Husband Betrays Wife Freed From Prison – Story of the Day
A cheating husband is shocked when his wife is released early after serving most of her prison sentence and shows up home at their door. He concocts a dastardly plan to try and get rid of her, which blows up in his face when she makes an unlikely ally.
Daylight filtered into the cozy suburban house, catching a man and a woman in a passionate embrace stolen at high noon; he from his workday, and she from her longtime boyfriend, Dirk.
The air was charged with desire as they kissed and began to undress, the vertical dance of their bodies an expression of a horizontal hunger, a prelude to something more intimate.
Hefting the woman onto the windowsill, in the midst of their entanglement, the man's gaze flickered through the window glass.
A sudden tension seized him, and he abruptly pulled away from his lover, eyes widening in surprise. He gestured urgently for her to cover up, a quick and furtive exchange of glances conveying the urgency of the situation.
Hastily tugging his open shirt ends back together and reaching to close his fly, the man watched a figure drift through the front gate and step onto the garden path. A wave of panic washed over him, shattering the spell of the spicy encounter.

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"Quick!" the man whispered, his voice laced with urgency. "Grab your clothes and hide in the closet over there."
The woman, startled by the sudden shift in his tone, reluctantly broke away from the embrace. With a look of confusion clouding her eyes, she scrambled to regain her composure and gather most of her scattered garments.
Almost feverishly, the man bundled the woman across the floor, his mind racing to devise a plan to conceal her presence from the unexpected visitor. He pushed her towards the closet.
"Don't make a sound," he instructed, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'll handle this."
With a final, reassuring squeeze of her hand, he closed the closet door, leaving her enveloped in the darkness. His heart pounding in his chest, the man rushed to the front door, the sound of approaching footsteps rasping on the gravel pathway.

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The man yanked the front door open before the woman had her keys out, and feigning joy, he exclaimed, "Chloe!"
Unable to match the man's enthusiastic reception, Chloe merely replied, "Barry. I'm home." She stood on the threshold wearily and studied the man carefully, summing up his reaction to her unexpected arrival.
"Chloe?" he stammered, surprised to see his wife but more concerned about the lover hiding in his closet. "What are you doing here? I thought you were—"
"I got out early," Chloe interrupted, her eyes focusing beyond Barry and into the home they had shared for many years before her incarceration. "I was let out on probation. Surprise."
The man's eyes darted around as he searched for any excuse to keep Chloe from entering the house right then. "Probation? That's great! But I wasn't expecting you until next week," he ventured.
He had received a letter from her a few weeks ago, informing him of her impending release, but he had not expected her to arrive home so soon. He had dreaded this moment, feared facing her, and struggled with what he would say and do.

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Chloe crossed her arms, her eyes narrowing. "Can I come in?" she asked.
The man struggled to find the right words. "Well, I — I was planning a surprise celebration for your release. You know, to make it special. But let's go out and celebrate right now!" Barry went on, hoping to steer Chloe away from the scene of his indiscretion.
Chloe's expression softened a fraction. "A celebration?" she mused, her gaze lingering on Barry's blue eyes. "That sounds nice. But I just want to get inside, shower, and change. It's been a long time, you know. All I want is to be home."
"Also," she added, suddenly remembering her predicament. She pulled up the leg of her trousers and revealed the tracking device, "I'm not allowed further than 50 feet from the house."

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Realizing there was no getting around that, Barry opened the door and invited Chloe in with wide open arms.
Avoiding the embrace therein suggested, Chloe brushed past and dropped her shoulder bag to the ground. She cast her eyes carefully over the home they had made together.
"Love what you've done with the place," she said sarcastically because the space hadn't changed one bit; most of the tasteful decor and stylish furnishings had been her doing.
The man's eyes darted to the closet, where his secret lover was hidden. He laughed nervously at the joke but looked like a rat trapped in a cage.
"Is something wrong?" Chloe asked, picking up intuitively on his discomfort. "You don't seem that pleased to see me."
"I am!" Barry replied rather too enthusiastically. "I'm so happy you're home. It's just a surprise, is all. A nice surprise, of course, but I expected you only next week."

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"Got out early," Chloe repeated, looking around the room again. "Why are you home at this time of the day, by the way? Is everything okay at work?" she asked.
"Of course, of course, all good there. I just took the day off. Needed some time to myself and to clean the place up." As he said that, Barry noticed the bright red pair of panties discarded on the floor.
He walked over as casually as he could and stepped on the offending garment, blocking it from view under his foot.
"You're not doing a very good job of that, are you — cleaning the place up, I mean?" Chloe wisecracked, noticing Barry's expensive linen jacket carelessly crumpled on the floor, very uncharacteristic of the man who was usually such a neat freak.
Barry laughed rather too loudly, and he would have stepped to cleaning up his mess immediately were it not for the pair of panties underfoot.
"I was so happy to get off work; I just let everything fall to the floor!" he said unconvincingly. "Well, why don't we go ahead and celebrate right here and now? Although I'm sure you'd love nothing better than a long, long, hot shower! Why don't you go upstairs and get comfortable? I'll chill some champagne, cook us a homecoming meal, and we can celebrate in style!"

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Chloe said nothing. She sighed, clearly fatigued. She had put on some weight since she'd been gone, and her face was pale and drawn with sadness. But she was still very beautiful, Barry noticed, guilt tugging at his heartstrings.
"That does sound nice," Chloe said.
"Good," Barry enthused. "You go ahead. I'll make you a cup of coffee while you shower. How does that sound? I'll bring it up. In fact, why don't you have a long soak in the tub?"
Chloe nodded, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. "That's the best idea I've heard in a long time," she said and turned to head up the stairs. Her foot on the first one, she turned abruptly to face the man. "Barry," she said, "is there another woman?"
"Of course not, my love!" Barry blurted out. "You're the only woman for me. I'm so happy you're home. Go on, get comfortable, and then we can have a long chat and catch up."
Chloe studied the man for a moment and then turned and continued up the stairs.

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The moment Chloe's footsteps sounded on the upstairs landing, Barry rushed to the closet and flung open the door.
"Annabelle!" he exclaimed as he saw his secret lover standing there, her eyes wide and her face flushed with anger.
"What the hell is going on?" she hissed, her voice barely a whisper. "Who is that woman?"
Barry closed the closet door and led Annabelle towards the front door, gesturing wildly, on the verge of panic.
"That's Chloe," he whispered guiltily. "My — my wife."
Annabelle's eyes narrowed. "Your wife?" she repeated, her voice rising in anger. "You have a wife?"
Barry sighed, running a hand over the top of his head. "Please keep your voice down! She was released from prison early," he explained. "I wasn't expecting her until next week."
Annabelle's anger flared. "And you didn't think to tell me about her?" she said, not keeping her voice down. "What was she in prison for? When were you planning to tell me about her?" the questions flowed.

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Barry flinched. "I didn't know how to tell you," he admitted. "I was afraid of how you would react."
Annabelle's eyes flashed with fury. "How do you think I'm reacting now?" she demanded. "You hid me in your closet like a used coat! How do you think I feel about that?"
"We'll you're one to talk," Barry shot back unkindly, "you're cheating on your husband with me!"
"I'll kill you, you bastard!" Annabelle stormed. "I told you about him; you knew full well the risks, but now your wife shows up out of the blue."
Barry tried to calm her down, but Annabelle was too far gone. She pushed him away and stormed around the room, scooping up her shoes, her dress, and casting her eyes around for her remaining personal effects.
Barry stood by helplessly, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew he had messed up big time, and his thoughts scrambled for a way out of this bind he had placed himself in.

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As if he wasn't in enough trouble already with one woman, the other emerged down the stairs, dressed in nothing but a towel around her dripping wet body.
"What's going on here?" Chloe asked accusingly.
Barry felt the knot tighten in his stomach. He knew he had to explain, but the words seemed to catch in his throat. He took a deep breath, trying to gather his thoughts.
"I, uh, she was just leaving," he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper.
Chloe stared at him, her eyes searching his face. "Leaving? Who is this woman half undressed in our house?" she asked, her voice hardening.
The man hesitated, his mind racing to find a plausible explanation. He couldn't bring himself to admit the truth.
"Just a friend," he replied.
This time, it was Annabelle's turn to react, her eyes narrowed, "Just a friend?" she yelled, throwing a shoe at Barry in rage.

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Annabelle turned to face Chloe, her eyes blazing with anger. "I'm Barry's girl," she declared. "It's you against me, sister, bring it," she challenged.
Just as the tension in the room reached boiling point, there was a loud knock at the door. Barry's heart leaped. Who could this be now, knocking at his door?
"Open up!" a voice boomed on the other side of the door.
"Oh my God!" Annabelle yelped and darted back into the closet, closing the door behind her with a bang.
Barry took a deep breath and opened the door to meet a tall, muscular, decidedly good-looking man he had never seen before. The man barged his way through the open door frantically. "Where is she?" he demanded to know, his voice gruff and threatening.
"Who? I don't know what you're talking about," Barry said, trying to maintain his composure.
The man shoved Barry aside and stormed into the house; he cast his eyes about, taking in the woman in the towel and the bald man in front of him who, in his mind, resembled a porn actor.

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"Is she in the bedroom?" the man asked.
"I don't know who you're talking about?" Barry said disingenuously.
"Don't play dumb with me, pal," the man commanded. "I know she's in here somewhere, I traced her cell phone location, you scumbag. You know who I am. You know why I'm here."
Barry struggled to breathe, his eyes widening in panic. "I don't know what you're talking about!" he gasped.
The man stepped over to Barry and grabbed him by the throat. "I'm going to kill you unless you tell me where she is." He tightened his grip, choking Barry.
Annabelle could no longer contain herself; she bumbled out of the closet, yelling, "Dirk, let him go. What the hell?" She tried to intervene, tugging at Dirk's hands and prying them off Barry's windpipe.
Chloe, who had been watching the scene unfold in quiet rage, finally found her voice. "Stop!" she shouted, her voice booming through the room.
The tussling trio turned to look at her, their faces contorted in surprise.

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"Stop!" she repeated, her voice filled with authority. Stepping toward the others, Chloe pointed sharply at her husband and then at Annabelle: "You and you! Get out of my house!" she yelled.
Barry hesitated, his eyes darting from Chloe to Dirk and Annabelle and back again. Chloe stepped forward, her eyes burning with intensity in Barry's face. "Get out!" she commanded again.
Without another word, the philanders walked out the door, leaving Chloe naked, but for the towel wrapped around her body, her eyes locked on this tall, dark stranger named Dirk.
You could cut the tension in the room with a knife, not the least of it being undeniably sexual in nature.
Dirk's eyes roamed Chloe's body, taking in her every curve and line. She felt a flush of heat rise to her cheeks and slowly, deliberately untucked the towel where it was secured just above her right breast and let it fall to the floor.
"Like what you see?" she asked seductively.
Dirk's eyes widened, and his breath caught in his throat. He couldn't take his eyes off of her.

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"Woah," he whispered, his voice filled with desire. "Amazing."
Chloe smiled gently. "I am," she said. "And I'm all yours if you want me. Join me in the bedroom." She turned and ever so slightly swayed her hips as she stepped away, Dirk's eyes feasting hungrily on her lovely form.
Without a word, Dirk followed. He reached for her just outside the bedroom door, and they swam together, panting, grasping, stumbling towards the bed, his clothes falling away as they went.
Dirk fell upon Chloe, his hands exploring her body with a hunger that matched her own. Chloe wrapped her legs around him, pulling him closer, and they lost themselves in the moment.
Afterward, they lay together, their bodies intertwined, their breathing slowly returning to normal. Chloe felt a strange sense of peace wash over her, a feeling she hadn't experienced in a long time.
"I've never felt like this before," she confessed, her voice soft and husky.
Dirk turned to face her, his eyes filled with tenderness. "Me neither," he admitted. "You're something special, Chloe."

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Chloe smiled. "So are you," she replied. "I'm glad I met you. It's a pity about the circumstances, but I'm glad nevertheless."
They made small talk for a while, sharing snippets of their lives, until Dirk asked, "Is it time to talk about the elephant in the room?" Chloe smiled; she knew what he meant; she looked down at the tracking bracelet on her ankle.
"I'm on probation," Chloe admitted finally. "I'm under house arrest for drug dealing."
Dirk's eyes widened in surprise. "Drug dealing?" he repeated.
Chloe nodded. "It was a mistake," she said. "I was hooked on the stuff and got in debt to my dealer. I got desperate. He gave me a deal to pay off the debt by selling for him, and I made a bad decision. I've paid for my mistakes, though. I did my time, and now I'm clean and sober and ready to make a solid new life."
Dirk looked at her, his eyes filled with concern. "Are you definitely clean now?" he asked.
Chloe nodded again. "Yes," she said. "I got clean in prison, and I won't ever go back to that life."

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Dirk reached out and took her hand in his. "I believe you," he said. "I can tell you're a good person, Chloe."
Chloe smiled, feeling a warmth spread through her chest. "Thank you," she whispered.
Dirk's eyes narrowed. "I'm interested, though. Who was your drug supplier? Can you name him?" he asked.
Chloe hesitated, unsure whether to trust this man. Something about Dirk, his sincerity, his kindness, made her want to tell him, but she held back.
"I'd rather not say," she said finally. "He's a dangerous man. Why do you want to know, though, what's it to you?"
Dirk's eyes flashed with guilt at what he was about to reveal, but he knew it was now or never. He reached for his jeans, stuffed a hand into a back pocket, and pulled out a closed leather wallet.

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He opened it, and Chloe's heart sank: it was a police badge.
"If you give me some details, Chloe, there might be something I can do about the rest of your sentence," Dirk said. "Who were your sources? How deep does this go?"
Chloe stared long and hard at the blank wall in front of her. "Get out," she said, finally. "Get out of my house."
Dirk nodded and began dressing. "Chloe, you're obviously in deep trouble. If you cooperate, I can help you. Tell me what you know, and we can bring down the top people responsible and get you off the hook."
Chloe didn't look at him.
Dirk's expression hardened. "You're a tough nut, Chloe. But if you change your mind, my offer stands."

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Chloe watched as Dirk dressed, his demeanor shifting from lover to detective. He turned to face her one last time as he headed towards the door.
"I'll leave my card on the kitchen counter," he said. "It might be your ticket out of this mess permanently if you decide to talk."
Chloe said nothing, anger simmering beneath the surface. Dirk left the room, and the door closed behind him, leaving Chloe alone with her thoughts of deceit and betrayal. She lay down, wrestling with conflicting emotions, until sleep claimed her.
Sometime later, deep into the night, she was jolted awake by a faint sound. Her senses heightened, Chloe strained to listen, thinking she heard someone moving downstairs.
She slid out of bed and grabbed a robe, her steps silent as she descended the stairs. The living room was empty, dim light casting shadows across the furniture. Chloe hesitated, her ears attuned to the quiet hum of the night.

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Just as she was about to dismiss it as a figment of her imagination, a creak on the floorboards caught her attention. In the darkness, a figure emerged, barely visible. Chloe's breath caught as she recognized the silhouette. "Barry?" she whispered.
Barry's eyes widened with guilt, and he stood frozen in the living room. Chloe's eyes narrowed, "What are you doing here?" she demanded, her voice cutting through the silence.
Barry stuttered, attempting to conjure an explanation. "Chloe, I — I needed to talk to you."
Chloe crossed her arms, her patience wearing thin. "Talk? In the middle of the night? It might just be too late for talk, Barry."
Barry, realizing the gravity of his situation, stammered, "I — I just needed to explain. To make things right."
Chloe's anger flared. "Explain what, Barry? It was all very clear to me what was happening there. You're involved with someone else."
Barry winced. "Chloe, I never meant for things to get this complicated. I messed up. I had my needs, you know, as a man. I tried to stay faithful, but five years is a long time. I didn't plan for this to happen; it just kind of fell in my lap."

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Chloe rolled her eyes. "Fell in your lap, did it, Barry? Literally. You men are all the same. You and your 'needs,' it's ridiculous, really. Do you think sneaking in in the middle of the night with an apology is going to fix everything? Leave, Barry. I need time to process this."
Barry, defeated, turned to leave. As he passed her, Chloe's anger softened for a second, replaced by a weariness that weighed heavily on her shoulders. Barry stopped and looked at her imploringly.
"Just go, Barry," Chloe sighed, her voice tired. "We'll talk when I'm ready. Come back tomorrow, okay?"
"Okay," Barry replied gratefully. "We'll get through this, babe," he said.

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The following evening found Chloe in the kitchen, attempting to patch together a sandwich and a semblance of normalcy.
The events of the previous night lingered, a heavy cloud of uncertainty and conflict that she couldn't quite shake. The sound of a knock at the door interrupted her task, and she sighed, bracing herself for whatever might come next.
The opened door revealed Barry wearing a contrite expression, bearing a massive bouquet of flowers and a bottle of wine.
"Chloe," he began, his voice soft and apologetic, "I know I messed up. Let's talk."
Torn between anger and the desire for resolution, Chloe hesitated before allowing him in. The aroma of fresh flowers filled the room as Barry extended the offering.
"Thanks," she mumbled, taking the flowers from him. "Come in."
Barry stepped into the house, and Chloe closed the door behind him. The air absorbed the tension, and the faint scent from the bouquet as Barry followed Chloe to the kitchen.

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"Can I make you something to eat?" Chloe offered with an attempt at a smile. The gesture felt like an attempt to return to something, a stab at veneering the cracks in their relationship.
Barry hesitated, glancing at the sandwich on the counter. "No, thanks, I'm good. I just want to talk."
Chloe nodded, and they settled at the kitchen table. The flowers occupied the center, a colorful distraction against the backdrop of their strained conversation.
Barry took a deep breath, his eyes searching hers. "Chloe, I screwed up. I can't even find the words to express how sorry I am. I love you and never meant to hurt you like this."
Chloe listened, the sincerity in his voice tugging at the edges of her resolve. The conversation unfolded, a delicate dance of apologies and promises as Barry begged for forgiveness.
"I want to make things right, Chloe," Barry continued, desperation in his eyes. "I know I messed up, but I can't imagine my life without you. Let's start over and build something stronger. I want a future with you."

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Chloe felt her resolve softening as Barry's words flowed. His re-commitment to the relationship seemed genuine, and her heart wavered in its insistence on holding onto resentment.
"I just need time," she replied vulnerably. "There has been a break in my trust here. I understand somewhat. I was away for a long time. But you said in your letters and during your visits that you would wait for me. It was hard enough to do the time; now, this betrayal is almost too much to handle."
Barry nodded, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "I understand. I'm so sorry, Chloe. I promise it'll never happen again. I'll do whatever it takes to make things right. By the way, Annabelle's husband, last night, why did you make him stay on?"
Chloe shrugged. "I wanted to make it clear to him that it was over between his wife and you."
"Yes, indeed it is," Barry confirmed. "Again, I'm so sorry, babe. Let's just put this whole thing behind us and move on."
As Chloe stood teetering on the border of a decision, she slipped both hands into the pockets of the dungarees she was wearing. Instantly, in one of them, she felt something unfamiliar, but it took only a second before her memory of hardcore drug kicked in.

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She recognized the feel of the small, plastic packet resting in her pocket between her thumb and forefinger: a gram of cocaine.
She thought back to the night before — the furtive sounds, discovering Barry in the living room looking shifty and guilty, and his end-game fell into place in her mind. She remembered that she had left the dungarees in the kitchen last night over the back of a chair.
So, that's it then, she thought, that's his plan to get rid of me — frame me for drug possession. But how? Will he have the police intercept me at the restaurant?
Chloe stood still behind her best poker face as she processed her next move. Barry watched her carefully, but if prison had taught her one thing, it was never to let your enemies guess your thoughts.
"Well," she said, "how about that celebration you promised? Are we going out or what?"
"For sure we are!" Barry said. "But first, why don't we start with this bottle of wine right here?"
Chloe smiled and nodded, "Sounds like a plan," she said, and with a spontaneous lunge forward, she bumped hard into Barry in a big bear hug. It was child's play to slip the baggie of coke into the front pocket of his jacket from which a handkerchief protruded pretentiously.

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They made tentative plans for the evening, deciding to opt for a fancy dinner out instead of a sandwich.
"How about I go and freshen up, maybe put on a nice dress, and then we can step out?" Chloe suggested.
"Cheers to that!" Barry said, holding up his glass, and the two of them clinked theirs together in seeming merriment.
As Chloe left the room, Barry reached for the calling card on the kitchen counter. A calculating look crossed his face as he pulled out his cell phone and placed a call to the number on the card.
In the shower, Chloe took her time, allowing the warm water to wash away the remnants of the day. The droplets of water cascaded down her skin as if to wash away the thorn in her side — Barry — with ease.
She had made her play, and now she decided to leave the next move to chance or destiny. Fortunately, it didn't take long for either or both of those to step up and play their part — right along with the help of her soon-to-be ex-husband's stupidity.
As she stepped out of the shower, she heard voices from downstairs. Not bothering to dress up, she donned the same clothes as before and went down to see who had been let in this time.

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In a way, she wasn't surprised to see who was there: Dirk and a uniformed deputy. "Officers," Chloe said with a knowing smile, "what brings you back tonight? Wife hiding in the closet again, perhaps?" she asked sarcastically.
Dirk smiled pleasantly, "No, ma'am," he replied. "In fact, we had an anonymous call informing us that drug-related activities were taking place at this address. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?"
Barry glanced from Dirk to Chloe, sensing an intimacy between them but not putting two and two together.
Chloe was relaxed and nonchalant as she told the policemen: "Go right ahead and make yourselves at home, officers. I have nothing to hide, unlike some of us," she said, looking directly at Barry.
His blood ran cold, but he managed to maintain an air of feigned concern. Chloe watched as Dirk approached her, his eyes narrowing, and said: "Our source informed us that the contraband might be hidden on your person, ma'am. Would you mind turning out your pockets?"
"With pleasure," Chloe replied and turned both pockets of her dungarees inside out. Barry was startled when everyone could see that her pockets were empty.

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"Ma'am, understand we don't have a search warrant," Dirk said, "but your husband here was kind enough to give us permission to come in and search. Also, it's within your rights to say no, but would you be willing to submit to a body search?"
"No problem, I have nothing to hide, detective," Chloe replied with a smile and a wink. "Besides, you had a very good look all over my body yesterday, but go ahead, be my guest again."
Barry turned paled and almost choked on his words, "You mean you two—"
"Yep, babe," Chloe said. "It was the best time in bed I've ever had with a man. It put your pathetic excuse for love-making in the shade."
"Uh, uh, what the—" Barry spluttered in rage while Dirk ran his hands as professionally as he could over Chloe's body. He tugged on the inner fabric of her pockets to make sure there was nothing there, and he patted her down from top to toe.
"Good, I like that you're doing such a thorough job, detective," Chloe said through her smile.
"We aim to please, ma'am," Dirk replied, matching her smile. "She's clean as far as I'm concerned," he said, looking over at Barry with some annoyance. "Looks like our anonymous caller has wasted our time," he added.
"Perhaps not, detective, don't be too hasty," Chloe said. "You might have searched the wrong person. I do believe that if you were to look in that man's top jacket pocket, you might find what you are looking for," she concluded, pointing at Barry.

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"What, what are you getting at!" Barry blurted. "This is ridiculous! I'm not the one you're looking for; it's her — she's the convicted drug dealer. Search her again, look properly, it's on her, I tell you!"
Chloe fixed Barry in a cold-eyed stare as he metaphorically twisted the knife in her back.
"Would you do the honors, please, Rodney?" Dirk asked, nodding at his colleague.
"Certainly, sir," the deputy said, stepping up to Barry, who put his arms in the air in surrender.
"Go ahead, I have nothing to hide either, you'll see," Barry said, a cold sweat breaking out on his forehead. The deputy reached into Barry's jacket pocket, fidgeted briefly, and withdrew the plastic bag of cocaine.

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"Well, well," the policeman said, "what have we here?"
"What the hell!" Barry yelled. "That's not mine. I don't know how that got there! She must have planted it on me. I want to call my lawyer. This is preposterous!"
"You can call your lawyer from the precinct," Dirk said coolly. "And I hope you have a good one — if that proves to be what it looks like it is."
"Oh, detective, remember what you asked me yesterday?" Chloe chimed in. "After we made love? About who my dealer is. Well, now you have him. That's him right there," Chloe said with deep satisfaction, pointing at Barry. "I'll be happy to testify to it in court when the time comes."
Dirk shifted his gaze from Chloe to Barry and said, "Sir, you are under arrest for the possession and suspected distribution of an illegal substance. You have the right to remain silent..." he rattled off the Miranda rights while Barry waived his right to remain silent and yelled his head off proclaiming his innocence, but it all fell on deaf ears.
As the two policemen led their captive towards the door in handcuffs, Dirk turned and said to Chloe: "We'll have you come down to the station to give us a full statement, Chloe, if you don't mind. But we can do that tomorrow. Oh, and if you're not doing anything tomorrow night, give me a call — you have my number. I think a celebration is in order; one more scumbag off the street."
Chloe smiled, "I might just take you up on that, detective. It's been a long time since I had a good man in my life; I think it's about time that I did," she said.
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This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.