Willow Smith reveals why her dad is happy she 'isn't curvy'
The 17-year-old opens up to her mother and grandmother about the perks of being thin according to her father.
While many people would want to have a curvy body, Willow Smith recently revealed her father Will Smith is happy that his daughter’s body isn’t.

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The 17-year-old celebrity daughter shared a past conversation she had with her father about the perks of her slim figure on the Facebook Watch series ‘Red Table Talk’, her new show with her mother Jada Pinkett Smith and grandmother Adrienne Banfield Norris. She told her two co-hosts that her father was actually happy that she wasn’t curvy because according to him,
“guys will look at your brain more if you’re not curvier.”
Willow added,
“and that kind of just solidified all of my experiences.”
Her grandmother then pointed out,
“But you know, it’s just so funny that you would be dissa- because there are so many people who would die for that body.”
To this Willow sighed and later said,
“But I hear, you know, my friends that are curvy - they are telling me: ‘It's so great that you can just, like, wear some shorts and a tank top and not feel, like, overexposed or feel like people are looking at you differently or feel like...."
“People are looking at you in a sexual manner,” her mother finished for her.
Agreeing with Jada, Willow said,
“Exactly. Even more than they usually would, you know? Everyone wants what they don't have.”

Source: Getty Images / Global Images of Ukraine
Jada apparently can relate to her daughter as she remembers struggling with being skinny when she was young. Adrienne echoed her sentiments.
“Oh, we - yeah, 'cause we're little people. We're little people, and when we wee - both of us - when we were really young, we were like string beans.”
She also recalled how she, like Jada, would wear thick socks just to make her legs look fatter. Her daughter added,
“Well, I used to hate wearing shorts. I used to think my legs were so skinny. I remember [Adrienne] going: ‘Jada, you have beautiful legs!’"
Ironically, Jada realized she has the same conversation with her own daughter today.
“And then I see in my - hear myself telling Willow the same thing: ‘Willow, you've got beautiful legs!’ You know?”
Jada just celebrated her 20thwedding anniversary with Will last year, a feat for showbiz couples. Apart from Willow, they also share son Jaden, 19. The celebrity mom is likewise a stepmother to her husband’s 25-year-old son Trey from his first marriage to Sheree Zampino who was also ‘Red Table Talk’’s first guest when it premiered.