HomeReal Life
Kaymaii, Cameron, Nicolle Blackman, Her Husband, and Their Third Child, 2019 | Source: Facebook.com/Mrs.Blackman16
Kaymaii, Cameron, Nicolle Blackman, Her Husband, and Their Third Child, 2019 | Source: Facebook.com/Mrs.Blackman16

Lady Asks Breastfeeding Mom to Cover Up Because Her Husband Is Staring - Her Response Gets 50,000 Likes

Junie Sihlangu
Jul 20, 2023
12:30 P.M.

A woman was peacefully breastfeeding her baby boy in a restaurant, not bothering anyone and keeping to herself, when one angry patron approached her. The stranger made a request that annoyed the mother and her reaction led to her story going viral.


Nicolle Blackman was a mother of two from Federal Way who went out with her children to a well-known restaurant one day. At one point, her newborn child needed to feed, and as any responsible mother would do, she attended to her baby.

However, she didn't anticipate that quietly breastfeeding her baby would become an issue for one of the other patrons. Before the person confronted her, Blackman noticed someone staring at her intently.

Ultimately, the mother stood up for herself and her child's needs in a very clever and inspiring way, leading thousands of social media users to react.


What Happened to Nicolle That Led to Her Being Confronted by a Stranger?

On September 2, 2017, Blackman, then 29, and a mother to her then-11-year-old daughter, Kaymaii, and three-month-old son Cameron, took both children to a local McDonald's restaurant.

The woman, who was a cashier living just south of Seattle, Washington, started breastfeeding her baby boy at the corner of the restaurant., making sure not to expose her nipples. She had been courteous and conscious enough to cover herself while little Cameron latched on.


Soon, she noticed that a man sitting with a woman was "staring" at her, but she wasn't bothered because she understood how curious people got. Being watched didn't stop her from feeding her son, but what happened next was unexpected.

While innocently sitting with her children, the woman with the man suddenly showed up angry at her table. The stranger demanded she cover her son up because her husband couldn't stop staring at the breastfeeding mom, Blackman noted:

"His wife was really concerned, but I wasn't concerned."


The couple had chosen to sit right beside the trio despite McDonald's having plenty of other spaces available. The stranger was also unaware that Cameron had recently undergone surgery "to get his lip-tie and tongue-tie" clipped.

The procedure left the newborn baby unable to bottle feed, hence the public breastfeeding. Blackman had no issues with mothers covering their children up because it was a choice, but she didn't like being judged without people knowing her whole story.

The interaction with the angry woman left the Federal Way resident quite "annoyed." She couldn't understand why she would need to cover Cameron up. Blackman was surprised and even questioned if her son was supposed to hold his breath while covered. She concluded:

"I think she was upset because her husband was looking."


Kyamaii's mother noticed that the woman's husband wasn't paying attention to her as she spoke. But Blackman's response to the woman's request would soon go viral on social media for how smart and decisive it was.

How Did Nicolle Handle Being Asked to Cover Her Son, and What Did Social Media Users Say about the Matter?

In retaliation to the woman's demands, Blackman did the unexpected. Instead of covering her baby boy, she placed the muslin cloth over her face, instead of her breasts!


The move forced the stranger to angrily grab her husband and leave the restaurant. Kaymaii couldn't comprehend why her mother was expected to cover her breasts and took an iconic photo of Blackman with the cloth over her face while Cameron fed peacefully.

Blackman revealed that her daughter later told her grandmother that Blackman wasn't "mean" to Cameron, recalling the incident that day. Blackman's mother said she was proud of her for standing up for her beliefs.

A comment on a Daily Mail Facebook post about Nicolle Blackman's public breastfeeding story on September 19, 2017 | Source: Facebook/Daily Mail

A comment on a Daily Mail Facebook post about Nicolle Blackman's public breastfeeding story on September 19, 2017 | Source: Facebook/Daily Mail

The cashier took to her Facebook account the same day to share her story. She said Kaymaii had never seen her cover herself up while feeding her brother, which led to the image and over 50,000 likes and thousands of responses.


Someone else laughed at Blackman's response to the angry stranger and praised her for it.

Blackman later told the press that the incident wasn't the first time she was harassed for feeding her child. The defiant mother has had many incidences where she was told to feed Cameron in the bathroom. She responded that it was "disgusting," challenging others if they would eat there too.

A comment on a Daily Mail Facebook post about Nicolle Blackman's public breastfeeding story on September 19, 2017 | Source: Facebook/Daily Mail

A comment on a Daily Mail Facebook post about Nicolle Blackman's public breastfeeding story on September 19, 2017 | Source: Facebook/Daily Mail

Blackman recalled another time she inspired someone by breastfeeding in public. While feeding in a park, a woman came up to her and praised her for making it okay to do that, saying she wouldn't have done that if she hadn't seen Blackman doing it.

Following Blackman's incident with the man and his wife, Daily Mail shared the image her daughter took of her along with the story of the incident. This led many to drop their supportive comments.

A comment on a Daily Mail Facebook post about Nicolle Blackman's public breastfeeding story on September 19, 2017 | Source: Facebook/Daily Mail

A comment on a Daily Mail Facebook post about Nicolle Blackman's public breastfeeding story on September 19, 2017 | Source: Facebook/Daily Mail

Someone noted that there was "nothing wrong" with breastfeeding in public because Blackman's child was hungry. The person believed it didn't matter if part of her breast was exposed; only those with "dirty minds" would find it wrong.

Someone else revealed that one would be "clobbered by total strangers" in their country if they said or made eye contact with a breastfeeding mother, adding:

"This is her GOD-given right .. it's not something a woman or man should be ashamed of; it's the most natural and a (sic) the most beautiful thing [in] the world."


The social media user also shared how breastfeeding mothers are considered "highly blessed" in their society, commending Blackman and other mothers who dared to do it and urging them to do what they needed to keep their children fed and safe no matter the time or place.

Someone else laughed at Blackman's response to the angry stranger and praised her for it. The Facebook user lauded Blackman for setting a "great example" by standing up for herself and what was suitable for her daughter.

The "ogling" incident left Blackman hoping her story helps other women and gives them the courage to stand up for their children. Judging by the many positive responses she received to her account, the mother's bravery had led to a little revolution of some sort.

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