in the right mindset when Dad cut me off, so I, well, I'd be in pubs all day and all night. One night, I got into a terrible fight at a bar, and... I feel embarrassed saying this, but I ended up doing 70 hours of correctional work."

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


"WOW!" Lana said sarcastically. "So our breakup hadn't changed you at all. Well, that sounds like an adventurous life, Neil, doesn't it?"

"If you're done mocking me, how about you tell me how you're doing? Is life good for you, at least?"

"Don't you think it's a little late to ask that? I don't need your concern, Neil. I'm doing well in life. That's enough for you to know."

"And… about the—"

Lana knew where the conversation was going and swallowed her tears. "So, does the job pay well?" she asked him.


"Your current job," she said, taking the last sip of the coffee. "Does your supervisor treat you well?"

"He's alright, yeah," he said after a brief pause. "So… I was wondering... Are you free tonight or anytime? I'd love to take you out for dinner."

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


Lana's eyes welled up. She was finding it hard to keep her tears at bay. "No, I'm not," she said flatly. "And even if I was free, Neil, I'd never want to go out with you.

"I was shattered when you left me. I had no idea what to do or where to go. Dad was in the hospital, and I needed money to take care of him. You got me fired, and I struggled to find work. You never attempted to contact me, and when I called you, you just blocked me. And then the pregnancy...Well, do you know what it all made me realize?"

"It taught me that no matter what happens, it's always for the best. Honestly, I'm glad things turned out this way. My dad's alive, and he's doing great. I make a living and live a dignified life. I couldn't have asked for anything more. I also know that a person's genuine character does not change. So I'll never trust you again. And I'm not interested in doing anything with you. I hope your son does not end up like you!"

Lana grabbed her handbag and left the cafe without looking back at Neil.

"SON?" he mumbled as she walked away. "So she didn't terminate the pregnancy?"

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


Days passed, and every time Lana went out, she hoped she wouldn't run into Neil again. She'd moved on from her past and didn't want to be associated with him in any way. One Sunday, she was visiting her father and was surprised when he mentioned someone had sent him gifts.

"It was so strange," her father said. "This person knew about the meds I take, and they've also sent books, toys, and clothes... which I'm presuming is for Andrew. The boy would love it."

"Didn't it have an address or anything on it?" Lana asked.

"I didn't even touch it since I wasn't sure whether it was sent by one of your friends, honey. I wanted to wait until you were home."

Lana rummaged through the things in the gift basket and found a note at the bottom. Tears ran down her cheeks as she opened it to read it.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


"I'm sorry I followed you to get your address, Lana. I'd lost everything I had, but I'd managed to retain two watches from Dad. I thought I would use it when I really needed it.

After meeting you, I realized there was a reason I never sold them. I'm sorry, Lana. Please forgive me.

Not that I deserve it after all I did, but I'm hoping you'd give me a second chance. With the watches gone, I'm now broke, and I'll be homeless if I don't pay the rent by next week. But for the first time in my life, I'm glad I put someone before myself.

I've left my contact number at the end of this note. How is my son doing? Is he good?

— Neil."

Lana had never wanted to do anything with Neil since they parted ways, but this Neil was not the one who had betrayed her. Lana's heart could sense that he was a different man now.

Lana took all his gifts and drove straight to the Gibson house. She gave those presents to Andrew and said, "Dad sent it for you, honey. He misses you a lot."

When Andrew was a baby, Lana had to place him in a shelter because she couldn't afford to raise him. There, she met the Gibsons, an elderly couple who didn't have children. They adopted Andrew and allowed Lana to remain his nanny.


Lana's job at the Gibson house helped her get her father treated while staying in touch with her son. Now, she wanted her and Andrew's life to change. She visited Neil and told him she would give him another chance if he proved that he had changed.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

And Neil did it. He quit his job as a janitor and started working as a server in a cafe. Lana eventually introduced Andrew to him since she noticed he was improving.

Little Andrew was confused why he didn't know Lana was his mother and Neil was his father. While Lana has decided to tell him everything when he's old enough to comprehend the truth, she's told him she was on a 'secret' mission to find his father.

Neil, on the other hand, has come to realize what true wealth is. "I promise I'll do everything for you, champ," he promises Andrew every time, knowing that his kid and Lana are his biggest assets. Not to mention, he has a much better relationship with his father now. And the Gibsons are glad that Andrew's parents are keen on giving the young lad a good life.


What can we learn from this story?

  • Your karma will catch up with you sooner or later. Neil was living a frivolous life and regretted it when his restaurant closed down, forcing him to face life without luxuries.
  • Family is the greatest treasure. After crossing paths with Lana again, Neil realized his errors and what he'd been missing out on all this while. And he made amends by becoming a better person and embracing Lana and Andrew.

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This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.
