Names Prince Charles wanted for William and Harry that were declined by Diana
Like most parents, Prince Charles and Princess Diana had a bit of a disagreement while assigning names to their children, William and Harry.
According to the book, Diana: Her Story, by Andrew Morton, Diana rejected the two names that Charles wanted for their sons.
The book explained that Charles wanted his children to be named 'Albert' and 'Arthur.' However, Diana clearly rejected those names claiming them to be "too old."
Royal couples often feel the pressure to give their children strong, regal names which would sound good with a king or queen title. For this reason, the British nobility often follows a set of fixed tradition while naming their children.
While picking out the royal names for the babies, they often refer to the monarchs of the past, because of this there is a huge list of common names such as George, Philips, Henry, Elizabeth, and Victoria in the Royal Family
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When Diana gave birth to Prince William in 1982, his official name was William Arthur Philip Louis. When Prince Harry was born, two years later, his official name was Henry Charles Albert David.
In an interview, now documented in Morton's book, Diana admitted that, in both the names, she picked the first names for her children while the rest was chosen by Charles.
However, despite having named William, he can go on to choose a different regal name once he becomes king.
In fact, even Prince Charles, who was christened as Charles Philip Arthur George, is reportedly expected to take on the regal name King George VII once he becomes the king, as reported by Pop Sugar.
During the same interview, Diana also revealed that Prince Charles wanted a daughter at the time of Harry's birth. So at the time of Harry's christening, Charles reportedly told Diana's mother that he was "disappointed" because he thought it would be a girl.