Woman has been staying in a mud hut for over 15 years. But inside it's like a dream come true
58-year-old Emma Orbach, the daughter of a wealthy musician, lives in a round mud hut at the bottom of a scrappy field in rural west Wales since she finished her Oxford degree.
This woman decided to leave everything including cars, houses, restaurants, and even money just trying to find the meaning of life.
According to Por qué no se me ocurrió, Emma Orbach, born in Wales, made her choice and moved away from the city to a little mud and adobe house in the middle of the woods.
She finished her education with a degree in Chinese at Oxford, Emma could have done virtually anything she'd wanted with her life.
This Oxford graduate purchased a piece of property in 1991. She only paid 800 Euros for it, but now, she has a self-sufficient land lot.
According to Orbach herself, the natural setting, the moon, and the stars are her prime companions. She said that she only wanted to escape from pollution and noise.
"As children, we weren't encouraged to focus on material things. I was usually out in the fields. I always loved flowers and nature. My brother and I would sometimes eat our meals up trees. It was idyllic. I had real freedom," she said.
She's completely self-sufficient, as everything she eats is produced within her property. She learned how to live while appreciating the simple and essential things.
She never spends money, however, she has to pay a monthly fee of 63 Euros just to live there, and she found a simple, yet elegant, solution to this.
She decided to host several tourists throughout the year to make just enough money to pay the City Hall's monthly fee and claims she loves meeting new people every time.
This woman has made a clear statement. Man can walk the face of the earth and live off it without doing any harm to it whatsoever.
And while this is not an easy task to achieve, to be honest, it's just a matter of living in good balance with the surrounding environment.