Here is how to cook perfectly fluffy rice every time
Even though is one of the most basic tasks in the kitchen, mastering the art of a fluffy rice is still difficult for many accomplished cooks. Here, we’ll give you some tips to help you cook the perfect rice.
A perfect pot of fluffy, white rice is not something that requires a huge effort, and still, it seems like many people can’t master the art of cooking it. The secret to obtaining a good plate of rice with each grain distinct and not mushy relay on the right amount of water, a tight-fitting pot lid, and a post-cooking resting period.

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Read through our tips to perfect your rice recipe:
1. Rinse and soak
A few factories outside the U.S. utilize talc powder as a milling tool, so this is a vital step for imported rice. The washing gets rid of the free starch, making the rice less sticky.

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For most everyday meals you can skip this step, but if you’re using old rice, is good to let it soak for about 30 minutes to make the grains less fragile and prone to breaking. This technique also works for basmati rice because it helps the rice expand to its maximum length.
Make sure to drain your rice thoroughly afterward.

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2. Cooking Method
There are different methods to cook rice, but the most common is the absorption method, where the rice is cooked in a specific amount of water that gets absorbed by the grains. The secret to this method if figuring out the right amount of liquid.
Usually the measure 1-1/2 to 1-3/4 cups of water per cup of rice. Brown kinds of rice require more water, while shorter-grains of rice require less. The more water you add, the stickier the rice will turn out.
Another important element is a heavy-based pot (to prevent scorching on the bottom) with a tight-fitting lid that keeps the steam in.

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Once you have your measures ready, add the rice, bring the water to boil and salt generously. Cover the pot and let it simmer for about 18 minutes. Try not to peek because that lets the moisture escape.
3. Let it Rest
After the 18 minutes, the water should have been absorbed, and the rice al dente. Now, let the rice sit off the heat with the lid on for at least 5 minutes. This lets the moisture redistribute from top to bottom, creating a uniform texture among all the layers of the rice.

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Method 2: Pilaf
Brown the rice for 2 to 3 minutes in oil or butter until it looks toasted and smells nutty. Stir so that it can toast uniformly.

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Once the rice is toasted, add your liquid following the same instructions above. Boil, add salt and let it sit afterward.

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You can now try to get the fluffiest rice ever. Remember that the secret is in the among of water, so don’t be afraid to experiment until you found the perfect measures for your own recipe.