A person putting their hands in water | Source: Shutterstock
A person putting their hands in water | Source: Shutterstock

19 Life Hacks That Seem Fake, but Are True Lifesavers

Ayesha Muhammad
Aug 09, 2024
10:25 A.M.

Life has a way of throwing us into situations where we need quick, clever solutions. These 19 life hacks may sound a bit offbeat, but they’re just the kind of tricks you'll want in your back pocket when life gets tricky.


In a world full of endless to-do lists, unexpected challenges, and "why didn't I think of that?" moments, it's the little things that can make a big difference.

Whether you're a seasoned adult or just starting to figure out how to navigate life's curveballs, having a few clever tricks up your sleeve can turn potential disasters into simple tasks.

A man having thought of a good idea | Source: Pexels

A man having thought of a good idea | Source: Pexels

These 19 life hacks may sound a bit outlandish at first, but once you try them, you'll be wondering how you ever lived without them.

1. Avoid Lockouts: The Double-Handed Car Locking Trick

Locking yourself out of your car can turn a good day into a nightmare in seconds. But with this simple trick, you can kiss those frustrating moments goodbye.


Every time you lock your car door, make it a habit to hold your keys in one hand while locking the door with the other. It's a small habit to form, but one that ensures you never have to experience that sinking feeling of seeing your keys trapped inside your car.

The interior of a car with keys in the ignition switch | Source: Pexels

The interior of a car with keys in the ignition switch | Source: Pexels

2. Smooth Your Coffee: The Secret Salt Hack

Ever brewed a cup of coffee that tasted more like a bitter concoction than a morning delight? Before you give up and start over, reach for the salt shaker.

A pinch of salt can work wonders by cutting through the bitterness and bringing out the smoother, richer flavors in your coffee. It's a quick, easy fix that coffee aficionados swear by, and one that might just save your mornings.

A closeup of a person stirring their coffee in the kitchen | Source: Pexels

A closeup of a person stirring their coffee in the kitchen | Source: Pexels

3. The Magic of Banana Peels: Splinter and Itch Relief

Bananas are good for more than just a snack: they're also your secret weapon against splinters and itchy bites. If you've got a splinter lodged under your skin, don't panic.

Wrap a banana peel around the affected area with the wet side against your skin. Leave it on for a bit, and the peel will work its magic, helping to draw the splinter out.

Yellow banana peels on a white surface | Source: Pexels

Yellow banana peels on a white surface | Source: Pexels


But the banana voodoo doesn't stop there! The inside of a banana peel can also soothe the itching and pain from mosquito and ant bites. It's almost too good to be true, but once you try it, you'll be a believer.

4. Tear-Free Onions: The Freezer Trick

Chopping onions is a surefire way to bring tears to your eyes unless you know this clever hack. Before you start slicing, pop the onion in the freezer for about 10 minutes.

The cold slows down the release of the tear-inducing enzymes, giving you a few precious minutes to chop away without crying. It's a trick that's so simple and effective, that you'll wonder how you ever managed without it.

A closeup of a woman chopping onions | Source: Pexels

A closeup of a woman chopping onions | Source: Pexels


5. Coughing Relief: The Arm Lift Method

You're enjoying a meal, and suddenly, something goes down the wrong pipe. You start coughing, struggling to catch your breath, and it feels like everyone's watching. Here's a simple trick that can help: lift both your arms above your head and hold them there for a few seconds.

This action opens your airways, allowing you to breathe easier and letting that wayward bite or sip find its proper path. It's a little move that packs a big punch when you need it most.

A woman coughing at the dinner table | Source: Midjourney

A woman coughing at the dinner table | Source: Midjourney

6. Name Recall Hack: The Last Name Trick

Running into someone whose name you can't remember is always awkward. But you can avoid embarrassment with this sly trick. Ask them, "What's your name again?" and when they tell you, follow up with, "No, your last name."


They'll never suspect that you didn't remember their first name, and you'll come off as polite and attentive. It's a smooth way to get out of a tricky situation with your dignity intact.

A man shaking hands with a woman | Source: Pexels

A man shaking hands with a woman | Source: Pexels

7. Erasing Permanent Marker: Nail Polish Remover to the Rescue

If you've ever had the misfortune of getting a permanent marker on your skin, or worse, someone else has drawn something questionable on you: don't worry.

Nail polish remover is here to save the day. Just dab some on the marked area, and watch as the ink disappears, leaving your skin clean and free of any unwanted doodles.

A bottle of nail polish remover | Source: Midjourney

A bottle of nail polish remover | Source: Midjourney


8. Anti-Fog Solution: Shaving Cream

Foggy mirrors and visors are a daily nuisance, but this hack from motorcyclists can make your life a lot clearer, literally. Spread a thin layer of shaving cream on your mirror or visor, let it dry, then wipe it off.

The shaving cream leaves behind a film that prevents fog from forming, so you can see clearly no matter how steamy things get. It's a game-changer for anyone tired of wiping down mirrors after every shower.

A close-up of a mirror and a container with shaving cream and a shaving brush on a windowsill | Source: Pexels

A close-up of a mirror and a container with shaving cream and a shaving brush on a windowsill | Source: Pexels

9. Pill Swallowing Made Easy: Thumb Squeeze Technique

Swallowing pills can be tough, especially if you have a sensitive gag reflex. But this quirky trick can make it a whole lot easier: squeeze your left thumb inside your fist while you swallow.


Somehow, this simple action suppresses the gag reflex, allowing the pill to go down smoothly. It's one of those weird tricks that's so effective, that you'll be sharing it with everyone you know.

A closeup of a woman taking pills with a glass of water | Source: Pexels

A closeup of a woman taking pills with a glass of water | Source: Pexels

10. Memory Aid: Scent-Associated Learning

Smell is one of the strongest senses tied to memory, and you can use that to your advantage when studying. Pick up an oddly scented eraser: something like pickle or cinnamon, and sniff it every time you're trying to memorize something important. Then, bring it with you to the exam.

When you're stuck on a question, take a quick sniff, and the scent might just jog your memory. It sounds strange, but for many people, it works like a charm.

A closeup of a red and blue eraser on a white surface | Source: Pexels

A closeup of a red and blue eraser on a white surface | Source: Pexels

11. Erasing Permanent Marker from Whiteboards: The Dry Erase Marker Trick

We've all accidentally used a permanent marker on a whiteboard and panicked when it wouldn't come off. But don't worry: there's an easy fix.

Grab a dry-erase marker and scribble over the permanent marks. Then, wipe it clean with an eraser or cloth. The dry-erase ink helps dissolve the permanent marker, making it easy to erase. Problem solved!

A closeup of a person writing on a whiteboard | Source: Pexels

A closeup of a person writing on a whiteboard | Source: Pexels


12. Instant Cooling: Ice Water Arm Dunk and Pulse Point Chill

When the temperature soars, and you feel like you're about to melt, cooling down can seem impossible: especially if you're working outside or in a place with no air conditioning.

Here's a military-tested trick that'll cool you down fast: dunk your arms in ice water up to halfway between your elbow and shoulder for 20-30 seconds, then lift your arms overhead. You'll feel a refreshing chill spread through your body from top to bottom.

A bucket full of ice water | Source: Midjourney

A bucket full of ice water | Source: Midjourney

But what if you don't have a bucket of ice water handy? No problem! Run your wrists under cold water or rub an ice cube on your pulse points: like your wrists, neck, and behind your knees.


These areas have major arteries close to the surface of your skin, so cooling them down helps lower your overall body temperature quickly. It's an obvious trick, but one that many people don't realize can be a lifesaver on scorching days.

Ice cube on skin | Source: Pexels

Ice cube on skin | Source: Pexels

13. Jewelry Cleaning Hack: Dish Soap Magic

Your jewelry deserves to sparkle, but using harsh cleaners can do more harm than good. Instead, reach for dish soap. It's gentle yet effective, designed to clean glass and metal without scratching or causing chemical reactions.

Just mix a little dish soap with warm water, soak your jewelry, and give it a gentle scrub with a soft brush. Rinse, and your jewelry will shine like new without any damage.

A closeup of a woman holding earrings | Source: Pexels

A closeup of a woman holding earrings | Source: Pexels

14. Remove Deodorant Stains: Makeup Remover Wipes

Deodorant stains are the bane of many a wardrobe, but they don't have to be permanent. The next time you notice those telltale white marks, grab a makeup remover wipe and gently rub the area.

The wipes are designed to break down tough makeup, so they're more than capable of tackling deodorant stains too. It's a quick and easy solution that'll keep your clothes looking fresh.

A pack of wipes on a blue surface | Source: Unsplash

A pack of wipes on a blue surface | Source: Unsplash


15. Overheating Car: Turn on the Heat

If your car is overheating, turning on the heat might seem like the last thing you'd want to do. But here's why it works: the heat pulls warmth away from the engine and into the cabin, helping to lower the engine temperature.

It's not a permanent fix, but it can buy you some time to get to a mechanic before your car breaks down completely. Just be prepared to roll down the windows: it's going to get hot in there!

A dashboard panel of a car showing the car overheating | Source: Midjourney

A dashboard panel of a car showing the car overheating | Source: Midjourney

16. Train Your Pets for Emergencies: Smoke Alarm Treats

Smoke alarms are loud and scary for pets, but with a little training, you can turn that fear into a lifesaving response. Every time the alarm goes off: whether it's a real emergency or just a burnt toast situation, give your pets a treat.


They'll start associating the sound with something positive, and in a real emergency, they'll come straight to you instead of hiding. It's a simple way to keep your furry friends safe.

A woman holding her pet dog at home | Source: Pexels

A woman holding her pet dog at home | Source: Pexels

17. Ring Removal: Windex to the Rescue

A stuck ring can cause panic, especially when your finger starts swelling. But before you start pulling and twisting, try this trick: spray a little Windex on the ring.

The slippery solution will help the ring slide right off without a struggle. This is a go-to hack in jewelry stores, and it works like a charm. No more frantic trips to the jeweler.

A closeup of a woman trying to remove her ring | Source: Pexels

A closeup of a woman trying to remove her ring | Source: Pexels


18. Dog Attack Defense: Push into the Bite

Being attacked by a dog is terrifying, and your first instinct might be to pull away. But that can make things worse. Instead, push your forearm into the bite as far as you can. This pries the dog's jaws apart and prevents them from clamping down harder.

Use your other hand to grab the dog by the scruff of its neck. It's a scary situation, but this technique can minimize the damage and give you a fighting chance.

A stray dog on a street | Source: Pexels

A stray dog on a street | Source: Pexels

19. Pollen Prevention: Rinse Your Hair Before Bed

If you suffer from allergies during pollen season, your hair could be your worst enemy. Pollen clings to your hair all day, and if you don't rinse it out before bed, you're transferring it to your pillowcase and breathing it in all night long.


The solution? A quick rinse before bed to wash away the allergens. It's a simple step that can make a world of difference in how you sleep and feel the next day.

A person washing their hair | Source: Pexels

A person washing their hair | Source: Pexels

These 19 life hacks might seem unconventional, but prove that sometimes the simplest tricks can be the most effective. Give them a try and you might be surprised at how much easier they make your day-to-day life.

Check out another useful compilation if you have ever wondered how to protect yourself from common dangers that lurk in everyday life. Discover essential safety hacks that could potentially save your life. Learn how to outsmart potential threats with these practical and easy-to-follow tips.

This work is inspired by real events and people, but it has been fictionalized for creative purposes. Names, characters, and details have been changed to protect privacy and enhance the narrative. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

The author and publisher make no claims to the accuracy of events or the portrayal of characters and are not liable for any misinterpretation. This story is provided "as is," and any opinions expressed are those of the characters and do not reflect the views of the author or publisher.

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