Kid Rock reveals why he has chosen to live in a double-wide trailer instead of a mansion
Kid Rock is one celebrity that hasn’t lost his roots. Having great wealth hasn’t gone to this star’s head as he still lives in a trailer instead of a mansion.
His reason for this decision is mainly because he just finds it convenient. However, there are certain luxuries that come with his wealth that he’s not willing to give up according to Country Music Nation.
Kid Rock, 47, is a Michigan-native who has millions of dollars in the bank. Despite his wealth, the music superstar has chosen to live in a double-wide trailer instead of a mansion.
The talented celebrity is known as a rapper, singer, record producer, and multi-talented musician. Having so many talents that bring him great amounts of money hasn’t turned the star away from his roots.
He’s estimated to be worth more than $80 million but he said that his trailer home suited his lifestyle much better. In an interview with Dan Rather, Rock revealed that he lived in the trailer because he didn’t require many things.
He shared that he’d learned to downsize through the years and it’s made him happier. The star did confess, however, that he didn’t mind selling everything in his double-wide but he wouldn’t give up his airplane.
“I’m just figuring out what really makes me happy and I’d rather have land and things of this nature and maybe some cool cars and my plane of course and stuff like that… and really not have any worries. You don’t have to worry if things are gonna go south.”
Kid Rock, Country Music Nation, 2018
Rock just loves the ease and convenience of a private airplane. Beyond his spot of land and mobile home, he’s built an airstrip that’s just big enough for his private plane.
In an Interview with Rolling Stone, he shared that he didn’t need any security for his plane. He would just drive a pickup truck onto the tarmac, leave his keys in the car, and get on the plane.
Rock shared that many of his fellow celebrities have big houses that just don’t make sense to him. He admitted that he once had an indoor movie theater but only used it once when he was too drunk to find his bedroom.
The musician also revealed that the maintenance of a mansion was a nightmare. He added that the benefit of his home was that if his trailer burnt down or blew off the mountain, he could order another one and it would be there in two weeks.