Little boy shares comical reasons for why he never wants to get married
In the video, a four-year-old boy tells his father the reason he does not want to get married when he grows up.
Timothy Johnson shared the adorable video on YouTube on January 29, 2014.
Some parents have YouTube channels where they share videos of their children. Watching some young ones discuss some serious issues can be entertaining.
Timothy Johnson is one such parent who runs a channel dedicated to his child.
One day, the father decided to have a serious conversation with his four-year-old boy about his marriage.
As the video begins, the little one is seen eating a pizza with his younger brother. The father asks him if will be a protector when he gets older to which his son says "maybe."
He also makes himself clear and says he would only be a protector for boys only and not girls. The father asks if he will be protective of his wife.
This is when the little boy says he would not get married. He says, “I am not going to be married at all. I don’t want to be married. Are you kidding?’
The boy starts expressing his point of view while eating a pizza. He is confident about everything he says and it is hard to believe that he is just four.
He goes on to say that he does not plan on getting married because he would be scared. Upon further probing, he says he does not want to kiss anyone.
The reason for him not willing to kiss is because “they sometimes do it with spit.” And he does not like spit.
His younger brother is busy eating his pizza but is paying attention to the conversation between his brother and father. When his father asks who does it with spit, the younger one admits to doing it.
However, his younger brother does not point out at anyone, saying some children do it with spit.
The father then asks if the boy wants to be a “daddy” one day. He says he wants to but does not plan on getting married to anyone.
The hilarious response of the four-year-old caught everyone’s attention and the video went viral. It garnered over a million views with many viewers saying the boy was ‘adorable.’
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