Bonnie Jo, 'Dog' Chapman's teen daughter, looks so much like her mom in the new pics
Bonnie Joe Chapman is the new young celebrity captivating Instagram users with her style and amazing upbeat attitude
Bonnie Jo Chapman grew up on Reality TV; or rather, in Reality TV. After all, she was just 4 years old when American audiences first met her on her father's show 'Dog The Bounty Hunter,' confided InTouchWeekly.com on the 2nd of March 2018.
Knowing she was subject to public scrutiny from such a young age cannot have been easy, and many celebrity children seem to cave in under that pressure. Hollywood tabloids craft their headlines from the disgrace and mishaps of the offspring of the beautiful and the famous. Drugs, drink, promiscuity, and depression seem to haunt them.
But Bonnie Joe is not your average celebrity child. She is smart, streetwise and has both of her very sensible feet planted on solid ground.
The 18-year-old may just be casting the Kardashian girls in the shade with her common sense and her serenity. Ever since her mother Beth Chapman was diagnosed with throat cancer that Bonnie Joe has shown herself to be a very unusual strong young woman.
“What's the greatest lesson a woman should learn? That since day one, she's already had everything she needs within herself. It's the world that convinced her she did not."
Bonnie Joe Chapman, InTouchWeekly.com, 2nd of March 2018.
Bonnie Joe is constantly encouraging her followers to believe in themselves, to be strong. Her fierce conviction that positive thinking and self-acceptance are the basis of emotional well being has inspired thousands. Her focus is on promoting women's empowerment.
On Valentine's Day, she told her fans that true and lasting love was to be found in their own hearts, explaining that 'you don’t need someone to make you feel loved, self-love is the best love.'
Bonnie has proved to be an excellent role model for young girls. She graduated in May of 2017 from high school and left her home in Hawaii to attend college in Colorado.
Bonnie Joe has amassed an impressive following on Instagram with her bright, positive attitude. She is very much her mother's daughter, with her lovely blond locks and her dark eyes. Her fashion sense is irreverent and challenging, a far cry from the obsessive weight-conscious Hollywood glamour.
Bonnie Joe Chapman is refreshingly genuine and original, and it is easy to understand the devotion of her growing number of fans.