Police dog saves partner’s life after ambush attack in the woods
Police dog showed a surprising act of valor and bravery when he sprang up to action to save the life of his deputy officer.
Police Deputy Todd Frazier from Long Beach, Mississippi, was saved by his police dog, Lucas, while being attacked by three men, who threatened to 'slit his throat.'
According to Viral Thread, Frazier became the victim of a trap set by gang members while he was out on a patrol. He found a man looking unconscious at the wheel of his car in a layby.
When the officer approached the man to attend him, he was distracted by two men while a third one attacked him from behind.
The three men then began to drag the officer toward the woods. Frazier later stated that he even heard one them say that he was going to 'slit his throat.'
In the face of mortal danger, the Deputy managed to reach to his keychain and unlock the canine compartment of his car.
As soon as he did this, out came the police dog, Lucas, who immediately 'sprang into action' to save his master's life, the online source suggested.
“He knew. I could hear him coming. I couldn’t see anything because the blood was all in my eyes, but I could hear him coming, growling and making these sounds… he sounded like a wolf,” the source quoted Frazier explaining.
Lucas then bravely attacked the three gang members, who were on the verge of taking the life of his deputy.
After the battle, the dog had blood all over him but it wasn't sure how many of the criminals he had managed to injure before the ran away.
Deputy Frazier later expressed his gratitude for having his loyal dog with him and for a 'button' on the belt that he wears, which releases Lucas' compartment when he presses it.
Both Frazier and Lucas were injured in the attack, but it was confirmed that both of them have been well treated and have recovered.