Fans launch petition after beloved 'ABC' show canceled to expand 'GMA' for another hour
The top management of the network believes that the new approach will be a ‘great opportunity’ for viewers and advertisers. But the diehard lovers of The Chew are not having any of it, and they have issued an online petition.
It is the natural order of things for a TV network to constantly renew the contents they feature over time. Most TV shows, however successful or dear to the audiences, have a limited lifespan.
When a show is canceled, it leaves room for something else to replace it. This transition is sometimes harder than others for the fans of a show that comes to an end. There are times when they refuse to accept the fate of their favorite shows.
This seems to be the case for the most loyal fans of the ABC show The Chew, which cancellation took everyone by surprise, starting by its own hosts, when it was announced on May 23. Read more on our Twitter account @amomama_usa
As The Wrap reported, ABC’s difficult move answered to the network opting to give more daily airtime to its widely popular talk show Good Morning America, which will be extended after The Chew is cut from the schedule
‘I am so mad. It’s all about numbers. The Chew is a great show. I have learned so much from this show. GMA is already too long and boring,’ wrote a user on Twitter.
Right after learning about the ending of the show, many fans started to campaign on social media to make ABC reconsider the decision, creating the hashtag #RenewTheChew.
‘@ABCNetwork have you figured out yet the love of TheChew by its fans. #renewthechew,’ wrote a user
A discontent viewer of the show named Pamela Nielsen took matters to the next level and she started a petition on Change.org to demand ABC to reconsider their unpopular decision.
The petition has been signed by 5.261 people as of July 3. Nielsen expects to reach 7.500 signatures to support her cause.
After questioning the network’s criteria to suddenly cut the show out at its peak, she cites some of the reasons why the fans love The Chew and how much its cancelation will harm their relationship with ABC.
‘Based on the viewer backlash, this cancellation was a huge error in judgment. Let's let ABC know what a bad decision it was,’ wrote Nielsen.
‘And, if ABC chooses not to acknowledge their mistake and reinstate The Chew, maybe another network will. This show is just too good to be axed completely,’ she added.
To give more strength to her arguments, Nielsen went on to point out that apart from the show’s three co-hosts, a crew of around 150 people will be suddenly out of work after ‘bringing us the best daytime show on network TV’ for seven years.