
Kim Kardashian shows off voluptuous curves in bikini but gets body-shamed for her feet

Claudine Varela
May 10, 2018
03:05 A.M.

The reality star's perfect body gets overshadowed by her toenail that became the center of controversy recently.


Kim Kardashian was feeling good about herself and her body when she recently posted a bikini photo highlighting her gorgeous curves. But that didn’t seem to be what many chose to see as her pinky toe became the object of everyone’s attention in that particular snap. This story was featured by the Inquisitr.


Just shortly after the reality star revealed her beautiful tan and flawless beach bod on her Instagram, Fox News was alerted over reports of body shaming directed at her toenail. Apparently, some internet trolls zoomed in on her right pinky which was hardly even visible in the photo and made the conclusion that it bore a rotten toenail.


With the issue blown out of proportion, Kim’s toenail became a recurring topic on Twitter because it appeared to be yellow. However, Kim later posted a photo of her feet revealing all her toenails were actually painted yellow. Choosing to remain silent and leave her post captionless, the actress clearly didn’t need to explain any further as all the controversy surrounding her toenail was actually senseless.


Meanwhile, Kim’s real motive for sharing her bikini photo was to commend her trainer who helped her get back in shape after she felt unhappy seeing herself in the mirror a year ago. She explained in her caption,

“When I wasn’t happy with what I saw back in the mirror I spent a whole year training so hard 5 or 6 days a week putting in a lot of work and changed the way that I eat and there’s such a noticeable difference.”


She further shared that she was now firmer with less cellulite, and more importantly, more confident about herself. She ended her message grateful to her trainer for pushing her.

“SO THANK YOU for waking up at 5am to do crazy body building workouts & sprints that I hate & putting me on to this lifestyle.”

As evident in the pic, her toenail not included, Kim clearly has achieved an incredible body and no amount of bashing can take away that truth.

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