Wendy Williams slammed by fans and branded 'disgusting' over her take on Stormy Daniels
Wendy Williams is back and ready to cause more mess with her commentary, as per usual.
The talk show maven, who recently returned to TV after a health-related hiatus, took to her show on Monday morning to criticize and, honestly, slut shame, president Donald Trump’s alleged former mistress Stormy Daniels, as reported by Entertainment Daily.
After showing some clips of Daniels on Jimmy Kimmel Live, where she dodged questions about the nature of her relationship with the US President, Williams proceeded to unload on the adult film star.
'She's 38 and I know she's been in the game of porn a while. She's like a dusty looking, throwback porn star. This dress right here, what the hell?' Williams critiqued. 'She just looks wild and sloppy. Just nasty.' Those were the comments that fans considered too far.
Donald Trump has denied having a consensual affair with the porn star Stormy Daniels in 2006, the White House has said. Its spokesman, Raj Shah, said Trump has repeatedly denied the claims and said he is the only one who has been consistent in his story.
He deflected a question about whether the Trump presidential campaign, the Trump Organization or Trump himself may have violated federal campaign finance law in dealings with Ms. Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford.
The talk show host, who has expressed some questionable opinions about her exhaustion for the #MeToo movement, among others, then went on a rant, attacking Daniels’ appearance.
After that, things took an even more disgusting and insulting turn. Williams then resorted to sharing some disparaging thoughts on Daniels’ experience as a sex worker, going on to offer some job suggestions to her.
“She’s got a few more miles left on her face where she could be at a hoedown, the strip clubs love feature performers, so she can be a featured performer at several strip clubs around the country, but she can go away.”
Wendy Williams, The Wendy Williams Show, March 26, 2018.
Those final comments served as the flame that lit Twitter ablaze as several users took to the site to drag the professional gossiper for her nasty comments.