Here is proof that life in the 70s and 80s was better than it is today
While is true that these days we have commodities in almost every aspect of our life, and communications are better than ever, there are some things that only ‘80s and ‘70s kids are capable of missing. And no matter how hard they try to explain it, the younger generation won’t be able to -get it-.

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The world we live in today is awesome in every way. We get to talk to our friends all across the world and see their faces by pressing a button. We have access to information in the palm of our hands – literally- and the possibility of stopping the use of gas in the future is closer than ever with electric cars and solar energy technology.
Almost everyone can afford music, and there are so many options on TV and streaming services, that is almost impossible to reach an agreement with our family to sit down and watch only one show religiously. Unless we’re talking about "Game of Thrones," of course.

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Back in the day, it was required a little effort to have fun, and there was a higher rate of physical activity going on for everyone. Reaching for the wheel to change channels was a thing.
Here are some reasons why the 70s and 80s were entertaining in their way:
Collect calls or reverse charge calls:
These days we can text or call without an intermediary, but back then if you wanted to talk with someone and didn’t have change, the call could be charged to the other end. They always had the option to decline the call, obviously. Imagine how many hearts were broken through that service…

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Gas stations were not easy o find. And there was no Google Maps:
So, picture this. You’re running out of gas and pull to the side of the road, where you must take a decision. In which direction is most likely there’s a gas station? Take into account that sometimes a bad decision could lead to a 3-hour hike or walk. Fun, right?

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Super short basketball shorts were the norm at the time. Girls loved basketball back then. Thighs. Lots of toned thighs.

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Great Space Coaster:
Mornings were not the same without an episode of the “Great Space Coaster.” Francine, Danny, and Roy’s adventures at the Coasterville asteroid were always a joy to watch.
Watching TV was quite the event back then. You knew that everyone would be watching the same show as you. There was not recording and watching later. The bonding with the rest of the world was one of a kind.
And obviously, shows like “Sandford and Sons,” “The Cosby Show,” “Soul Train,” “Family Matters” and “A Different World” were the best that TV could offer.
Porn was not free:
Playboy was the pioneer on “dirty magazines” and it was kind of a rite of passage to be able to buy the magazine without being asked for an ID. There was also the possibility of renting videos, but you had to go to the back room, pick out the tape, take to the front counter and leave your information. Embarrassing for many, but it built character.
Dinner was actually a family affair:
No cell phones to stop anyone from eating because “I need the perfect food picture for Instagram.” There was talk around the table among family members. Wild.

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Video games required social interaction:
The arcade was where most cool kids were at. Lining up to play Pacman or Donkey Kong helped to build social skills. But there was a hierarchy defined by the highest scores recorded on every machine, the higher the score, the better your “street cred.”

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Queen, Pink Floyd, ABBA, Madonna, Michael Jackson, The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Whitney Houston, Prince and many more icons were at the peak of their careers. Being a groupie back then was cool, and after the launching of MTV, music videos started to have an influence on the recording industry.

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Life was simpler, sillier and less serious back then. Inclusion was a thing and people used to dress in neon colors without anyone judging them for it. Kids these days have it easier in many ways, and still, they find ways to make their lives complicated.
Do you miss the good old days?