Restaurant Manager Insults Latino Visitor Unaware He's Come to Buy the Place – Story of the Day
A Latino man is blatantly discriminated against by the maître d' and head waiter when he arrives to dine at a popular and luxurious restaurant. But they are forced to change their hearts and ways when they learn that the man is there to buy the restaurant from its current owner.
The elegant, upmarket restaurant was bustling with the chatter of well-dressed diners, the clinking of silverware, and the soft strains of classical music. It was a place where the city's elite came to dine and strike important deals.
A distinguished-looking man of Latin descent, Jorge, strolled confidently through the front door; dapper in his blue wool blazer, he felt right at home, even if his complexion did not match that of the majority of the restaurant's patrons at that present moment.
Jorge had come to this particular restaurant for a crucial meeting and was well aware of its reputation.
As Jorge approached a table on the terrace, the maître d', a haughty man with a disdainful expression, swooped upon him and placed a hand on the back of the chair Jorge was about to settle into.

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The maître d', Austin, looked Jorge up and down and, without a greeting, sneered, "I'm sorry, sir, but this table is reserved."
Jorge frowned and, looking around the half-empty serving floor, he remarked, "Reserved? I don't see a reservation sign."
"As you wish, sir," Austin said. "Please hold on; I will be back in a moment."
Jorge nodded and took a seat at the prohibited table anyway, with a dissatisfied look at the maître d'.
Austin returned with a small object in his hand about a minute later. He plonked it down on the table. The object was a little silver plaque that read: "RESERVED."
"As you can clearly see, sir, this table is reserved for another party that will be joining us for lunch," Austin said pompously. "I'd be more than happy to find another place for you. You see, this is one of the finest eateries in town. Our reservations list is booked up for weeks, and unfortunately, we simply cannot accommodate walk-ins."

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"I'm well aware of this establishment's reputation," Jorge countered. "That is precisely why I am here, in fact. My meeting has been scheduled for some time, and I requested the terrace table for a reason," Jorge said calmly, trying to keep his composure.
"I am sorry to disappoint you, sir, but we cannot make an exception. If you insist on dining with us today, I can arrange a place setting for you in another location."
"Okay, I assumed my business associate had made the reservation, given the importance of our meeting. But, if not, I respect your wishes, show me to another table then," Jorge offered graciously.
At that moment, a man and a woman entered the restaurant, and without so much as a glance at Jorge, Austin bustled off in their direction with a great show of affection.
"Madan, sir!" he gushed. "How wonderful to see you again. Allow me to show you to your usual table on the terrace." Austin escorted the couple passed Jorge, who stood uncomfortably aside for them to pass.
Austin seated the couple at another prime table on the terrace near the window with a magnificent view of the city skyline. Handing them menus, he said, "I highly recommend the lazy-aged rump. It's especially good with the blue cheese sauce. Your waiter will be with you in a minute."

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Returning to Jorge, Austin instructed, "Follow me."
"Okay," Jorge said and followed the maître d' across the entire floor space—it was a large area—and Jorge could not help noticing that some of the other diners looked up sharply at him as he passed.
The small table Austin offered Jorge was propped uncomfortably close to the busy kitchen entrance. The table wasn't set for dining, and Austin signaled two servers who slipped over quickly and decked it with a cloth and cutlery. One plopped a wine glass down too.
As Jorge tried to make himself comfortable, a server passed by the back of his chair and bumped it with her hip. She didn't even look back with an apology as she bundled into the kitchen, her hands full of dirty dishes.
"A waiter will be with you soon," Austin declared and crossed the floor to the other side of the restaurant, where he clicked his fingers for the head waiter, Roger, to follow him, and they stepped off to one side conspiratorially.

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"Listen up," Austin said, "we can't have drug dealers and pimps taking over the place. See the Mexican over at table thirteen? Get rid of him."
Roger raised an eyebrow. "Get rid of him, boss?"
"That's what I said. Get him out of here before he places his order. He could even be an illegal immigrant. Maybe we should call Homeland Security."
"Homeland Security?" Roger questioned. This was a first. He'd heard Austin grumble about serving certain race groups in the restaurant before, but this seemed a new extreme.
Roger looked doubtfully at his manager but wasn't about to jeopardize his job by arguing. Jobs are hard to come by at the best of times, and there were not the best of times.
He had worked hard to get where he was and took pride in his work. And generally, he just did as he was told and did not argue with the restaurant's management.
"How can you tell if someone is an illegal immigrant just by looking at them?" Roger asked, willing on this occasion to push back somewhat.

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"Are you talking back to me, son?" Austin said, raising his voice a little louder than he intended and attracting the attention of a middle-aged man who was making his way through a massive filet mignon steak at a nearby table. Austin smiled coldly at the man.
"No, boss, sorry, I was just checking that I heard you right. Don't worry, I'll take care of him," Roger said.
"And do it quietly," Austin added. "I don't want him making a scene and raising hell. Just make it clear to him that his kind is not welcome here. There's a taco stand around the corner he can go to."
"Uh, boss, are you sure he's a drug dealer or something?" Roger asked.
"Of course, he's a drug dealer," came Austin's reply. "Just look at him. Smooth, well-dressed Mexican eating on his own. I know them when I see them. My daughter has developed a drug problem because of people like him, I know what these people look like."
"Okay, but he looks more like an Argentinian to me," Roger offered.
"Mexican, Argentinian, Columbian, they all look the same. They should go back to where they came from. They don't belong in this country," Austin sneered.

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Roger raised an eyebrow. He had never asked, but Austin's slight accent hinted that he might be a foreign national himself. Nevertheless, Roger held his tongue about that.
"We could get into trouble for this, " he said. "If Richard finds out about this, he might be really mad."
"Believe me, if Richard finds out, he will be grateful we chased this character out of his restaurant," Austin said. "This is one of the best restaurants in town; Richard doesn't want people like this infiltrating the place. Next thing, this man will be selling his poison to our customers. No, get rid of him."
Roger nodded. "Consider it done," he said. He strolled over to Jorge's table leisurely and held up his notepad and pen. "So, what'll be, amigo?" he asked.
Jorge looked up from the menu, looked Roger over, and pointed at the glass on his table. "For a start, that's a red wine glass; how do you know I won't be having white wine?"
"Hmm, you're having wine? I thought you might be going with tequila or beer or something. The water's free. How about I get you a glass of water? In a water glass."

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Jorge laughed, truly believing that Roger was joking. "Touché," he said. "You got me. Okay, a bottle of water, make it sparkling. And bring me a bottle of the Pavillon Blanc du Chateau Margaux. And a white wine glass."
"Ooh," Roger said mockingly, "expensive tastes. Are you sure you can afford that? That's a three-hundred dollar bottle of wine."
Jorge looked up meaningfully at the waiter. "I know how much it costs. I can see that perfectly clearly on the menu. Are you being sassy with me?"
"No, sir," Roger said. "Just checking that you're aware of our prices. Some of them are not on the menu. We call it SQ. Do you know what that means? We don't take cash, by the way. This is not a money laundering operation for Mexican drug cartels, haha."
Jorge studied the waiter for a beat and decided to give him the benefit of the doubt one more time. "Funny," he said. "Not sure what gives you the impression that I'm a drug dealer, but whatever, I like a bit of banter between server and customer."
"Glad to hear it," Roger said. "Happy to oblige."
"I'll be paying by credit card," Jorge said. "And the price is no object. If all goes well today with my business meeting, as I expect it will, this is set to be a celebratory occasion."
"Very well," Roger said and made his way towards the sommelier station. On the way, he caught the eye of Austin, who raised both eyebrows enquiringly. Roger nodded as if to say, I got this, don't worry.

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Roger returned to Jorge's table with the bottle of Pavillon Blanc and made a clumsy show of reaching for the corkscrew deep in the pocket of his apron. "Sorry, sir," he mumbled, "it's my first day on the job."
"That might explain it," Jorge said. "Have you not been trained in how to open a bottle of wine?"
"Trained?" Roger said. "They haven't trained us in anything here."
"Interesting, a restaurant of this stature, you'd expect extensive training of the serving staff. I'll have to have a word with the owner about that," Jorge said.
Roger shrugged. "Suit yourself," he said. He fumbled comically with the corkscrew and pinned the bottle between his legs. Finally driving the screw all the way in, he gave it an overly hard yank and, at the same time, deliberately tipped the bottle towards Jorge, spilling a glass's worth of the wine directly onto his lap.
"What the hell!" Jorge exclaimed, standing up and brushing at his crotch. "What's wrong with you, man?"
"Sorry, sorry," Roger said. "Here, let me get that." He whipped a linen napkin off the table and attempted to wipe the wet stain on Roger's lap.
"Leave it alone!" Jorge said. "I came here for an important business meeting, and this is turning into a farce!"

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... this straight-out racism is totally unacceptable!
"Ah, maybe you'd be more comfortable having your important business meeting at the taco stand around the corner? I hear they make a really good chili burrito," Roger said sarcastically.
"Now that does it!" Jorge exclaimed. "The incompetence I can maybe overlook, but this straight-out racism is totally unacceptable! Get me the owner right away."
"Um, the owner isn't in, sir," Roger said. "Can I get you a side order of cocaine instead?"
"Again, an inappropriate insinuation!" Jorge said. "Get me the manager!" he demanded.
Most of the diners had by now looked up from their meals and conversations to take in the spectacle unfolding. But they quickly averted their eyes. No one came to Jorge's defense.
Austin came bounding over. "Now, please, sir, keep your voice down; you're disturbing the peace," he said. "Terribly sorry about the trouble, terribly sorry. Perhaps sir would prefer to eat somewhere else? Of course, we won't charge you for the spilled wine. Consider it on the house."

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Jorge was speechless at this ill-treatment, but he managed to control his temper. These men had it coming to them for how they were treating him, but he decided to play it cool.
"Look, I don't know what you two are up to here, but if you're trying to make me leave, it's not going to work," Jorge said.
He looked at his watch. "My business associate will be here shortly," he went on. "We'll be discussing a very important deal, and I won't be deterred. Get your act together, or there will be hell to pay when the owner of this place finds out how you treat some of your customers."
"Okay then," Austin said, "have it your way. I apologize for the behavior of Roger here. If it pleases you, I can show you through to one of our private VIP dining rooms. We will try to make up for the poor service."
Jorge looked from the maître d' to the waiter and back again and nodded. "All right," he said. "That will be fine. As long as you get me another waiter."
"That can be arranged, sir," Austin said. "Right this way. Please follow me."

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Jorge followed the maître d' into an adjoining dining room. It was plush and luxuriously decorated, very much to Jorge's liking. He nodded at Austin. "This'll do," he said. "Now lift your game. And let the owner know I'm here when he arrives. We need to talk about how this place is run."
Austin nodded back, "As you wish, sir."
Jorge settled down, perused the menu, and made his selections, only to be disappointed further, especially when the waiter entered to take his food order—it was Roger.
"Unbelievable!" Jorge exclaimed. "What is wrong with you people? You again? I asked for a new waiter. I'm done with you, pal."
"I'm afraid you're stuck with me, amigo," Roger replied. "I'm the only waiter on duty."
"Nonsense," Jorge said, "I saw at least three other waiters working the floor."
"They are all trainees, not ready for full service," came the reply.
Jorge said nothing and simply stared at the menu, trying to get his temper under control.

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"I'll have the lobster bisque for starters, followed by the filet mignon, medium-rare," he said eventually.
"Well, I'm sorry, sir, but we're out of lobster bisque and filet mignon," Roger said.
Jorge tossed the menu onto the table in exasperation. "This is a joke," he said. "I heard the maître d' offering the steak to some other diners when I arrived. And this place is renowned for its steaks; how can you tell me you're out?"
"That's exactly the reason we're out of steaks," Roger argued. "The steak is so popular, we sell out regularly."
"Well, that's some bad planning on the part of the management; we'll have to see about that too," Jorge said. "Very well, let's try out your seafood. I'll have the salmon then."
Roger hesitated for a moment before reluctantly agreeing to the fish order. He backed out, closing the VIP room's double door with a sarcastic bow, and bumped into Austin, who was waiting for him.
Without a word, Austin slipped a key from his pocket, showed it to Roger, locked the VIP room door, and handed the key to him.

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Austin took Roger aside and scolded him in hushed tones: "I told you to get rid of him quietly, not to create a scene back there with the wine!"
"I thought that would get rid of him for sure," Roger said defensively. "He must really be hungry!"
"This is not a joke!" Austin remonstrated. "Now I've had to lock him up in there, and we need to make a new plan to get rid of him. Don't put his food order in until we figure out how."
"Okay," Roger agreed, "but then what? He's going to get impatient soon and start making a noise; what do we do then? The other guests are already tense; we don't want to have this blow out of control."
"Let me worry about that," Austin said. "You come up with a plan to get him out of here."
"All right, let me see what I can do," Roger replied. "What about if we poison his food? Then we can call an ambulance and get him carried out of here…"
"Are you insane!" Austin retorted. "I just want him out of here. I don't want to kill him. But we must also send a clear message that we don't want his type in our restaurant."

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"Any more bright ideas?" Austin asked.
"Well, I'll go back and tell him we're out of the salmon. That's bound to make him mad. Maybe that'll do it," Roger ventured.
"Okay, try that. Come and let me know what he does," Austin said.
Fifteen minutes later, Roger found Austin in the kitchen and reported: "He said he'll have the Greek salad since we seem to be out of everything else."
"Wow," Austin said. "He is determined to be here, isn't he? I told you something is up with him. He's probably casing the joint and planning a robbery. He'll come back with his other gang members and rob us and all our patrons at gunpoint. That's what's up, I guarantee it."
Roger looked skeptical but chose not to say anything. "That gives me an idea," Austin said. "Just let him stew for a bit, and I'm going to make a call."
"Okay, boss, whatever you say," Roger said and made his way off quickly to attend to some of the other guests, which he had been neglecting with all the distractions Austin was introducing.

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Inside the private dining area, Jorge was initially relieved to have some privacy and a chance to enjoy his meal and business meeting in peace.
But after a considerable wait—he drank most of what remained of the bottle of wine—he decided to find out what was taking so long.
Stepping to the door, he was shocked to discover it locked. "Hey!" he shouted. "What's going on here? Why is this door locked?" He banged loudly on the door with a fist and yelled, "Open this door immediately!"
A minute passed, and nothing happened. Jorge banged on the door with both fists and shouted, "Open this door, or I am going to kick it in!"
Just as he was about to make good on this threat, the door swung open, and Jorge was presented with yet another shocking turn of events.
Two uniformed police officers trailed Roger into the room, suspiciously fixing their eyes on Jorge.
Roger closed the doors to the room and turned to the policemen. "Well, here he is, gentlemen," he said. "This man has caused us considerable trouble, and we were left with no choice but to call in the authorities."

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"What?" Jorge blurted out. "Officers, I am so glad you are here to deal with this awful situation. These men locked me in here against my will. They have also racially abused me and attacked my dignity. I would be happy to accompany you to the station to press charges against them."
"Now, hold your horses, sir," One of the officers said patronizingly. "Nobody's pressing charges here just yet until we get to the bottom of this. We are here to respond to a complaint against you for non-payment of your bill and causing a public disturbance. What do you have to say for yourself?"
"What?" Jorge asked incredulously. "Non-payment of my bill? But I haven't even received my food yet. I've been waiting for ages since I placed my order, and when I got up to try and find out what was going on, I found the door locked."
"I beg to differ, officers," Roger chimed in, presenting a bill-fold and opening it up so the policemen could see the contents: a long list of food items and drinks.
"As you can see," Roger continued, "he has run up a considerable bill—he's drunk a huge amount of alcohol—and he refuses to pay the bill."
"Well, what do you have to say for yourself?" the officer in charge challenged Jorge.

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"Firstly," Jorge said calmly, "that is not my bill. So far, all I've had is this wine you see on the table, some of which this man," he pointed at Roger, "spilled on me when he opened it. And secondly, as I've said, these men have had it in for me from the moment I walked in. Their treatment of me has been appalling, and these claims are complete lies."
"If I may say," Roger butted in, "I would like to suggest we take this to the police station, or at least outside, and sort it out there."
"I am not leaving this room," Jorge said, digging in. "I believe this will all be cleared up when my business associate arrives soon. I arrived early for our meeting because I wanted to enjoy the ambiance and fine food this restaurant is renowned for. My god, have I been disappointed!"
"Sir, I am going to ask you to come with us," the police officer said. "We will be happy to take your statement down at the station, but right now, we have a formal complaint against you for theft, and we are obliged to take action."
"Oh my god!" Jorge exclaimed. "I cannot believe this. Are you arresting me?"
"I'm afraid we are. Now, we'd prefer if you come quietly, but if we must, we will use force," the policeman said.
"Okay, do as you must, but I warn you, there will be serious repercussions for you," Jorge said very calmly, looking Roger squarely in the eyes. Roger met Jorge's gaze with a smug, self-satisfied smirk.

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The police officer stepped up to Jorge, produced a pair of handcuffs, and snapped them onto Jorge's wrists. Roger opened the doors, and the arresting party made their way across the restaurant floor.
Roger quickly spotted that the restaurant's owner, Richard, had arrived and was in a deep discussion with Austin, right in their path to the exit.
"Gents," Roger said, turning abruptly and stopping everyone, "I think it would be best if I go and ask the maître d' to join us. We will need his statement and evidence."
"Good idea," the police officer said. "We'll wait here for you."
Roger carried on toward Richard and Austin, and as he approached, he was able to catch Austin's eye behind Richard's back. He tossed his head in the direction of the policemen and Jorge in handcuffs on the other side of the restaurant. Austin caught on instantly.
He interrupted Richard mid-sentence, placed an arm on his shoulder, and steered him away. "Sir, I must show you the work they've finished in the kitchen. The new tiles look stunning, and the new grill is working very well—we've reduced our order time on steaks from ten minutes to seven."

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"Impressive!" Richard said. "Yes, let's take a look at the kitchen. Overall, the renovation looks great. The place feels almost brand-new. I'm sure our potential buyer will be happy, and I'll get my asking price."
Austin nodded, "I'm sure of it, too," he said. "Come, let's go to the kitchen." The two men disappeared behind the swing doors, and Roger turned on his heels and trotted back to the policemen and Jorge.
"He just has some business to discuss with the owner quickly, and then he'll be right over," Roger told the policemen.
"Let him know we don't have all day," a policeman said. "The quicker we get this all sorted out, the better."
"They are looking over the restaurant after the renovation. We have a potential buyer of the place, The Filet Factory. Have you heard of it? The big chain? They might buy us out," Roger said. Jorge looked at Roger and said nothing.
In the kitchen, Austin led Richard around, pointing out the improvements and new points of efficiency. "Thirty percent more storage space in the food freezers," he said. "We've almost doubled the surface areas for food preparation. And look how much better the extraction fan system works and sounds."

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Richard nodded in approval. "Very good," he said. "It certainly cost me a pretty penny, but if we can recoup it in the sale, it'll have been worth it."
He glanced at his watch. "In fact, I'm meeting the founder and CEO of The Filet Factory shortly. Is everything ship-shaped? I want the place to look perfect and customers all very happy."
"Certainly, sir," Austin said. "We had a little incident with an unsavory customer earlier, but we took care of it."
"Good," Richard said. "Keep it up. You did a good job project-managing the renovation; you might see a little raise in your future."
"That would be excellent, sir, thank you, I'd appreciate that," Austin said.
Meanwhile, outside in the lobby, Jorge turned to the arresting officers and said, "The way I understand it, I'm allowed a phone call, right?"
"Technically, you can make a phone call only from the station," the policeman said. "But I'll make an exception in this case to save time and trouble. You may make a quick call."
"Thank you," Jorge said, slipping his cell phone awkwardly from his jacket pocket, owing to the handcuffs. He scrolled to a number, held the phone to his ear, and waited.

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Over in the kitchen, Richard's phone buzzed in his pocket. "Excuse me," he said to Austin, "I have to take this." He immediately recognized the caller ID. "It's him!" he told Austin excitedly. "The buyer. Hello!" he said, taking the call.
Jorge heard the person on the other end pick up, and he wasted no time. "We have a serious problem," he said. "How soon can you get to the restaurant?"
"Huh?" Richard replied. "I'm already at the restaurant. For our meeting, of course."
"Well, you'd better come out to the lobby right away. I am here, too, in handcuffs. Some members of your staff had me arrested," Jorge explained.
"What? Arrested? How's that possible? Hold on, I'll be right out," Richard said.

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Richard rushed out through the kitchen doors. Austin followed behind in confusion. "Is there a problem, sir?" he asked.
"Damn right, there's a problem!" Richard said. "Don't tell me you had something to do with this?" The two of them could see the others gathered in the lobby, and they headed straight over.
"What is the meaning of this?" Richard asked, looking from Roger to Austin to the police officers. "Don't you know who this man is? Why is he in handcuffs?"
"Yup, we know who he is for sure, sir," Roger piped up. "Aren't you glad we caught him before he could cause any trouble? We know you don't want his type in your restaurant."
"What are you talking about? What type is that?" Richard asked.
"Drug dealers and pimps and illegal immigrants, sir," Roger said, looking at Austin and beginning to realize that they might have made a big mistake.
"Drug dealers and illegal immigrants? Are you crazy?" Richard stammered in fury. "This man is none other than the founder and CEO of The Filet Factory, and he's here to meet with me about his company acquiring this restaurant!"

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He turned to Austin, "Did you know about this? Were you involved in having this man arrested?" he asked.
"Uh, uh, sir, I thought, I thought…" Austin had such a pained expression on his face it looked like he was having a heart attack.
Richard turned his attention to the policemen. "Officers, I am so, so sorry for this misunderstanding. Whatever this man has been accused of, I retract it unreservedly. Please free him right away."
The officer in charge looked grumpily at Austin and Richard before stepping forward and unlocking the handcuffs. "I don't know what kind of madhouse you people are running here, but we have more important things to attend to than this; please don't waste our time again," he said.
"I can't apologize enough for this," Richard said. "Please consider coming for a meal on the house, both of you," he offered, turning to the other officer. "Bring your wives if you have; it would be our pleasure."
"We'll see," the officer in charge said, pocketing the handcuffs, and with a nod to his colleague, the two took their leave.

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Richard turned to Jorge. "Jorge, I can't believe you have been subjected to this. I am incredibly sorry for the behavior of my staff. What do you have to say for yourself?" he asked Austin.
Austin shook his head in shame. "I've made a horrible mistake, such a huge mistake," he said.
Jorge looked squarely at him. "If you had known who I was, if you had known I was a powerful and wealthy man, would you have treated me this way?" he asked. Austin could not look Jorge in the eye; he could only hang his head low.
"How about you?" George asked Roger.
"No, sir," he replied, "I probably would not have."
"So, you both judged me solely on my skin color?" Jorge asked. Neither man could offer a reply; such was their shame.

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Jorge turned to Richard and said, "Their actions tonight were disgraceful. If I still decide to go through with my offer to purchase this restaurant, be assured that I'll be reassigning some staff."
"Ah, sir, please don't fire us," Roger begged. Austin looked down and shook his head in agony.
"You're both fired," Richard said. "Collect whatever you have on the property and see yourselves out right away."
"Now, hold on," Jorge interjected. "I have something to say about this. If I do end up buying this restaurant, which I still intend to do, believe it or not, you will not be fired. Instead, and with Richard's approval, you can carry on as dishwashers. Take the rest of the day off to think about your actions, and when you report to work tomorrow, you'll begin in the kitchen. And when management decides that you have been sufficiently rehabilitated, you will be assigned to cleaning duties."
Austin looked up sharply. "Cleaning?" he asked.
"Cleaning," Richard echoed, nodding at Jorge. "Starting with the restrooms. Every day until we are satisfied."

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"And," Jorge continued, "if you quit, I will see to it that you never work in the food service industry in this town again. Believe me, I have a lot of influence and can see to it in a heartbeat."
Richard nodded, acknowledging Jorge's authority. "I agree," he said. "Before you leave though, I want a word with both of you; wait for me in my office," he told Austin and Roger.
"Let's not let this incident ruin our meeting," Richard said, turning to Jorge. "Shall we proceed?" he asked. He reached out his right hand, and Jorge shook it.
"Agreed," he said.
"Follow me," Richard said. "Oh, Austin, please have Chef Patrick join us right away in the VIP lounge. I'm going to have him conjure up something very special for this occasion."
Austin nodded, and he and Roger retreated, tail between legs, to think about what they'd done.

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The two restaurateurs had a cordial meeting, a fabulous meal, and parted on good terms with a resolution to meet again soon to plot the next steps.
So, with the immediate crisis seemingly resolved, Richard decided to check on the rest of the restaurant's lunch guests.
As he moved through the dining area, he overheard snippets of conversations, and it was clear that word had spread about the incident involving Jorge.
He approached a table where a couple was discussing the day's events. "I can't believe what happened here," a woman said, her voice filled with shock. "Did you see that man being led out in handcuffs?"
Her companion nodded. "It's on social media already. This place is going to have a PR nightmare."

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Richard couldn't help but overhear their conversation and approached the couple at their table. "I sincerely apologize for the disruption you witnessed today," he offered. "It was a regrettable misunderstanding."
The woman looked at him skeptically. "A misunderstanding? It looked more like discrimination to me."
Richard nodded solemnly. "I understand your concerns, and I want to assure you that we take this matter very seriously. We will be conducting a thorough internal investigation and taking steps to ensure that such incidents never happen again."
The man at the table seemed a bit more forgiving. "Well, that's a start, I suppose. But it's going to take a lot more than that to repair your reputation."
Richard nodded again, acknowledging the challenge ahead. "I'm aware of that, and we are committed to making amends and creating a more inclusive environment in our restaurant."
As he moved through the restaurant, Richard had similar conversations with other patrons, each expressing varying degrees of concern, anger, and understanding.
It was clear that the incident had left a stain on the restaurant's reputation, and it would take time and effort to rebuild trust.

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Finally, Richard returned to his office, where he found Austin and Roger waiting nervously.
"Sir," Austin began, his voice shaky, "we want to apologize once again for our actions. We understand the gravity of the situation and the harm we've caused."
Richard regarded them both sternly. "Apologies are a start, but actions speak louder than words. You will both undergo sensitivity training, and I will personally oversee your progress. I expect nothing less than a complete transformation in your behavior."
Roger nodded. "We're committed to changing, sir. We've already learned a hard lesson today."
Richard's tone softened slightly. "Very well. You will also be closely monitored by me and the new management I bring in, and any further misconduct will result in immediate termination."
The maître d' and the waiter exchanged glances, realizing the seriousness of their situation.
Richard continued, "In addition, we will be implementing new policies to ensure that our staff is trained in diversity and inclusion. We want to create a welcoming and respectful environment for all our guests."
As the meeting concluded, Richard said, "I hope that through our actions, we can begin to rebuild our reputation and regain the trust of our patrons."
Both men left Richard's office with a sense of determination. They knew they had a long road ahead to make amends for their actions, but they were willing to take the necessary steps to change.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Facebook
Richard took out his phone and placed a call to Jorge. "Jorge," he said when the other man answered, "I want to apologize again for what happened here. I know we had a good discussion about the business fundamentals, but I want to assure you of a cultural sea change here. I know you were humiliated and discriminated against, and there is absolutely no excuse for that. I also learned from your example—your willingness to forgive my two men and give them a second chance is highly commendable."
Jorge appreciated Richard's sincerity. "Thank you for your apology, Richard," he said. "I've taken some time to think further about it and believe in second chances. However, I have one condition." He knew he needed time to reflect on whether he could trust Richard and his staff again.
Richard was eager to hear Jorge's condition. "Name it, and we'll do our best to accommodate it."
Jorge replied: "I want to see tangible changes in your restaurant's policies and practices. I want a commitment to diversity and inclusion, not just for me but for all your customers."
Richard agreed wholeheartedly. "Consider it done," he assured Jorge. "We will work tirelessly to create a welcoming and inclusive environment in our restaurant."
With the agreement in place, Jorge and Richard continued their discussions about the potential sale. They worked together closely to ensure that the restaurant would not only undergo a transformation in its policies but also in its culture.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Facebook
As months passed, the restaurant implemented various changes, from sensitivity training for staff to adopting new hiring practices that prioritized diversity.
It wasn't easy, and there were challenges along the way, but the commitment to change was unwavering.
Under Jorge's leadership, The Filet Factory went on to buy Richard's restaurant and turn it not only into a thriving business but also a symbol of transformation for the up-market restaurant industry in the town.
Jorge used his influence and resources to help the restaurant reach out to marginalized communities and build bridges of understanding.
Over time, the restaurant's reputation began to heal, and it became known not only for its exquisite cuisine but also for its commitment to inclusivity and respect for all patrons.
Tell us what you think about this story, and share it with your friends. It might inspire them and brighten their day.
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This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone’' life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.