Sammy Davis Jr's son exposed his foster father was actually his real dad, but who was his mom?
Mark says he always wondered whether he was the biological son of The Rat Pack legend.
According to a Daily Mail report, Mark Davis, who works as a photo clerk at Costco, was adopted at the age of two by Sammy and his wife at the time, Swedish actress May Britt.
Although Sammy, who was a fellow member of the Hollywood Rat Pack with Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin, had told friends that he adopted Mark, he and his wife were named as father and mother on the man’s birth certificate, which only surfaced in 2013.
Well when Sammy Davis Jr. was lying on his deathbed in 1990, after being stricken with throat cancer, his son, Mark said that Sammy pulled him close and revealed to him these words: “You are my son.”
That’s when Mark’s world was rocked with the revelation that after all these years of thinking he was adopted, he was, in fact, Sammy’s biological child. He said, “When I walked to the bedside I bent over and gave him a kiss and he grabbed me and said 'You are my son.'”
According to Mark Davis, his birth certificate revealed that Sammy Davis Jr.’s then-wife, May Britt, was also his mother, but the singer’s son said the woman is not his real mother, and to this day, he has no idea about the identity of his birth mother.
However, Britt has told Mark that she did not give birth to him and has declined to say whether she knows the identity of the woman who did.
Sammy, who was known to have had affairs and to have been a heavy drinker, he appears to have fathered Mark illegitimately with a mystery white woman at a time when inter-racial marriages were forbidden by law in more than half of the United States.
The legendary Sammy Davis Jr. was practically born in a trunk on December 8, 1925, to vaudevillians Sammy Davis Sr. and Elvera Sanchez, who was Puerto Rican. The two separated in 1928, and Davis' father and grandmother, Mama, raised him.
At age 3, Davis was singing, dancing and charming audiences as a member of the Will Mastin Trio with his father and Will Mastin, whom Davis referred to as Uncle Will. He never went to school and use to say: "What have I got? No looks, no money, no education, just talent."