Woman tricks husband and kids with perfect gender reveal prank
A pregnant mother had a clever way of surprising her husband and children with their next baby's gender.
In a video shared by Love What Matters Facebook page, 30-year-old Christy does a unique gender reveal.
Before the gender reveal party, she, her husband, Chad, and all her children except the eldest one went into the ultrasound room to find out their next baby's gender.
When it was time to check the baby's gender, Christy's husband covered his eyes. He wanted to wait for the gender reveal.
"The ultrasound tech wrote it on the screen for me, so I was the only one that knew," Christy recalled.
She wrote 'It's a girl' on both sides of the pink ballon then placed it in the box first with a weight at the bottom of its string so it would stay in the box upon opening.
Christy then filled the rest of the box with blue balloons without weights so these would be the first seen. For a moment, Chad and the children would think that the unborn baby is, again, a boy.
But as the blue balloons fly away, the pink balloon - and the true gender - would then be revealed.
'It was hard for us to imagine ever having a little girl, so I really wanted to surprise them. I thought this was the most perfect and shocking way to do it!' Christy wrote.
When it was time for the gender reveal, Chad and the children were all formally dressed. In front of them was a huge box. When he saw the blue balloons flying out of the box, Chad couldn't help but laugh. "Ha-ha it's another boy!" he blurted.
But when he saw the pink balloon at the bottom, Chad was filled with disbelief.
"Are you serious? Oh my goodness," he happily said before coming over to his wife and hugging her.
Christy shared how excited she and her family is for the baby girl.
'We are very blessed for all of our boys and for this little girl. We are all so excited (and maybe a little nervous!) to meet her,' she wrote.