Home camera caught bear intruder inside home
A surveillance camera caught a bear that broke into an apartment and played the piano.
On May 31, 2017, Katie Hawley, from Vail, Colorado, got home to discover security footage showed the bear had gone through her home while she was out.
Katie rented an apartment on the 400 block of Meadow Drive.
As reported by KDVR, a Vail Police Department officer went to the apartment and found some minor damage in the kitchen.
The officer also said that food had been taken from the freezer. He then speculated that the bear climbed in through a window left open in the kitchen.
Katie told KDVR: "Oh yeah, we love bears, just maybe not in our own house."
"I could see the paw on camera, and then the snout, and then all of a sudden it jumped over the railing and I did not expect to see that," she added.
In the video, the black beer is seen looking content to roam the apartment before going to the piano to bang out a few notes.
"He's not very good. He needs a couple of lessons," Katie said. "I was like, I can't believe this is real. Then he heads upstairs to the kitchen to wreck the kitchen."
As reported by Denver Post, the Vail Police Department said in a statement that "the chords captured on video were unbearable and the tune was equally grizzly."
After the bear played the piano, it also opened a jar of peanut butter and a bag of chocolate chips, followed by a bag of mixed berries from the freezer before leaving the apartment the same way it came in.
"Although officers searched the area, the suspect is still at large," the police department said in a statement.
The Colorado Parks and Wildlife gives some suggestions to bear-proof your home to prevent a related break-in.