My Mom Dates my Ex — Story of the Day
Cynthia is devastated when she visits her mother and discovers she's dating her ex-boyfriend, John. Cynthia is convinced that John hasn't left his dark past behind him and sets out to prove that he's only interested in one thing: her mother's money.
Cynthia had spent the entire morning hyping herself up to meet Mom's new boyfriend. Mom had been unusually cagey about sharing details, which made Cynthia extra wary about the man. She marched up to her mom's apartment door and let herself in.
"Hello," Cynthia called.
She scanned the apartment with an eagle eye and spotted Mom on the sofa just before she stood. Her mystery man was right there beside her, but all Cynthia could see of him was the back of his head. It was clear from the way Mom self-consciously straightened her dress that they'd just been making out.
"Oh, sweetie, you're early," Mom smiled sheepishly. "But since you're here, let me introduce you to my boyfriend, John."
The man's back was still facing Cynthia as he rose, straightened his shirt, and ran his fingers through his hair. She realized he was young, closer to her age than her mother's, but the biggest shock was still to come.
The man turned to face her and froze. Cynthia's jaw dropped as she stared at John, the man she'd broken up with almost two years ago. Her mind reeled as she struggled to accept that her mother's new boyfriend was her ex.

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Memories of the happy times she and John had shared flashed into Cynthia's mind but were quickly overshadowed by the web of lies and dark secrets that had been their undoing. Her shock evaporated fast as anger rushed in to replace it.
"What the hell!" Cynthia snapped as she glared daggers at John.
"Whoops," John muttered. He shifted his weight restlessly from one foot to the other as he stared at Cynthia.
Cynthia clenched her jaw. She'd come here prepared for trouble, but she'd never imagined she'd be walking into a disaster this big. Of all the men she'd dated, John was the last one she'd want to see in a relationship with her mother.
Mom was sometimes a little too free-spirited and forgiving for her own good, so Cynthia had planned to put her new boyfriend to the test to ensure he wasn't taking advantage of her. Now, none of that was necessary because there wasn't a doubt in her mind that John was using Mom.

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The oven timer dinged then, a momentary distraction from the tense atmosphere in the room. Mom smiled awkwardly as her gaze shifted between John and Cynthia.
"Sounds like the cherry pie is ready. Why don't you two get to know each other?" she said as she swept from the room.
Cynthia waited until Mom was out of earshot before striding over to face John. She leveled a hard glare at him.
"Is this your revenge for me dumping you?" she hissed.
"No, Cynthia, not at all," John replied. "I... I understand your reasons for breaking up with me and I'm over it. I'm sorry, I never realized Claire was your mother."
He looked sincere, but Cynthia knew John was adept at lying. She couldn't take anything he said at face value.

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"Everything's ready!" Mom called out.
Cynthia didn't take her eyes off John as they walked over to the dining table. She desperately wanted to expose him, but she knew Mom's feelings would be hurt if she didn't handle this situation with care.
She needed to be sensitive, subtle, and gentle... qualities that flew in the face of her usual head-on approach.
Cynthia sat down at the table with John, and Mom cut the pie. Just looking at him, with his hands on her mother, made Cynthia sick. She stared at the checkered tablecloth instead. Her mind was working overtime as she tried to think of the right way to expose the lying jerk seated across from her.
"Oh, I forgot the wine!" Mom exclaimed. "I'll be right back. Why don't you finish cutting the pie, honey?"
John reached for the knife as Mom strode toward the kitchen, but Cynthia grabbed his wrist.
"Listen to me," she hissed. "I'm giving you one chance to do the right thing, John. You can get out of here right now and disappear from my mother's life, or I'm going to tell her everything."

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"Oh, you noticed the watch! Isn't it beautiful?" Mom said. "I bought it for him as a gift."
Cynthia immediately released John's wrist and glared at his watch. Her eyebrows arched ever higher as she recognized the understated brand logo on the watch's face and realized it must be made from real gold.
"Wow, that's a pretty expensive gift," Cynthia remarked as she watched John kiss Mom's hand. "Have you ever given my mom anything, John?"
"Of course he has!" Mom replied.
"Oh really?" Cynthia asked skeptically.
"Yeah, like this statue." Mom smiled warmly and crossed to the bookcase standing against the wall nearby. "Just look at it. He made this for me with his own hands."

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Mom reverently carried the statue over and gave it to Cynthia. She examined the misshapen clay statue. It was almost impossible to tell what it was supposed to be, and it was clearly made of cheap, air-drying clay.
"He made this with his own hands? I'd never have guessed," Cynthia said sarcastically. She then looked across at John. "Why spend money when you have such talented hands, right?"
John averted his gaze, and Cynthia knew her barbed comment had hit its mark. Mom reached out to put a hand on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry," she said, "my daughter... she has a strange sense of humor. It was only a joke."
Cynthia was incensed. She couldn't bear to see her mother leaping to this scumbag's defense. She'd offered John his chance to leave and do the right thing, but he was still here. It was time she exposed this creep.

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"I wonder if this statue has a secret, like you do." Cynthia smiled sweetly at John.
"What are you talking about?" Mom asked with a sigh as she joined them at the table.
"Oh, I'm just wondering why John didn't tell you that he—"
"I dated your daughter," John interrupted. "But it was two years ago..."
Mom's eyes widened, and she gulped down a mouthful of wine. "What a coincidence," she muttered.
The atmosphere around the table turned frigid. Mom was obviously trying to hide her shock and distress at this sudden news. Cynthia hated that it had come to this, but her mother deserved to know the truth.

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John sighed and took Mom's hand. "Honey, listen, I never realized the daughter you've been talking about so much was the same Cynthia I'd dated. I feel so silly now."
"At least now I understand why there's so much tension between you two." Mom's glance shifted between John and Cynthia. "But now it's all in the open and there's no more secrets between us."
"Oh no, Mom," Cynthia replied as she poured herself a glass of wine. "We're only just beginning to bring all of John's secrets to light. Would you like to know why I broke up with John?"
"Why would that matter?" Mom asked.
"That's all in the past," John cut in. He leaned forward and gave Cynthia a pleading look.
But Cynthia wouldn't be moved. She wasn't about to let John hurt her mother or take advantage of her in any way.
"He's an escort," Cynthia said.

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Cynthia's revelation hung in the air like a heavy storm cloud, casting a dark shadow over the room. The silence that followed was suffocating, broken only by the distant hum of city life outside the apartment window.
Mom's jaw dropped. Her face registered a bewildering mix of shock, disbelief, and a tinge of embarrassment as she turned to face John. He looked like a deer caught in headlights, his gaze shifting from one thing to the next before he settled on staring blankly at the table.
Cynthia leaned back and sipped at her wine. The hopeless look in John's eyes confirmed to her that she'd just obliterated any chance he had of taking her mother for a ride.
"An escort?" Mom stammered, her voice barely audible.
Cynthia nodded, her gaze never leaving John's face. "Yeah, Mom. That's the real John. The one who pretended to be someone he wasn't when he was with me. The one who's probably after your money and not your heart."

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Mom recoiled as if slapped. The truth had hit her hard, and Cynthia couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for being the bearer of such unwelcome news. But the anger and protectiveness she felt for her mother overrode any empathy.
"We were together for six months," Cynthia continued as she stared at John. "I paid for every date because he always had some excuse about forgetting his wallet at home, not getting paid on time; he even told me he'd been mugged once! I started to get suspicious so I followed him one day."
"Imagine my shock when I spotted the man I was dating, a man who agreed to be in an exclusive relationship, wining and dining another woman." Cynthia clenched her jaw as the anger came rushing back to her. "And if that wasn't bad enough, he went straight from that date to the next one."
Cynthia released a deep sigh and turned to Mom. "I'm sorry it had to come out this way, but I couldn't let you carry on seeing this guy without knowing the truth about him."
Mom had listened in silence so far, her fingers interlocked beneath her chin. A myriad of emotions reflected on her pale face as she fixed her gaze on John.
"John, is this true?" Mom asked.

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John clasped his hands together. "Yes," he replied. "I worked as an escort."
The room seemed to constrict as Mom released a shaky sigh, her head bowing under the weight of revelation. Cynthia could sense the storm of emotions brewing within her mother — a mix of shock, betrayal, and the haunting realization that the man she thought she knew had been harboring a profound secret.
As John spoke of his past, Cynthia's jaw tightened. She couldn't shake the memory of the heartbreak she had endured when she discovered the same truth. The wounds may have healed, but the scars ran deep, and witnessing her mother go through a similar agony was a bitter pill to swallow.
"But it was a long time ago," John continued. "I desperately needed the money and had to do things I'm not proud of. I don't work there anymore."
Cynthia scoffed quietly at the rehearsed lines, the well-worn excuses. His attempt to wash away the past with a few words felt like an insult.
"But why didn't you tell me?" Mom looked at him like her whole world had just fallen apart in front of her. "Don't I have a right to know these things?"

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"I... I'm sorry." John leaned over to look Mom in the eye as he placed a hand over hers. "You're right. I should've told you as soon as things started getting serious between us, but I was scared. I thought you'd say no for sure if you knew about my past."
Mom's frown deepened, confusion etched on her face. "Say no to what?"
"To my proposal. I want to marry you, Dana."
Cynthia had just taken a big swig of wine, but she was so shocked by John's statement that she spat it back into her glass. She couldn't believe he had the audacity to propose after the truth had come tumbling out.
"I bought the ring a month ago," John continued. "I've been trying to find a way to get the past off my chest so we can start working on our future but now I guess Cynthia beat me to it. Now you know everything and I guess you're going to leave me, so I'll just go."
John rose from the table and headed for the door. Cynthia let out a sigh, thinking that Mom had dodged a bullet, but her relief was short-lived. As John tried to slip past Mom and make a hasty exit, Mom grabbed his wrist. John studied her with a confused frown as Mom rose to stand beside him with a determined look in her eyes.

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"My answer is yes," Mom said.
Cynthia couldn't believe what she was hearing. After everything she'd just revealed, how could Mom possibly want to accept John's proposal?
"Are you serious?" John asked, his face lighting up.
"You've made me the happiest woman in the world, John. Why would I say no to you?" Mom replied. "Just promise me there won't be any more secrets between us, okay?"
"I promise." John closed the gap between him and Mom and leaned his forehead against hers.
Mom grinned and raised her right hand in front of him. "So? Are we going to make it official?"
The bizarre turn of events left Cynthia feeling nauseous. She watched as John, still stunned by Mom's acceptance, tried to recover from the whirlwind of emotions.

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"Wow, okay, uh..." John took Mom's hand and looked sheepishly at her. "I didn't think this would happen today, I didn't plan for it and I didn't even bring the ring, you know?"
Mom giggled. She was clearly enjoying watching John fumble to recover after she'd put him on the spot, but the whole spectacle just made Cynthia feel like hurling.
"I really want the proposal to be special," John continued.
"Okay then, let's have a special proposal," Mom replied. "We'll do it tomorrow. I'll invite everyone close to us here for a party and you can make your proposal then."
"That sounds great, honey," John smiled as he ran his fingers over Mom's hair. "I'm so happy with you, Dana. I can't wait to officially become engaged to you."
Cynthia couldn't bear the charade any longer. She set her wine glass down with a resounding clink and addressed them with a mixture of disdain and frustration.
"You really are an astounding liar," Cynthia remarked, her words cutting through the room like a bitter truth. "You deserve an award for that little performance."

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Mom turned to Cynthia with a furrowed brow. "Sweetheart, why are you doing this?" she asked, her voice tinged with hurt. "I've made my decision. Can't you be happy for me?"
"Are you out of your mind?" Cynthia snapped, her frustration bubbling over. "Can't you see what he's doing here with all this talk about his struggle to tell you the truth and not bringing the ring? He's making it all up and you're just buying into everything he says! You can't believe anything this... this con artist tells you."
"I understand that this must be difficult for you, Cynthia, but John and I love each other," Mom replied. "And love is about understanding and forgiveness."
"Come on!" Cynthia leaped to her feet. "This is how they work, Mom, how they manipulate people into giving them money. I'm sure you care about him, but honestly, do you really think a young, attractive guy like him cares about an old woman like you?"
Mom flinched as though she'd been struck. Cynthia had let her anger and frustration run away with her, but the wounded look in her mother's eyes brought her back to her senses.

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"That... I-I'm sorry, Mom," Cynthia said, her tone softening. "I didn't mean to say it like that, but just... look at him, and look at you. What kind of love is that? Young guys like him just don't go for older women unless there's something in it for them."
"Oh, I think I understand quite clearly," Mom replied. "You think an old woman like me doesn't deserve to be loved, and that there's no way John could genuinely care for me because I'm so much older than him."
Cynthia let out a frustrated groan. "Now I'm the bad guy for telling it like it is? Fine, Mom. I'll prove to you that this creep is just using you."
Cynthia lifted the ugly statue John had given her mother and hurled it onto the floor. It smashed into several big chunks that skidded over the laminated wood floor tiles.
While Mom was still staring down at the broken pieces of the statue, Cynthia grabbed her purse and headed for the door. She purposefully bumped into John on her way out.
"I won't let you get away with this," she hissed at him.

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Cynthia walked out to her car with a heavy heart. She hadn't meant to hurt Mom's feelings, but she also couldn't believe Mom was so blind to what was really going on here.
John clearly had her tightly wrapped around his little finger. Cynthia ground her teeth as she settled behind the wheel. No matter what it took, she was determined to show her mother the truth about the man she planned to marry.
She tossed her purse down onto the passenger seat and turned her attention to the entrance to Mom's apartment building. She stared at it for almost an hour before John finally appeared. He walked up to a cab that had stopped at the curb a few minutes earlier and climbed inside.
The cab made a few stops, the first at John's home, and Cynthia followed every move with determination. After around fifteen minutes of driving, the cab pulled up outside a coffee shop. Cynthia drove past it slowly and pulled into a space a few cars ahead. She watched John exit the cab and hurry into the coffee shop.
Quickly, Cynthia climbed out of her car and hurried over to the coffee shop windows. She peered inside and watched John take a seat at a table for two. If John was meeting another woman here, then this could be exactly what Cynthia needed to prove he was up to no good.

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She retrieved the baggy hoodie and sweatpants from her gym bag, quickly pulling them on over her clothes. The magazine from yesterday, forgotten in her car, was snatched up, and she made her way to the coffee shop.
Carefully turning her face away from John's table, she entered and sat down with her back toward him. Using the magazine to shield her face, her hoodie pulled up, she couldn't see John directly but kept her ears attuned to the subtle ding of the door.
Glancing over her shoulder with every new arrival in the coffee shop, Cynthia's patience was finally rewarded. An older woman with short hair entered and walked straight to John's table. Rising to greet her with a hug and a kiss on the cheek, John presented her with a posy of roses, uttering flattering words.
"These are for you," John said. "You're so beautiful."
"I got you, you creep!" Cynthia muttered under her breath. "I knew my mom couldn't be your only source of money."
She raised her phone, pressed record, and angled it until John and the mystery woman were clearly visible on the screen. She intended to capture every moment of their meeting to present as evidence, but she could never have imagined what would happen next.

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Cynthia watched open-mouthed as John got down on one knee and presented the woman with a ring.
"What! He's proposing to her, too?" She gasped. "That's it, you swindler. You've messed with the wrong people this time. Nobody plays with my mom's feelings and gets away with it."
Cynthia caught a glimpse of John placing the ring on the woman's finger before she stopped the video. She pulled her hood tighter and slipped on her sunglasses. Several people in the coffee shop started applauding as she grabbed her bag.
She slipped past John and the other woman and hurried back to her car. Cynthia felt sick as she watched the video on her phone. She took screenshots of John hugging the woman, proposing to her, and placing the ring on her finger.
The video on her phone left her feeling sick, but she knew she had all the evidence she needed. A quick internet search directed her to a nearby print shop. Cynthia hurried over and had them print out the screenshots.

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The following evening, Cynthia arrived at her mother's apartment with the pictures tucked into her purse. She marched over to her mother, ignoring the small group of guests gathered around the table.
"Cynthia, I'm so glad you came." Mom smiled softly and placed her hands on Cynthia's arms.
"Please, stop this circus, Mom," Cynthia urged her. "John is just leading you on."
Mom let out a little sigh and averted her gaze. Cynthia knew then that she'd have to do this the hard way and turned to address Mom's guests.
"Everyone, the party is over," she announced. You can pack up now. Goodbye."
Cynthia switched off the soft music playing through the stereo and turned to face her mother. "I have something you need to see, Mom."

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Mom turned to her guests. "I'm sorry everyone, we'll continue in a few minutes. I just need to speak to my daughter, if you don't mind."
The guests side-eyed Cynthia and her mother as they walked to the other side of the room. Furtive glances continued to be exchanged as the hushed sound of their whispered conversation floated through the room.
"What are you doing?" Mom asked as she pulled Cynthia aside.
Cynthia hardened her heart against the wounded look on her mother's face. It was clear that she thought Cynthia was just trying to cause trouble, but Cynthia knew she couldn't let this go. Her mom's future happiness was at stake.
"I'm trying to save you from a swindler," Cynthia replied. Look at what your 'love' does in his spare time."
Cynthia pulled out the pictures she'd taken of John and his other woman at the coffee shop. Mom's face contorted into an expression of shocked horror as she studied the images.

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"Cynthia's right," Mom declared, turning to her guests. "The party is over."
John made his appearance then, marching into the apartment dressed in a nice suit and carrying a bouquet of flowers. Both Cynthia and Mom faced him. His steps faltered, and he glanced around the room as though trying to decipher the source of the heavy tension in the room.
"Dana? Is everything okay?" he asked in a low voice as he drew closer.
Mom shook her head. She walked over to the coffee table nearby and fetched her purse. John looked on with a frown as she withdrew a fistful of cash.
"Here are your wages for the last six months. I don't need your services anymore," Mom uttered with a tinge of sadness. She tossed the cash at John, along with the incriminating photos.
"What is this?" John asked, lifting the photos and studying them.
Mom strode from the room as fast as she could go without running. Simultaneously, the woman from the photos entered the room, intensifying Cynthia's outrage.

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"Aren't you ashamed of yourself? You brought your mistress to your engagement party?" Cynthia exclaimed.
"My mistress? What on earth are you talking about?" John's voice echoed through the room, confusion etched on his face. His gaze darted over his shoulder, and he spoke to the woman he'd brought with him. "I'm sorry, Mom, there's been some kind of misunderstanding. I'll be right back."
As John hurriedly followed Cynthia's mom out of the room, Cynthia found herself alone, staring at the other woman who, moments ago, she was convinced was John's mistress.
"You can't be James's Mom," Cynthia asserted. "I saw you at the restaurant. He asked you to marry him."
"Yeah, it was a rehearsal," James's mother calmly explained. "And I most definitely am James's mother. My name is Teresa."
"What? Who rehearses the proposal with their mom?" she asked, still struggling to wrap her thoughts around this sudden turn of events.

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"Someone who wants everything to go perfectly, someone who thinks this relationship is the best thing that's ever happened to them," Teresa replied matter-of-factly.
Realization washed over Cynthia like a tidal wave, bringing with it a creeping sense of regret that settled heavily in her chest. She sank down onto the sofa, burying her face in her hands, unable to shake off the weight of her misjudgment.
"No, no, no," Cynthia moaned, her voice muffled by her hands. "I thought he was back to his old ways."
"You mean his work as an escort," Teresa replied calmly as she joined Cynthia on the sofa. "It's a hard label to get rid of. But he couldn't have done it otherwise."
"What are you talking about?" Cynthia glanced at the woman, her eyes filled with confusion.
"John's father was very sick," Teresa explained gently. "We couldn't afford the hospital or the medicine. John found a way to make a lot of money in a short space of time. He did it so he could make his father's last few months as comfortable and painless as possible."

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"Oh my God," Cynthia moaned, the weight of her misunderstanding hitting her like a sledgehammer. "What a fool I am. No one will ever forgive me now."
"Well, try asking for forgiveness first, and then you'll see," John's mother suggested, her tone soothing but firm.
Cynthia knew this might be too much to ask, but with a heavy heart, she grabbed her purse and headed for the door, cloaked in shame. She'd made a huge misjudgment and caused a lot of suffering because of it.
But Cynthia spotted something on her way out that gave her an idea. She paused, one hand on the door handle, and glanced over her shoulder. All the guests were too wrapped up in their whispered conversations about the drama that had just unfolded before them to pay much mind to Cynthia.
She hurriedly transferred the items she'd spotted on a table near the door to her purse. Another quick glance confirmed that nobody had noticed her little theft. Cynthia slipped out the front door and headed to her car.

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Later, Cynthia cautiously peeked through the entrance to Mom's apartment. John and Mom stood nearby, their bodies almost touching as they spoke. Cynthia hesitated, eavesdropping on their conversation.
"Give Cynthia some time, honey," John said. "I don't believe she wanted to humiliate you in any way. She loves you and was just being protective, even if her actions were misguided."
"I wish I could believe that," Cynthia's mom replied, her voice tinged with sorrow. "Why can't she accept that I'm happy? Do I need to lose my daughter to be with the man I love?"
Cynthia's heart ached to hear how much distress she'd caused her mother. She'd only wanted to do the right thing, and it had backfired badly. She took it as a testament to how much she'd misjudged John that he was good enough to play Devil's advocate on her behalf.
"Mom, John. I'm so sorry," Cynthia said as she approached them. "I was wrong. If you're really happy together, no matter how old you are, then you should be together. And I promise I will never interfere with your relationship again."
"Thank you," Cynthia's mom said. "You have no idea how much this means to me."

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Cynthia hugged Mom tightly. Her forgiveness meant everything to the protective young woman, but Cynthia hadn't finished making up for her misunderstanding yet.
"Mom, I made a mistake," Cynthia said. "I almost broke everything, but I've managed to put it back together in time."
Cynthia pulled out the statue that John had made, the same one she had broken when she threw it onto the floor. When she'd spotted the broken chunks on her way out earlier, Cynthia had realized that the best way she could make amends would be to repair the gift.
"Oh, thank you, Cynthia." Mom smiled brightly as she accepted the restored statue.
Cynthia watched as Mom turned to John, her eyes sparkling as she showed him the repaired statue. He smiled shyly at Cynthia, and she nodded.
The statue would never be exactly the same again, but it was whole once more, just like their relationship. Although it was still strange for Cynthia to think of her mother dating her ex, there was no denying that Mom and John shared something special.

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Cynthia clapped her hands. "Now, we have candles, romantic music, good friends and family. I think it's past time we got around to the main event!"
John gave Cynthia a little smile and reached into his suit pocket. Mom's guests had drawn closer, surrounding the couple in a supportive circle. John removed the jewelry box.
"My love," John began as he opened the box, revealing a beautiful diamond engagement ring, "every day with you is... uh, it's magical, and uh..."
"That's enough talking," Mom interjected playfully as John nervously fumbled for the right words. "I say yes."
John smiled softly and gave Mom a relieved and grateful look as he slipped the ring on her finger. Mom immediately turned and held up her hand to show off her ring.
The guests all erupted into applause as John and Mom shared a sweet, heartfelt kiss. Cynthia let out a cheer for the happy couple, grateful that love had triumphed over misunderstanding.

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The engagement party continued with an air of joy and celebration, and Cynthia couldn't help but be swept up in the newfound happiness that surrounded her mother and John. She mingled with the guests, sharing their excitement and exchanging anecdotes.
When the night eventually drew to a close, Cynthia found herself sitting with her mom and John in the cozy living room.
John cleared his throat and turned to Cynthia. "I want to thank you, Cynthia, for giving me a second chance. I know I messed up in the past, but I promise I'll do everything to make your mom happy."
Cynthia nodded, genuinely touched by his sincerity. "Just take care of her, John. That's all I ask."
"I will." He looked up then and met Cynthia's gaze. "And don't worry, I don't expect you to start calling me 'Dad.'"
Cynthia let out a bark of laughter at the unexpected joke and tossed one of the scatter cushions at John. He chuckled as he caught it, and soon, all three of them were laughing together.

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As the laughter subsided and the room settled into a contented quiet, Cynthia's mind raced with a plan. She felt the urge to do something grand for her mother and John, to solidify their union in a way that would make up for her earlier misguided actions.
Cynthia stood up abruptly, a determination in her eyes that caught the attention of her mom and John.
"You know what would make this even more special?" Cynthia suggested, her voice tinged with excitement.
Mom looked at her curiously. "What do you have in mind, dear?"
Cynthia grinned. "Elope. Just you and John. Leave all the drama behind and start this new chapter in your lives with a beautiful, private ceremony. No judgments, no misunderstandings. Just the two of you, committing to each other."
Mom's eyes widened, and a spark of intrigue ignited within them. John seemed taken aback for a moment, then a contemplative expression settled on his face.

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"Elope?" Mom repeated, as though testing the word on her tongue.
Cynthia nodded. "Think about it. A secret getaway, just the two of you, surrounded by the magic of a moment that's all yours."
Mom's face lit up with excitement. "That does sound wonderful! John, what do you think?"
John hesitated for a moment, his eyes locking with Cynthia's. She could sense his reservations, the weight of the past still lingering. But then, a subtle nod from Cynthia seemed to convey reassurance.
"I think it's a fantastic idea," John said, his smile returning. "Let's do it."
Mom rushed upstairs to pack her bags, and Cynthia rushed over to John. She removed a thick envelope from her purse and handed it to him.
"Now, remember, you have to make sure Mom signs these documents the moment the two of you are married, okay? It's time we wrapped things up here."

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John frowned at Cynthia as he tucked the envelope into his suit pocket. "Are you sure about this? Just because she didn't give up on me through this whole 'we used to date and John's an escort' debacle, it doesn't mean she'll trust me enough to sign whatever papers I shove under her nose."
Cynthia chuckled. "Oh, John, you know as well as I do that she'll sign those papers without a second thought because my mother is a trusting fool."
"You'd better be right." John frowned at Cynthia. "If she questions me..."
"Then you will distract her." Cynthia smiled up at John as she grabbed the lapels on his suit and pulled him closer. "Just like this."
Cynthia kissed John passionately. All the hunger that had built up during their performance over the past two days bubbled to the surface. Both of them were gasping for breath by the time Cynthia pulled away.
"I've missed doing that," she whispered.
John tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Don't worry, baby, it won't be long now before we can both stop pretending."

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe
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If you enjoyed this story, here's another one: Nancy is shocked when she runs into her high school sweetheart begging on the street. Despite her boyfriend's protests, Nancy offers her ex a job at her father's firm. However, her kind offer soon comes back to bite her. Read the full story here.
This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone’s life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.