Police officer goes above and beyond to help family sleeping in car
The police officer took the family to a hotel and paid a couple of nights out of his own pocket.
On February 25, 2015, Robert Wood, from Eugene, Oregon, shared an experience when he had just returned from Alaska with his family on Facebook.
'Having just pulled into Eugene, Oregon last night, my family has not yet found a place to stay. Not wanting to burn through my savings by spending money each night on a hotel room, we decided to sleep in our car in the parking lot of Alton Baker Park,' Robert wrote.
The park usually closes at 11 p.m.. Eugene Police Lt. David Natt came and knocked on the car window. He told Robert that they couldn't stay in the park.
During that time, Robert's 4-year-old child was sleeping on his lap and his 2-year-old was sleeping on his wife's lap.
Robert was surprised when David told him that he's going to buy them a hotel room.
'I told him that I didn't want that and that I had money in the bank and would feel guilty taking his charity. I told him we just got off the road from Alaska and we're still looking for a place to rent,' he wrote.
However, the officer insisted that he like to do it and that the police department had a fund for their situation.
Though Robert appreciated his kindness, he told David that he'd rather not.
'I told him that I was a former marine trying to take care of my own business and not looking for welfare. He told me he was a marine as well. After talking for a minute it turns out we were both in the same unit, he about 10 years before me,' he wrote.
Through their conversation, Robert learned that they had done a lot of same things in the Marine Corps.
Then, David offered them two nights in the hotel again. He even used his own money to pay for the room.
'Don't hate on the police. They are there for you when you need them. There are bad characters in all walks of life, but never believe that the police are there to hurt you. Those men and women who choose to wear body armor and help people do so with good courageous hearts,' Robert wrote.
The father was very grateful for David's generosity and humanity.
The officer also inspired him to help and serve other people who may need a helping hand.