Michael Strahan | Source: Getty Images
Michael Strahan | Source: Getty Images

Michael Strahan’s Daughter Reveals Another Chemo Side Effect as She Fights for Her Life against Cancer

Christell Fatima M. Tudtud
May 23, 2024
04:55 A.M.

Michael Strahan's daughter, Isabella Strahan, shared a heartfelt video update on her battle with cancer, discussing the toll of chemotherapy and her worries about what comes next. Her openness strikes a chord with fans as she garners immense support from her family.

Isabella Strahan shares an update on her battle with cancer in a video shared on May 23, 2024. | Source: YouTube/IsabellaStrahan

Isabella Strahan shares an update on her battle with cancer in a video shared on May 23, 2024. | Source: YouTube/IsabellaStrahan

Recently, Isabella Strahan, one of former football star and TV host Michael Strahan's twin daughters, shared updates about her chemotherapy for medulloblastoma (brain tumor) on her YouTube channel. She was lying on the couch in the clip, which featured her long nails. She reassured her fans that she was "doing good."

Isabella Strahan smiles in a video shared on May 23, 2024. | Source: YouTube/IsabellaStrahan

Isabella Strahan smiles in a video shared on May 23, 2024. | Source: YouTube/IsabellaStrahan


She added that she feels much better, slept for eighteen hours, is back home, and anticipates her twin sister Sophia's return this week. Additionally, she noted feeling bored but not experiencing much pain.

Isabella mentioned having only one more round of chemotherapy left, feeling both excited and nervous to complete it. While she eagerly looked forward to June, she feared what life would be like after finishing the treatments.

Isabella Strahan shares an update on her battle with cancer in a video shared on May 23, 2024. | Source: YouTube/IsabellaStrahan

Isabella Strahan shares an update on her battle with cancer in a video shared on May 23, 2024. | Source: YouTube/IsabellaStrahan

"I'm kind of scared, like once I'm done, how am I gonna go back to normal life? Cause I feel like there's always going to be another treatment or something I have to do, I don't know... but that's a later problem, and otherwise I'm doing good," Isabella revealed.

Isabella Strahan shares an update on her battle with cancer in a video shared on May 23, 2024. | Source: YouTube/IsabellaStrahan

Isabella Strahan shares an update on her battle with cancer in a video shared on May 23, 2024. | Source: YouTube/IsabellaStrahan

The Sephora model also disclosed a side effect of her chemotherapy: memory loss. "In the hospital, I don’t remember Tuesday because I’m given this drug to protect my hearing, and just because I have a reaction to it, they give me Ativan. And for some reason, this happened last time too, I can’t remember a single thing about that day," she recounted.

Isabella Strahan shares an update on her battle with cancer in a video shared on May 23, 2024. | Source: YouTube/IsabellaStrahan

Isabella Strahan shares an update on her battle with cancer in a video shared on May 23, 2024. | Source: YouTube/IsabellaStrahan


The video earned support from her followers, who offered words of encouragement and prayers. "Your fears are so vaild and typical for folks who have had cancer. Keep powering through, you got this," commented one netizen.

Another expressed confidence that Isabella can survive another challenge, stating, "You've got this Isabella, you are one STRONG WOMAN, Prayers and Blessings!!!" A third urged fellow users to pray for her recovery, writing, "Let's all pray hard for this beautiful child."

Meanwhile, Michael shared an Instagram video featuring Isabella, Sophia, and their pet dog. "These three are amazing but who is my favorite🤔? LOL❤️❤️," he captioned the post.

Sophia and Isabella Strahan with their dog in a video, dated May 2024. | Source: Instagram/michaelstrahan

Sophia and Isabella Strahan with their dog in a video, dated May 2024. | Source: Instagram/michaelstrahan


The video showed the daughters and their dog participating in the viral "hands in" trend. Isabella looked delighted as she and Sophia successfully completed the fun activity, with their dog joining in by placing its paw after the twins gathered their hands in the center.


Additionally, Michael posted a photo of his children with their grandmother during a Mother's Day celebration, where Isabella smiled brightly with her family.


Despite her current happiness, Isabella’s journey has been challenging. In March 2024, she underwent emergency surgery, an ordeal that prompted Michael to stay by her side as much as possible.

In her previous vlogs, Isabella revealed that she had to undergo an unexpected second brain surgery. The recovery from her first round of chemotherapy for her brain tumor was going well until she developed a fever and had to return to the hospital immediately.

Isabella Strahan, 2024 | Source: YouTube/@IsabellaStrahan

Isabella Strahan, 2024 | Source: YouTube/@IsabellaStrahan

"I have a fever again. I got a fever, 102, and had to come back in. So, we're trying to find out what's wrong, but no one can find out what's wrong. I don't know, this is like the worst fever I think I've had," she commented.

Isabella and Michael Strahan, 2024 | Source: YouTube/@IsabellaStrahan

Isabella and Michael Strahan, 2024 | Source: YouTube/@IsabellaStrahan

What began with a fever ultimately led to another medical intervention. Isabella shared that her last-minute surgery involved draining fluid from the back of her head because her scar became infected in the process of healing from the previous procedure.

She also explained that while she would be under anesthesia, doctors would insert a needle into her head to carry out the drainage.

Isabella Strahan, 2024 | Source: YouTube/@IsabellaStrahan

Isabella Strahan, 2024 | Source: YouTube/@IsabellaStrahan


Clearly, this was not part of her plans for the day. The girl hadn't anticipated returning to the hospital so soon. "Very not what I planned to do because I didn't plan on coming back," she said. "So, going in for surgery. Wish me luck."

Isabella Strahan, 2024 | Source: YouTube/@IsabellaStrahan

Isabella Strahan, 2024 | Source: YouTube/@IsabellaStrahan

Surgeons meticulously cleaned out Isabella's scar for infection and replaced a section of her skull with a titanium plate. Upon waking up, she cracked a joke about being "part titanium," yet beneath the humor, Isabella was truly in agony.

“I'm in so much pain, and my head is wrapped like this. My face is extremely puffy, and this sucks. I was in so much pain earlier, I was like screaming. This is not fun,” Isabella shared, her voice raspy with pain.

Isabella Strahan, 2024 | Source: YouTube/@IsabellaStrahan

Isabella Strahan, 2024 | Source: YouTube/@IsabellaStrahan

In her post-surgery vlog, she shared that her face was really swollen, and she felt terrible seeing herself in the bathroom mirror wearing a head wrap. No one had told her that she would have to wear it after the procedure was done.

Comparing this time to her previous surgery, Isabella mentioned feeling less drugged up. Despite the pain, she stayed positive and grateful that she could still walk and talk.

Michael Strahan, Isabella Strahan and her friend, 2024 | Source: YouTube/@IsabellaStrahan

Michael Strahan, Isabella Strahan and her friend, 2024 | Source: YouTube/@IsabellaStrahan


Isabella mentioned that her second round of chemotherapy had been delayed by a week due to the unexpected craniotomy. She said that it would be "terrible" to undergo chemotherapy without giving herself enough time to heal completely. Later, she was seen struggling to walk through the hospital, with one of her doctors assisting her.

Isabella Strahan, 2024 | Source: YouTube/@IsabellaStrahan

Isabella Strahan, 2024 | Source: YouTube/@IsabellaStrahan

"Hopefully, this is what was causing all my fevers and why I've been in the hospital for a week. Hopefully, I will get to go home soon after I heal from this," she said.

With her dad and loved ones by her side, Isabella was recovering from the painful treatment. Her dad, Michael, was seated in an armchair in her hospital room, waiting for her to wake up. Slouched and tired, he continued to guard his daughter's hospital bed, ready to be there for her whenever she needed him.

Isabella Strahan and Michael Strahan, 2024 | Source: YouTube/@IsabellaStrahan

Isabella Strahan and Michael Strahan, 2024 | Source: YouTube/@IsabellaStrahan

From unexpected surgeries to enduring chemotherapy, Isabella continues to battle cancer, sharing her journey with the world. Supported by her family, she remains hopeful for a speedy recovery. Her vlogs tell a heartbreaking yet inspiring story, where she keeps her head up through hardships and pain.

In February, Michael discussed his daughter's condition on "GMA," shedding light on the challenges and the unwavering spirit of resilience within his family. "It is tough to see her go through it, but I know she's a tough young lady, and she's gonna make it through," he expressed.


According to her father, Isabella Strahan's decision to document her journey is driven by her desire to offer a message of solidarity and support to others facing similar battles.

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