Older Woman with Broken Leg Lies Still in Bed, One Night Sees Her Son-in-Law Sneaking into Her Room — Story of the Day
70-year-old Agnes miraculously survives a premeditated murder attempt, narrowly escaping with a broken leg. One night, while lying still in her bed, she notices her son-in-law quietly sneaking into her room and approaching her bedside.
In the quiet of the night, a soft rustling coming from the drawers of the cabinet stirred 70-year-old Agnes to be as cautious as a hawk on the hunt.
She quietly lay under the blanket in her dark bedroom, anxiously peering at the shadowy figure of her son-in-law, Chris, rummaging through her nightstand.
Beads of sweat broke on Agnes's forehead. She had been waiting for this moment for a long time. With a flick of her wrist, she turned on the light.
"Caught you, you conniving scoundrel! Your unquenchable greed has finally unmasked you...It's time to say goodbye to my daughter and surrender your freedom to the cops."
"Aa-Agg-Agnes??" Chris, shocked and pale, stammered. A look of agitation and surprise washed over his face.
"I thought you were...DEAD."

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A few months ago...
"Mom, please be kind to him, okay?" Agnes's 45-year-old daughter, Grace, told her for the umpteenth time as they arrived outside the Silver Grande Cafe.
They were here to meet Chris, Grace's boyfriend of six months.
Agnes smirked as she tottered toward the entrance. "I hope he is all that you said he is, Grace. Because your happiness matters to me. And I don't want to give my daughter's hand in marriage to just 'any' man."
"Mom?! Chris is amazing. And I'm sure you'll like him the moment you strike up a conversation with him. He is so funny...and polite. He would go above and beyond to make me happy."
"Oh, we'll see how far he will go, dear. That's why I'm here...to make sure he is worth your time and love."
As Agnes and Grace arrived, Grace led her to a private dining area by the window where a young, handsome man was sitting, anticipating their arrival.

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"Grace, is that him?" Agnes raised a brow as soon as she spotted Chris waving at them. Agnes felt she'd seen Chris before but couldn't recall where.
"Mom...meet Chris," Grace blushed as she introduced them both to each other. "Chris, Mom!"
"Hello, Mrs. Xavier. It's a pleasure to meet you!" Chris rose for a handshake. But Agnes was quite taken aback by his appearance and responded with a gentle smile.
Grace had already told her that Chris was 13 years her junior. But Agnes never thought he would be so charming. She now grew worried about their age gap.
"So, Chris, you're thirteen years her junior, right?" Agnes frowned. "That's quite an age difference, don't you think?"
"Mom?" Grace grew a little nervous. She was afraid her mother would make an unwanted scene and hurt Chris with her unsettling questions.

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"Yes, that's right, Mrs. Xavier. I'm thirteen years Grace's junior. But we don't mind it at all! When I first saw Grace, I knew she was the one."
"I truly love her...and she loves me," Chris gently took Grace's hand and kissed it as Agnes watched. "Age is just a number, you know! All that matters is our love. And we love each other like crazy, right sweetheart?!"
Agnes sat back quietly and nodded. Chris appeared nice, but it all seemed too good to be true, so Agnes had her doubts.
She looked closely at Chris and tried to recall where she had seen him but in vain.
So, without further hesitation, Agnes began her next round of questions as they waited for the food they had ordered.
"You seem strangely familiar to me, young man. I think I've seen you somewhere. Have we crossed paths before?"

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"I'm sorry...I don't...think so," Chris stared at Agnes evenly in the eye. "This is the first time we're meeting, Mrs. Xavier."
"No, but I've seen you somewhere...I just can't seem to remember where," Agnes replied. "But I'm damn sure I've seen you before. I might be old...but my memory hasn't aged."
Seeing Chris getting slightly uncomfortable, Grace dived into the conversation to diffuse the situation. She didn't want her boyfriend to grow paranoid or think oddly about her mother, who was bombarding him with questions.
"Oh, Mom! I'm sure you must've been mistaken. Chris is new in town…didn't I tell you?" Grace said, pushing forward a plate of lobsters toward Agnes. "It's getting cold. Let's start eating now."
"Hmmm...my memory rarely fails me. I've seen you before, Chris. I just need some time to jog my memory."
They started enjoying the dinner as Agnes occasionally observed Chris closely, trying hard to recall where she had seen him.

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"So, what about your family, young man?" Agnes began probing again.
"Mom...I told you Chris lost his parents in a car crash when he was in college. He lives alone," Grace coyly whispered, rolling her eyes so her mother would get the message and keep quiet.
But Agnes was determined to know more about the man her daughter was dating. She felt she had the right to know everything about him before Grace made her life's biggest and riskiest decision at forty-five.
"I'm sorry to hear that, young man," Agnes said apologetically. "So, what do you do for a living? Grace said you're into some business. What exactly do you do?"
"Chris runs a family business, Mom. They export handicrafts, am I right, Chris?" Grace interrupted again, irking Agnes.
She was a bit annoyed with Grace for playing Chris's mouthpiece.
So Agnes continued eating her food quietly, watching Grace and Chris giggle about something between their meal.

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"Anybody wants anything else?" Grace leaned forward as she wiped her mouth with the tissue. "Ice cream?"
"I'm full, thanks! It was a lovely dinner, Grace," Chris replied.
Grace looked at Agnes. "Mom? You want anything else?"
"I think I ate more than my tummy could take in!" Agnes said as they all cracked up with laughter.
When the waiter arrived with the bill, Agnes watched in disbelief as Grace took out her wallet to pay. She was shocked because she thought Chris would pay for the dinner.
"Hold on...so your beloved lady pays for your dinner, too, young man?" Agnes asked Chris.
"Mom? Will you please stop this?" Grace jumped in Chris's defense, faking a smile, as she squeezed Agnes's hand.

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"Did I ask something wrong, dear?" Agnes turned to her daughter. "It's a tradition that a man pays when he goes on a date or dinner with his girlfriend. Why break the old tradition? Why don't you let Chris pay, right Chris?"
"Mom, Chris's late Grandpa has left him a huge inheritance. But he is waiting for some official documents before he can use the inheritance money. Once Chris gets that, everything will be sorted. He will have more than enough money to care for me, okay?" Grace revealed.
"Let's just get over this dinner and leave. Who cares who pays? Let's not stick to those old ways! Whether Chris pays or I pay, it makes no difference, okay, Mom? So chill!"
"I hope Chris gets his inheritance before we dine together again, darling!" Agnes smiled.
Flapping his blazer, Chris rose from his chair and hugged Grace. "Thanks for the dinner, darling. I'll call you once I reach my office. There's an important meeting with a client from Japan. I have to give a presentation, and I'm already running late."
"It was a pleasure meeting you, Mrs. Xavier. I have to go now. See you around!"

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As soon as Chris left the restaurant, Grace started grumbling, saying her mother shouldn't have been so rude to Chris.
"Darling, but I have the right to know about him," Agnes said. "After all, you have known him for only six months. As a mother, I deserve to know everything about my daughter's boyfriend."
"I agree, Mom. But you shouldn't have asked him those questions. He must've felt offended...and hurt. When I told him about our meeting today, he was so excited to see you. You saw the way his face flushed red when you asked those questions. I hope he gets over it."
"I don't know how to sugarcoat things, Grace. I only know to ask in the face. Because I deserve to know the truth. Let's go home now," Agnes got up.

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Grace hailed a taxi for her mother, saying she had to meet a friend in the theater. Before the cab departed, she once again requested her mother to be kind to her boyfriend the next time they met.
"He's an amazing person, Mom. Please don't be too hard on my choice. If I can be happy with someone, it's Chris! And I want you to accept him. I'm forty-five. I trust my choices...and I want you to trust them too."
Agnes nodded doubtfully and left for home, only to get caught in thick traffic on the way.
"Is there any shortcut, driver?" she asked the cabbie. "Looks like it's going to rain. I want to go home before that. Or I'll be bedridden with the flu for an entire week!"
"Yes, Ma'am. There's a shortcut this way. But the road is a little rugged. You sure you want to take that route?"
"Oh, please! I just want to go home quickly."
Just as the taxi crossed a lane, Agnes noticed Chris entering a costume rental store with a bag in hand.

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"Stop the car, driver...stop!" Agnes instructed the cabbie, and the taxi came to a halt on the roadside.
Agnes rolled down the car window. She knew her sharp eyes weren't deceiving her. The man walking through the wardrobe rental shop was indeed Chris.
What is he doing here when he's supposed to be at his client meeting?
Curiosity got the better of Agnes. A few minutes later, she saw Chris appear out of the shop's main entrance. But he looked completely different.
Chris was not wearing the crisp blue suit he'd worn for the dinner. Instead, he was wearing shabby trousers, a faded hoodie, and a pair of dirty brown shoes—a stark contrast to what Agnes had seen just half an hour ago.
Agnes could not believe her eyes. Chris had told her and Grace that he was going to meet an important client from Japan. But the way he looked now...he was clearly not dressed for such a business meeting.
So Agnes decided to secretly follow him to find out where he was going.

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"Take it slow...but don't miss him...You see the man over there...in that red hoodie? Follow him," Agnes told the driver as she got into the cab.
Chris weaved through the crowded streets and seemed to be in a hurry to head somewhere.
Moments later, Chris arrived at an alley with insufficient room for the car to pass through. So Agnes got down and paid the driver before discreetly following Chris on foot.
Each fleeting minute started weighing on Agnes. Despite being 70, she managed to keep up with Chris's pace.
Soon, Agnes realized she was standing in the middle of a shady neighborhood notorious for menacing gangsters and criminal activities.
"What's he doing over here?" she whispered to herself and watched in disbelief as Chris slipped into a run-down house on the edge of the street.

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Fear gripped Agnes like icy fingers. This was not the kind of place she would have normally been. But she was determined to find out what Chris was up to at any cost.
So she crept closer to the house, careful not to be seen or caught. Agnes peered through a cracked window and saw photographs of herself and Grace hanging on the wall with peeling paint.
But what caught her off guard was a familiar picture of a diamond necklace gleaming around her neck. It was a family heirloom worth $400,000.
"That necklace..." Agnes whispered.
"It's been in our family for generations. Why does Chris have photos of it? I never gave Grace those pictures. Where did he get them from?"
That's when some dark memories rushed back, jolting Agnes like a thunderbolt.

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"Now I know why Chris seemed so familiar," Agnes whispered.
As it turned out, a young man named Larry, who looked just like Chris, had tried to steal the necklace from Agnes's house 15 years ago. He claimed it was his family heirloom and that it was stolen by Agnes's ancestors.
Agnes's heart pounded when she remembered the legal battle after Larry was caught stealing. He was arrested and sent to prison, where he tragically died in a fire outbreak.
It all slowly started piecing together in Agnes's mind.
"Oh God...that means Chris is Larry's younger brother...I remember seeing him in the courtroom. He was much younger...
...He's seeking revenge for his older brother's tragic death...and he's using my daughter!"
Panic rose into Agnes's eyes as she took her phone from her bag to record evidence. She knew her daughter would never believe her without solid proof.
With trembling fingers, Agnes aimed the phone's camera at Chris's living room and accidentally triggered the flash while trying to click a picture of him staring at the photo of the necklace.

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A strange feeling settled in the pit of Agnes's stomach when Chris snapped in the window's direction.
She fled the spot and quickly ducked behind a nearby trash can, trying to catch her heavy gasps. She watched Chris on the doorstep, anxiously looking on either side, scanning the area. He then went back inside the house and slammed the door shut.
Agnes sighed with relief. With her heart racing, she escaped from the alley, hurried toward the nearby taxi stand, and hailed a cab home.
The following morning, Agnes rushed to her daughter's house in the next street. She grew impatient to tell Grace about the previous night's encounter and save her and the family heirloom from Chris.

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Agnes's heart pounded as she arrived in the dimly lit living room of Grace's suburban apartment.
"Darling, I need to tell you something...it's about Chris...last night I saw him going to this…." her voice trailed off when she saw Chris sitting on the couch with Grace.
He looked up and smiled at Agnes.
"Mom? What are you doing here? You could've called me before coming...I would've sent a taxi home to pick you up."
Blood drained off Agnes's face. She hadn't expected to see Chris there.
"Mom, what's wrong? You look restless. Is everything okay?"
"We need to talk, Grace. And Chris, you need to hear this too."
Chris rose from the couch. "Mrs. Xavier, what's going on?"

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Agnes settled down, her gaze fixed on Chris. She began to recount the events from 15 years ago.
"Your older brother Larry tried to steal our family necklace fifteen years ago, claiming it was rightfully his...and that our ancestors had stolen it from his family. He was arrested and sent to jail," Agnes began.
"What? I...I don't know what you're talking about, Mrs. Xavier. You know my brother, Larry?"
"I didn't finish yet, Chris. Your brother died in a fire outbreak in prison. And today, I saw you in that run-down house in the alley...with a picture of the same necklace I'm talking about."
"Wha-what house? Mrs. Xavier, you're mistaken. I'm sorry, but I don't understand. I had no idea my brother had anything to do with your family necklace. I'm shocked myself. I was in the meeting, I swear. Not in some alley."
"Mom, what's going on? Can you stop this, please?" Grace was taken aback. "I'm sure you must have seen somebody else. Chris was at a meeting."

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"Wait a minute, Grace. I know he's after that necklace...I have proof," Agnes took out her phone to show the photo she had taken. But to her shock, the picture was blurry due to the flash reflecting from the window.
"Mom, enough! Stop this, okay? How can you just accuse my boyfriend of something so ridiculous?"
"Chris, I...I'm so sorry...Mom's just...Mom, what the hell?"
"Mrs. Xavier, it's just a coincidence, I swear. I didn't know about all this. I really love Grace, and I want to marry her. I had no idea about this necklace you're talking about. Why would I want it? Makes no sense. Grace? What is this, honey?"
Chris then reached into his pocket and pulled out a small white velvet box.
"If I were to really rob Grace, why would I plan this?" he said, opening the box containing a glittering diamond ring.
Agnes watched in disbelief as Chris got down on one knee and popped the question to Grace.
"Grace, I want to grow older with you. And live the rest of my life with you. Will you be mine forever…will you marry me?"

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Grace's eyes sparkled with surprise and joy. She forgot about everything her mother had just told her as Chris slipped the ring on her finger and kissed her.
"Oh my God...I love you, Chris. Yes, I'll marry you!" she cried.
Agnes was taken aback by the swiftness of the proposal. Her suspicion grew stronger when she realized the phone's flash could have given her away while she tried clicking a picture.
Chris knew I had been snooping on him for evidence and was prepared. He had anticipated this moment and orchestrated the proposal to divert Grace's attention, Agnes thought.
Determined to thwart Chris's plan, Agnes decided to act ahead of him.
"Alright, in that case, let's just do one thing," she interrupted the couple.

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"What now, Mom? I think we've had enough of this drama. It's time to celebrate!" Grace grinned.
"Aren't you happy your daughter is gonna start a new chapter with the love of her life? C'mon, Mom. Stop being so grumpy."
"Sweetheart, don't worry. There won't be any more drama! Just give me the family necklace," Agnes insisted.
"Mom! You can't always be sticking to your groundless facts," Grace resisted. "There's no need for that, okay? The necklace is safe with me. You gave it to me, remember? Why do you want it back now? I wanted to wear it for the wedding."
"I want it back, Grace. I just gave it to you for some time. I didn't bequeath it to you yet. So, it still belongs to me. Give it back. You can wear something else for your wedding. Not this necklace. Give it back...now."
"Okay, whatever. Give me a minute," Grace rolled her eyes and approached the fireplace.
Chris watched in disbelief when Grace took the necklace out of a hidden vault and approached her mother.

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"Here, you can have your necklace," Grace angrily shoved the necklace into Agnes's hand. "I don't want it."
Chris watched the exchange, his face contorted with concealed frustration as he faked a smile.
"If you don't need it, lovebirds, it should go where it truly belongs! I'm very happy for you both. Congratulations!" Agnes bitterly replied as she tossed the jewel case into her handbag.
She then approached Chris and whispered.
"We'll continue to play your wicked game, Chris...as long as you don't run away! And you'll never get your dirty hands on this necklace."
Chris adjusted his tie and cleared his throat. "Good day, Mrs. Xavier! It was nice seeing you again."
Agnes frowned and left Grace's house.
"It's now safe with me," she thought as she hid the jewelry in her safe back home.

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Two weeks later, Grace and Chris tied the knot in a picturesque seaside resort perched high above the shimmering sea on the outskirts of the city.
Nestled among the lush palm trees and tropical gardens, the venue offered a breathtaking experience to all the guests except Agnes.
She couldn't believe how Chris was still putting on his act, deceiving Grace with his charm and love. She couldn't figure out what he was planning on next, so she was very vigilant.
Unable to withstand the loud music and noisy guests, Agnes stepped outside for a breath of fresh air and to take in the breathtaking view from the restaurant's vantage point, 30 meters above sea level.
As Agnes enjoyed the scenic landscape, she was abruptly startled by Chris's voice.

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"How's the celebration, Mrs. Xavier? I hope you're enjoying everything. Would you like to dance…with your son-in-law?"
Chris sounded casual, and Agnes answered politely.
"Yes, it's quite lovely, thank you. No, I don't want to dance. I'm good."
But then, Chris's tone shifted, becoming more ominous and menacing.
"You know, Mrs. Xavier, you were right about the necklace!" he said, staring intensely at Agnes as he approached closer.
"It rightfully belongs to my family. And I will do all it takes to have it back."
Agnes was alarmed.
She craned her neck to see behind Chris, only to realize they were the only ones there. All the guests were busy at the party, and there was nobody in sight that she could cry for help.
And even if she did cry, the music in the party hall was too loud for anyone to hear her out.
Agnes was...trapped.

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"Chris, wait...What are you doing?!" Agnes stepped back. "Don't come any closer. Stay right there."
"You know, old lady, you should've stopped playing detective and not meddled in my affairs," Chris snapped.
"Everything was going perfectly according to my plan...until you followed me all the way to my house. You thought I didn't see that flash by the window?
…You learned things you shouldn't have found out about. You're being an obstacle on my path. So why don't you just..."
"No! Chris, stop! Please...No!" Agnes shouted in panic. But it was too late.
Chris grabbed her shoulders and pushed her. Agnes tried to grab onto the railing. Her fingers grasped at thin air as Chris watched Agnes struggle and lose her grip, plummeting down.
Dusting his hands, he walked away, wickedly smiling.

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The next day…
"Wh-where am I?" Agnes's eyes fluttered open, and a sharp pain shot through her leg.
She felt her body ache as she craned her neck and saw her leg encased in a bulky cast. She was in the hospital bed.
"Mom, you're awake!" Grace rushed to her, teary-eyed.
"It's a miracle you survived that fall with such minimal injuries, Mom."
"Miracle...or a twist of fate?" Agnes tremblingly said as she recounted the traumatic moment.
"Chris pushed me, Grace. He did this to me."

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Agnes watched in disbelief as Grace's expression shifted from relief to anger.
"Mom, are you still not done with your baseless theories and doubts?" she barked. "You obviously hurt your head. Do you even know what will go through Chris if he comes to know about this ridiculous accusation against him?"
"Grace, for once, you got to trust your mother. I am telling you the truth. Please, listen to me...Chris is not who he claims he is."
"Enough, Mom! I don't want to hear more of this. You must rest. I'll see you later."
But Agnes persisted through her pain.
"I saw it with my own eyes, Grace. I saw hatred in his eyes. God, how will I prove it to you? He tried to kill me."

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Her daughter's reluctance to believe her gnawed at Agnes's heart. But she had more pressing concerns.
A haunting realization gripped Agnes—Chris had the perfect opportunity to steal the necklace from her house and escape forever.
As soon as Grace left the ward, Agnes called out to the nurse, tending to another patient in the ward. "Excuse me, dear. Can you please arrange for a taxi to take me home? I need to get somewhere quickly. It's urgent..."
But the nurse refused.
"I'm sorry, Ma'am. It's against our protocols to allow patients to go home in the middle of treatment without family supervision or permission. I'm sorry, but I can't do that."
"Why don't you understand? It's important. Please," Agnes's desperation welled up. But the nurse still refused.
"Sorry, Ma'am. You must be under observation for a few days."

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Once the nurse left the ward, Agnes quietly hatched an escape plan. She looked around and spotted an empty wheelchair beside her bed.
Agnes limped out of her bed and changed into normal clothes, her heart pounding wildly. She then eased herself into the wheelchair.
Agnes wheeled herself toward the door with slow, deliberate movements like a thief in the night. The hallway was eerily quiet as she continued, avoiding the gaze of any passing nurses.
Agnes made it down the elevator, and as she reached the exit, a rush of anxiety and adrenaline washed over her. The automatic doors slid open as she escaped from the hospital and approached a taxi stand nearby.

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"To 7408 Maple Street, please," she instructed the driver before limping into the cab.
As soon as she arrived home that evening, Agnes paid the driver and crept into her house. A sense of relief washed over her when she saw things were in place.
Agnes checked the safe and found the necklace intact. Chris had not yet broken into her house, so she knew she still had time to put her plan into motion.
She then put out all the lights and crept into her bed, waiting for Chris to pull his heist.
She just knew he would come for the necklace…and he did.

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Back to the present...
"You survived that fall? I thought you were dead," Chris barked at Agnes. "Guess I'll have to get my hands dirty and send you off on my own, old lady."
He advanced towards her when the bedroom door burst open.
Fear gripped Chris as he frantically searched for an escape route. He bolted to the window nearby when he heard a cop chambering a round in his pistol.
"Freeze!" a squad of police officers surrounded Chris.
"I won't forget this, Agnes. You'll regret crossing me," Chris snapped as an officer handcuffed him.
"You have the right to remain silent, sir," he said, leading Chris to the police cruiser outside.
Chris was imprisoned.
Grace rushed to her mother and apologized for not believing her.
"I'm so sorry, Mom. I should've trusted you."
"I'm glad the air is clear, sweetheart. The truth always finds its way out!" Agnes hugged Grace as they prepared to leave for the hospital to continue Agnes's treatment.

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This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.