Student with Down syndrome does victory dance on graduation stage
Carlos Neria, a 2018 high school graduate with Down syndrome hopped and danced around on stage as he received his diploma.
He was known as “Mr. Joyous” in his class. Neria happily received his diploma during his graduation at Lee Highs School at Midland, Texas.
The 19-year-old was greeted with smiles as he gave enthusiastic handshakes and hugs to his teachers as he walked on stage.
As shown in the video shared by the Midland Independent School District on Facebook, the students along with the crowd happily cheered for Neria. Everyone was so happy for him and even one of the members of the faculty started to jump along with him as he gave the student a big handshake before giving him his diploma.
The teacher and the 19-year-old gave big smiles as they posed for a quick photo.
At present, the video became viral and has already been shared 25,000 times on the social media platform.
On the caption, the school district stated that celebrating the accomplishments of the students is one of the best parts during graduation.
The said that they were so proud of Neria as well as the rest of the 2018 graduates.
According to KWES, Neria has seven siblings. His mother, Teresa, calls him “a blessing in their lives.”
Reacting to the events at the graduation ceremony, Teresa said, “To our great surprise, they say 'Carlos Neira' and the whole world, the men in front of us and everyone recording, they started asking, 'Oh my God! Who is he?' Jeez! As if he was the president's son or something.”
The mother shared that her son had always inspired everyone around him.
She revealed that she learned she was pregnant with him when she went to the doctor to get sterilized.
“He's given us an example of sharing, of love, of happiness. Nothing gets him down. He looks up and points to God. God. He's full of faith. Lots of faith,” gushed Teresa.
Neria is one of the best examples of people who never let their health condition affect their day to day lives. He is a role model to the kids who wish to fulfill their goals and dreams.
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