Here's why you shouldn't drink coffee on an empty stomach
The most popular 'pick up' drink in the world needs to be consumed with caution
Most people wake up and reach for a mug of hot aromatic coffee to get their energy up for the day. But drinking that coffee on an empty stomach is a mistake.
Coffee increases the production of stomach acid, so it is essential to have food in your stomach to prevent the possibility of ulcers. Ulcers occur when your stomach acid corrodes the lining of your stomach.
If you drink coffee on an empty stomach too often, the hydrochloric acid your body produces will damage your stomach lining, and decaffeinated coffee is just as bad.
Drinking coffee on an empty stomach can also give you the jitters, just like any other stimulant. It can also increase symptoms of anxiety, boost your heart rate, make you irritable, and make it harder to focus.

Source: Pexels
1. Could damage your stomach lining and cause indigestion and heartburn.
2. Can increase anxiety and hinder your ability to focus.
3. Elevate your heart rate.
4. Cause mood disturbances.
According to the experts, the best times for drinking coffee are in mid-morning, and mid-afternoon when your energy level are at their lowest and that shot of caffeine will hit the spot.
If you are completely addicted to your morning cup of Java, experts suggest that you have a good solid breakfast.
And it seems as if that staple of every Police story - the mythical coffee and donuts are the perfect combination to give you a boost of caffeine while protecting your stomach lining and providing your system with a dose of glucose to balance out that powerful stimulant.
Coffee-drinking started in Yemen in southern Arabia in the middle of the 15th century and has become an international craze with over a third of that of tap water in North America and Europe being consumed in the brew.