Teen shares emotional letter her brother wrote her after finding out they're half-siblings
This teen had known for many years the secret that no one in her family talked about, but her younger brother had had no idea until an argument with their older sister.
18-year-old dancer Pamela Lara from Houston, Texas, became aware of the fact that she was a half sibling to her older sister and younger brother when she was just 9 years old.
But neither of her siblings knew, and it wasn't a topic that anyone in her family would talk about.
“I had to keep it a secret from everyone just so it wouldn’t affect our family,” she explained to People Magazine. “And mostly because I was scared that I was going to be looked at differently by my siblings.”
Her older sister had found out later in an unpleasant way that Lara decided not to detail, but was relieved to express that her sister had agreed to keep it a secret as well.
Unfortunately, when Pamela's older sister and her younger brother, 17-year-old Bryan, had gotten into an argument, it had been blurted out, much to Bryan's shock.
Knowing Pamela wasn't ready to talk to him about it yet, Bryan instead decided to write her a beautiful letter, one that she has since shared to her Twitter account.
The letter reads: “I just wanted to let you know how much I love you. I don’t care what people say, you are always going to be my sister — my full blooded sister. You are the best thing that happened to me, I love you with all my heart. Thank you for helping me on my worst and thank you for leading me the right way. I will always be there for you, just like you always been there for me. I love you.”
He signed off: "With love, Your annoying brother."
Pamela was extremely touched by the sweet note, as well as the accompanying snacks he had left her beside it. The post has already been shared almost 11,000 times, and has over 50,000 likes.
And instead of ripping the siblings apart, Pamela says it has only brought them closer to one another.
“It’s comforting for others who are also afraid of facing it,” she said. “Either way, blood does not define family. I have never, nor will I, see my brother any differently.”